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Safeguarding together
This special edition of the Safeguarding Newsletter has been produced on behalf of Working Together to Safeguard Children – The Bradford Partnership and Bradford Safeguarding Adults Board to share important information with the public and professionals in relation to safeguarding children, young people and adults and the coronavirus, also referred to as Covid-19.
You may have already seen some of the information on our website or Twitter profile, but the aim of this newsletter is to pull together key messages to allow those who may not use social media to receive the information.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who is working or volunteering across the district to support, treat and care for our community. It is so important that agencies continue to work together and share relevant safeguarding information to keep people safe. As with all health and support services across the district, we want to remind everyone that services are open and we're #StillHereToHelp.
We must all be curious, understand how to spot signs of abuse and neglect, and report any concerns that we may have.
Are you concerned about someone's safety?
If you have a concern about the safety of a child or a vulnerable adult, do not keep it to yourself. Report your concern on the Safer Bradford website. We’re available 24/7, 365 days a year.
Or call:
- For children 01274 435600 (01274 431010 out of office hours)
- For adults 01274 431077 (01274 431010 out of office hours)
- If someone is at immediate risk of harm call 999
Don’t think, “What if I’m wrong?”. Think, “What if I’m right!”
Domestic Abuse Services
If you, or anyone you know, is affected by domestic abuse, please contact our “Survive and Thrive” Service. Bradford’s Survive and Thrive Partnership (Staying Put, Family Action and Women Centre) will continue to operate key domestic abuse and sexual violence services to fully safeguard families, staff and stakeholders during this uncertain and challenging time.
- Phone: 9am until 5pm Monday to Friday 0808 2800 999 (Outside of working hours - National 24-hour helpline: 0808 2000 247)
- Email: referrals@stayingput.uk.net
If you are in immediate danger, or you think someone else is, always phone 999.
If someone phones 999 from a mobile when in danger and cannot respond to the Operator, they should stay on the call and press 55 when told to do so; they will then be connected to the Police - listen to their instructions.
Services to support domestic abuse victims and to receive referrals are still available during the Covid-19 outbreak.
A poster and printable card with key contacts is available on the Saferbradford website Domestic and Sexual Abuse
ICON Help to cope with crying babies
The Bradford Partnership has launched a campaign that could help save the lives of babies during the coronavirus pandemic. Using the message Babies Cry, You Can Cope, a four step approach using the word ICON is designed to give parents a strategy for managing a crying infant.
The Covid-19 lockdown can make it especially difficult for anyone coping with the challenge of caring for a new born infant.
Further information, and resources, are available from the Saferbradford website ICON
Do you need help or support?
If you need help or have a particular need please ring and talk to one of our friendly team who will take some details and pass them onto the relevant service. Call 01274 431000.
We can help by:
- picking up shopping
- delivering a food parcel to eligible people
- ringing for a friendly chat
- problem solving
See our website for more information about local support and volunteering to help others.
COVID 19 Scam Alerts
West Yorkshire Trading Standards are producing a weekly newsletter Scam Alert. This weeks’ alert outlined trending fraud patterns during the current Covid-19 pandemic and what we can do to stay protected. This news alert gave us an indication of the current situation here in West Yorkshire.
In the week ending 1 May 2020, WYTS had 22 Covid-19 complaints and queries. West Yorkshire Trading Standards newsletters and resources are available to download via their website where you can also sign up Trading Standards Covid 19 resources
A message from Healthwatch
Healthwatch: Who we are and what we do
- We are the independent champion for people who use health and social care services. We’re here to make sure that those running services, put people at the heart of care.
- Our sole purpose is to understand the needs, experiences and concerns of people who use health and social care services and to speak out on their behalf.
- We focus on ensuring that people’s worries and concerns about current services are addressed.
- We work to get services right for the future.
Your experiences of health and care during the coronavirus outbreak - Survey
Much has changed in our lives as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Healthwatch Bradford & District is keen to know how your medical and social care has been affected. You can help us by taking part in our survey which should take around 10 minutes to complete.
We will use your responses to provide feedback to services, with the aim of improving services.
Support the Big Barnardo’s Conversation today by:
- If you are a parent, carer or professional, you can get your child/ren aged 8-15 involved by supporting them to take part in the survey online here.
- If you are a young person aged 16 to 24 you can complete the survey here. Don’t forget to share with your friends too!
- If you are under 16 and would like to take part, please ask a parent or guardian for permission to complete the survey. Once you have permission you can complete the survey here.
- Help them get as many respondents as possible by sharing the campaign and survey links with your own networks via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!
Stay at home as much as possible
- Work from home if you can
- Avoid public transport if possible
- Local parks and green spaces are available for your daily outdoor exercise
- Always keep your distance in public (at least 2 metres apart)
- Wash your hands regularly
- If you or anyone in your household has coronavirus symptoms, you must all self-isolate
See the latest Government guidance on staying alert and safe.
Stay safe while out for exercise
Please follow the Government’s advice when leaving your home for exercise and observe the 2 metre rule for staying a safe distance apart. For more information about where you can walk in the Bradford district, and how to stay safe while you do so, visit our public green space and rights of way guidance page.
Use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service
Use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service if:
- you feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home
- your condition gets worse
- your symptoms do not get better after 7 days
Only call 111 if you cannot get help online.
Helpful links
UK Government guidance and support
NHS coronavirus advice and information
Bradford district coronavirus advice and information
Support for local businesses
Safer Bradford