The Well Dressing season is about to start and there are several places in the district where you can enjoy this ancient tradition.
Bolsover - 1 July
Whitwell - 8 July
Clowne - 22 July
Well Dressing is an ancient Derbyshire tradition which involved temporary displays being made from natural materials and placed next to local water sources.
The ceremony around the dressings has changed over the years but the intricate designs are still beautiful to behold.
24 June, 9am to 12:30pm Creswell Crags
Jack will share his deep knowledge and experience of wildlife photography, both its demands as well as rewards, and we hope by the end of the workshop, you will have captured some truly glorious images.
This workshop is open to anyone who wants to learn or enhance their existing wildlife photography skills. As a basic, you should have some knowledge of how to use your digital camera in its manual mode.
By the end of your workshop, you will have created some amazing new images, made new friends, explored our beautiful Gorge and gotten a bit muddy along the way.
12 June, 10am to 1pm Whitwell Community Orchard, behind the bungalows on Claylands Road
Bolsover Community Woodlands Project and Whitwell Parish Council invite you to come along spend some quality time in Whitwell’s latest Wild Space and help manage our traditional orchard. You will learn how to care for the young trees, see the wildflowers that have flourished, help count the insects and birds, make a small amount of hay and add some mulch to the new hedgerows.
Some tools will be available but please bring watering cans, shears and loppers if you have them and also any wheelbarrows you can transport, along with sturdy gardening or work gloves, boots or wellies, long sleeves and long trousers, plus a drink and some snacks to keep you going.
All ages welcome.