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The notice of election for the Combined County Authority Mayoral Election to be held on Thursday 2nd May 2024 is now live on the elections section of our website.
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The notice of election for the Police and Crime Commissioner Election to be held on Thursday 2nd May 2024 is now live on the elections section of our website.
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 The first ever election for a mayor for the East Midlands will take place on Thursday 2 May, and a campaign has been launched today to encourage people in Bassetlaw to vote.
Derbyshire, Derby, Nottinghamshire and Nottingham have opened the door to a massive investment in transport, skills, housing and the environment after securing a deal for a new combined authority – the East Midlands Combined County Authority (EMCCA).
EMCCA has been formed by Derbyshire County Council, Derby City Council, Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council, and will be led by a mayor, similar to areas like the West Midlands, Greater Manchester and South Yorkshire.
The mayor will have new powers and resources to begin a long-term process of growing the region’s economy by investing in skills that lead to better jobs, transport that works better across the region, housing where it’s needed, and an economy equipped to deal with net zero.
Its small team will have specific responsibilities – housing, skills, transport and the environment – and the transfer of powers means it will be doing work previously carried out by government. It will collaborate with councils and will not duplicate what they do or provide services that are best delivered locally.
For more information about the campaign and how to vote visit www.voteeastmidlandsmayor.co.uk and keep up to date with news and information on social media #VoteEastMidsMayor – Facebook EastMidsCCA, X @EastMidsCCA, Instagram @EastMidsCCA, LinkedIn East Midlands Combined County Authority and YouTube @EastMidlandsCCA
Bassetlaw residents will be heading to the polls on Thursday 2 May to take part in East Midlands Combined County Mayoral Authority (EMCCMA) and Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) elections.
Residents across Bassetlaw, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire will get the chance to vote for the first-ever elected East Midlands Mayor in May, after councils gave the go-ahead to devolution for the region.
Residents will also be able to vote for who should be the next Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner; the commissioner is responsible for policing across the county, ensuring the delivery of an effective and efficient police service.
In order to vote in these elections, residents must be on the electoral register by 11:59pm on Tuesday 16 April, and Bassetlaw District Council is urging those who have not registered at their current address to do so before the deadline.
Anyone over 16 can register online, although you must be 18 to vote in elections. The process takes just five minutes and all you will need is your National Insurance number. It is particularly important that people who have recently moved home check they are registered and take action if not.
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 All voters will need to show an accepted form of photo ID when voting at a Polling Station in the upcoming Combined Mayoral Authority and Police and Crime Commissioner elections.
In April 2022, the Government passed the Elections Act 2022 which requires all voters to show ID at polling stations. This means that if you’re planning to vote in person, you’ll need to bring an accepted form of photo ID with you. If you turn up at the polling station without any accepted ID or a Voter Authority Certificate, you won’t be allowed to vote.
Most voters will already have an accepted form of photo ID that they can use, but it’s important that you double check the list of eligible forms of ID in advance to make sure that you don’t miss out on your chance to vote.
All accepted forms of ID must include your photo and be suitably secure, such as a passport, driving license or blue badge. If you have an accepted form of ID but the date has expired, you’ll still be able to use it if the photo is still a good likeness.
Don’t have anything which is on the list of eligible ID? Don’t worry, you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate. This is a temporary form of ID issued by the local authority which will allow you to vote in the 2024 Combined Mayoral Authority and Police and Crime Commissioner Elections.
It’s free of charge and easy to apply for, either on the Government website or by contacting our helpline on 01909 533 252 by 5pm on Wednesday 24 April. You should only apply if you don’t already have an accepted form of ID.
If you would prefer not to show ID at a polling station, you can apply online to vote by post or proxy. Photo ID isn’t required to apply or vote in these ways, although your proxy will be required to show their own ID at the polling station.
The deadline for applying for a postal vote is 5pm Wednesday 17 April 2024, and the deadline to apply for a proxy to vote on your behalf is 5pm Wednesday 24 April 2024.
