January 16 and January 22, 2025, Regular Meetings
The following is a consolidated recap of the January 16 and January 22, 2025, Board of Directors meetings for The Woodlands Township. These Boardroom Briefings have been combined due to Winter Storm Enzo, which temporarily closed Township offices. Please note that the meetings themselves were held separately as scheduled. The Woodlands Township's Board of Directors meeting agendas are posted to the Township website 72 hours in advance, and Boardroom Briefings summarizing each meeting are distributed via email and posted to the Township website.
Gil Staley Proclamation
Director Dr. Ann K. Snyder read a proclamation honoring Gil Staley, Chief Executive Officer of The Woodlands Area Economic Development Partnership (EDP), for his 20 years of dedicated service to the community. The proclamation highlighted Mr. Staley’s significant contributions to economic development, including attracting businesses, creating jobs and fostering partnerships between public, private and educational sectors. A resident of The Woodlands for 28 years, Mr. Staley’s efforts have enhanced the area’s growth and prosperity, earning him recognition as a "Hometown Hero" in 2013. In celebration of his accomplishments and impact, January 28, 2025, was officially declared Gil Staley Day in The Woodlands, Texas.
Pictured left to right: Director Cindy Heiser; Vice Chairman Craig Eissler; Chairman Brad Bailey; Director Dr. Ann K. Snyder; Madison Becker, Administrative Assistant of The Woodlands EDP; Mariana Almanza-Cook, Director of Marketing and Events of The Woodlands EDP; Gil Staley, former Chief Executive Officer of The Woodlands EDP; Debra Staley; Director Dr. Shelley Sekula-Gibbs; Treasurer Richard Franks; Secretary Linda Nelson; Holly Gruy, former Chief Operating Officer of The Woodlands EDP.
Arbor Day in The Woodlands Proclamation
Secretary Linda Nelson read a proclamation designating January 25, 2025, as the 49th anniversary celebration of The Woodlands Arbor Day. This annual event honors the importance of native trees in supporting environmental sustainability, enhancing property values and beautifying the community. Since 1977, The Woodlands has distributed over 1.5 million trees to residents, embodying George Mitchell’s vision of living in harmony with nature. To mark this occasion, The Woodlands Township’s Environmental Services Department will host the 49th Annual Arbor Day Celebration at Rob Fleming Park on January 25, 2025, from 9 a.m. to noon.
Pictured left to right: Chairman Brad Bailey, Vice Chairman Craig Eissler, Director Dr. Ann K. Snyder, Enviromental Services Manager Megan McNairn, former Enviromental Education Coordinator Kat Christensen, Director Dr. Shelley Sekula-Gibbs, Treasurer Richard Franks, Secretary Linda Nelson and Director Cindy Heiser.
President and CEO Monique Sharp shared two notable achievements during her President’s Report:
Recognition of William Pham: On December 12, 2024, William Pham, The Woodlands Township's Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, was named the Futurist CIO by the Houston community for his insights and predictions on the future of IT leadership and strategy. His innovation and leadership continue to benefit the Township organization and community.
The Woodlands Parks and Recreation Department received the Silver Award for Environmental Planning from the American Planning Association of Houston for the 2022 Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment. This award recognizes efforts to create sustainable environments, address short-term needs and support long-term goals for recreation, tourism and economic development. Special recognition was given to Parks and Recreation Director John McGowan, Assistant Director Mitch Hall and Assistant Director Pamela Woods for their contributions.
APPROVED – First Amendment to the Construction Access Agreement for The Woodlands Waterway (1 Riva Row)
Chief Operating Officer Chris Nunes provided an update on extending the Construction Access Agreement for The Woodlands Water through March 2025. The agreement includes a temporary covered walkway along The Waterway parallel to Riva Row, designed to protect pedestrians from construction hazards such as falling debris and dust. This ensures safe and continued access along The Waterway, maintaining its usability for residents and visitors. The Board unanimously approved the amendment.
