Bassetlaw District Council e-Newsletter |
 Bassetlaw to move into Tier 3 (Very High Alert)
Bassetlaw, along with the rest of Nottinghamshire will enter Tier 3 for Covid-19 restrictions from Wednesday 2nd December.
The move is part of the Government’s Winter Plan to reduce the spread of the virus following the end of the four-week national lockdown.
Tier 3 means:
- No mixing of households indoors or outdoors apart from support bubbles. Maximum of six in some outdoor public places, for example parks and public gardens
- Hospitality will close except for sales by takeaway, drive-through or delivery
- Retail, entertainment and personal care businesses can all open
- Places of worship are open but people cannot interact with anyone outside household or support bubble
- Avoid travelling out of the area, other than where necessary for work, education, youth services, medical attention or because of caring responsibilities
- No overnight stays outside of local area, unless necessary for work, education or similar reasons
- 15 guests for weddings, civil partnerships and wakes; 30 for funerals. Wedding receptions not permitted
- Exercise classes and organised adult sport can take place outdoors, but should avoid contact. Organised activities for elite athletes, under-18s and disabled people can continue
The new Tiers have been strengthened to reduce the infection rate as part of a strategy to save lives, protect health and care services, and keep our economy and schools open.
As well as the new Tiers, the Government has also announced specific ‘Christmas bubbles’ that will allow people from three households to mix in homes between 23rd - 27th December, to enable them to celebrate Christmas together.
For further information, visit the Government's local restriction tiers webpage.
Draft Bassetlaw Local Plan Consultation
We are now inviting local residents, businesses, land owners, developers and stakeholders to have their say on the next stage of the Draft Bassetlaw Local Plan (Bassetlaw Plan).
The Bassetlaw Plan, which was launched on the 25th November, will last for eight weeks and sets out the Council’s priorities for housing, regeneration and other development in the district up to the year 2037.
Due to the current national restrictions in place to prevent the spread of Coronavirus, this consultation will be taking place online and each event will focus on a specific area.
To view the plan, find out more information or to book onto one of our online consultation events, visit www.bassetlaw.gov.uk/bassetlawplan. All events must be pre-booked and are limited to 25 attendees per event.
Our first consultation events take place next week as follows:
Retford - 1st December 2020, 2-3pm Ordsall - 1st December 2020, 6-7pm Garden Village - 2nd December 2020, 2-3pm Worksop - 2nd December 2020, 6-7pm Peaks Hill Farm - 3rd December 2020, 2-3pm
Business Grants
We have paid out £1.7 million in government grants to around 560 business.
If your business has been impacted by Covid restrictions please check our website for eligibility and application details.
Local Test Site Now Open
If you have symptoms of coronavirus which are any of: a new, continuous cough, a high temperature and a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste, you should get a test.
You must book a test by calling 119 or visiting Get a coronavirus test.
You may be given an appointment at the walk-through testing site at the Central Avenue car park in Worksop which is operated by the Department for Health and Social Care.
More info
Garden Waste Collections
You can now sign-up for the 2021 season of collections at the cost of just £32 per season (per bin). The fee includes the use of a 240 litre wheelie bin per subscription, in which you’ll be able to place grass cuttings, hedge trimmings, leaves, small branches and twigs, dead plants, weeds and cut flowers.
Find out more about our Garden Waste Collection service
 Moving more in Bassetlaw
Young People in Bassetlaw who want to become more physically active, but face barriers in doing so are set to benefit from a £10,000 grant from Sport England. The funding, administered by Active Notts has been awarded to Focus on Young People in Bassetlaw (FOYPIB) and will be used to identify what types of physical activity appeals to young people in Bassetlaw and how these can be made accessible.
As well consulting 14-19 year olds on what physical activity young people want, with a particular focus on those who are not active, the investment will also support organisations who work with young people to create the activities that are identified.
Find out more
Christmas Bin Collections 2020/2021
During the festive season there will be changes to your bin collections. We will also be placing stickers with these changes on your Blue Bin from 30th November.
The changes will come into effect from Christmas Day which falls on a Friday.
Please make a note of the changes on our Christmas Bins webpage.
Worksop Masterplan
A bold new vision that sets out how the future of Worksop Town Centre can be re-thought, re-worked and transformed is being put forward by Bassetlaw District Council.
The Worksop Masterplan will stretch forward towards 2030 and beyond, encompassing ambitions for new town centre living, shopping and leisure, with education and training facilities to make Worksop a destination for work, home and relaxation.
Worksop Masterplan