Still have questions? There’s lots of information on the Electoral Commission website.
Bassetlaw Place Based Partnership have created an online booklet jam-packed with 65 pages of activities, support, and information to help local families navigate the Easter Holidays.
View Online | Easter Holidays in Bassetlaw
Bin Collections
Bin collections are not affected over the Easter Bank Holidays and will take place as normal for Bassetlaw residents on the following dates:
Friday 29th March 2024 Monday 1st April 2024
Please ensure your bin is out by 6am on your scheduled collection day.
To see your collection day visit: www.bassetlaw.gov.uk/bins-recycling-and-waste/bins-for-recycling-and-waste/bin-collection-days/
Our offices and museum will be closed for the Easter Bank Holiday weekend on the following dates:
Bassetlaw Museum Friday 29th March - CLOSED Sunday 31st March - CLOSED Monday 1st April - CLOSED
For more information on Easter Holiday activities visit the Bassetlaw Museum website.
Queen's Buildings and Retford Offices: Friday 29th March - CLOSED Monday 1st April - CLOSED
Both offices will reopen as normal at 9am on Tuesday 2nd April.
Shopmobility: Friday 29th March - CLOSED Will reopen as normal on Saturday 30th March at 9am.
Emergency Contacts during office closures:
Bassetlaw District Council Housing - 0800 590 542 Bassetlaw District Council - 01909 534 999 Adult Social Care, Children and Young People Services - 0300 456 4546 Automated Telephone Payments - 0207 000 2215
Good Friday Newgate Street Pharmacy, Worksop, S80 2HD - 2pm - 4pm Worksop Pharmacy, Prospect, S81 0RD - 10am - 4pm Boots Pharmacy, Carolgate, Retford, 9am - 5:30pm (closed 1pm - 1:30pm)
Easter Sunday Worksop Pharmacy, Prospect, S81 0RD - 10am - 9pm Jhoots Pharmacy, Riverside, Retford, DN22 6AA - 10am - 12noon
Easter Monday Worksop Pharmacy, Prospect, S81 0RD - 10am - 4pm Celtic Pharmacy, Worksop, S81 7AZ - 2pm - 4pm Bridgegate Chemist, Retford, DN22 7UZ - 10am - 12noon
As part of a movement to strengthen biodiversity locally, Bassetlaw District Council is calling on landowners across the district to put forward sites which could be used over 30 years to improve and extend its natural environment, manage climate change, or help with flood management.
The ‘call for sites’ is especially looking for land within or adjacent to areas of strategic biodiversity value identified in The Nottinghamshire Biodiversity Opportunity Mapping Project, land with the potential to buffer, connect or extend existing habitats or provide links between wildlife sites, and agricultural land.
It follows the introduction of new national Government legislation in February 2024, which requires biodiversity net gain from new development. Biodiversity net gain aims to leave habitats and species in a measurably better state than before a development took place.
For example, for every development site, a developer must provide biodiversity net gain, such as trees, hedgerows, or wildflower meadows on site or then on land close to the development, before looking at land elsewhere in Bassetlaw and then at other sites within Nottinghamshire. The ‘call for sites’ will help to identify local sites in Bassetlaw itself, which is the Council’s preference, so local people see the immediate benefits in their local area.
Landowners will get funding from developers for the sale of biodiversity units on their land and a maintenance contribution for the biodiversity for 30 years.
The Council is looking for different types and sizes of sites in and around towns and in the countryside, sites of particular interest (not exclusively) include those which can help link woodland or wildlife sites and can help with flood management to the west of Worksop.
The Call for Sites will open for six weeks from 20th March to 1st May 2024.
The district already contains several areas designated for their biodiversity interest, including 19 Sites of Special Scientific Interest, a Country Park, three Local Nature Reserves, over 290 Local Wildlife Sites as well as the northernmost reaches of Sherwood Forest. Over 10,000 ha of woodland including 600 ha of ancient woodland are already found within the district, almost double the average woodland coverage for England.
For more information about this process, please visit our planning pages.