APPROVED – Task Order 18B from Halff Associates, Inc.- 242 Landscape Design
John McGowan, Parks and Recreation Director, presented the approval of Task Order 18 for developing construction drawings for landscape improvements. This initiative follows discussions with TxDOT (Texas Department of Transportation) regarding the addition of enhanced landscaping for raised medians along FM 1488, and the 4.5-mile section of FM 242. TxDOT has allocated approximately $700,000 for landscaping of the 242 corridor, which requires the Township to provide detailed construction drawings. TxDOT will handle bidding and oversee construction once the plans are finalized. The Board unanimously approved Task Order 18B.
ACCEPTED REPORT – Quarterly Law Enforcement Report
The Woodlands Township's 2024 Joint Public Safety Report highlighted collaboration between Montgomery County and Harris County law enforcement agencies, which are currently under the leadership of Montgomery County Sheriff Wesley Doolittle and Harris County Constable Precinct 4 Mark Herman. Key updates included the introduction of the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office executive command staff and the establishment of the Crime Reduction Unit (CRU) to proactively address violent crimes, organized criminal activity and quality-of-life issues using advanced techniques. In addition to the Joint Public Safety Report, the Montgomery County Constable Precinct 3 Special Victims Unit highlighted ongoing success in apprehending individuals involved in crimes against children, such as child pornography and exploitation. The Board unanimously accepted the report.
ACCEPTED REPORT – Wildfire Preparedness Presentation
Fire Chief Palmer Buck of The Woodlands Fire Department discussed the community's proactive approach to wildfire prevention, highlighting The Woodlands thoughtful design with firebreaks, strategic water infrastructure, natural benefits of Southeast Texas' climate and the topography of the area. Key measures include the department's ISO 1-rated readiness, specialized equipment and partnerships with local and state agencies. Residents are encouraged to contribute by maintaining their properties and adhering to firework prohibitions. The Board unanimously accepted the report.
NOT ADOPTED – Amendment to the Board Operations Policy
The Board considered updating its operating policy to formally recognize "Immediate Past Chair" as a term for prior Board chair positions. The amendment was not adopted, ending in a tied vote of three to three, with one Director abstaining.
APPROVED – Light Upgrades on the Waterway Avenue Bridge
John McGowan, Parks and Recreation Director, presented details on the planned updates to the Waterway Square Bridge lighting system, which is functionally obsolete. The project, with a budget of $225,000 and an estimated cost of $131,157, includes removing the old system and installing new programmable lights. Installation is scheduled for March 2025, ensuring minimal disruptions by coordinating lane closures and avoiding overlaps with other projects. The new lighting will restore the bridge’s original aesthetic and improve its functionality ahead of major spring events like the Waterway Arts Festival and Ironman. The Board unanimously approved the light upgrades.
ACCEPTED REPORT – Village Presidents’ Council Update
Treasurer Richard Franks reported on the most recent meeting held by the Village Presidents’ Council. Their meeting included a presentation on plans for park projects in 2025. The meeting attendees appreciated the updates on ongoing and upcoming projects and expressed enthusiasm about developments in their villages. The Board unanimously accepted the report.
The Consent Agenda consists of non-controversial, or “housekeeping” items required by law. One motion with modifications, if applicable, approves for action, all items contained within the Consent Agenda. Items may be moved from the Consent Agenda to the Regular Agenda by a Board Member making such a request prior to a motion and vote. To view more information about each item, please review the Meeting Agenda online.
The following items were unanimously approved by the Board of Directors:
Receive, consider and act upon approval of the minutes of the November 19, 2024 Special Meeting, November 20, 2024 Regular Meeting, and the December 4, 2024 Regular Meeting for the Board of Directors for The Woodlands Township;
Receive, consider, and act upon Administrative Reports for Law Enforcement and Community Policing for December 2024;
Receive, consider and act upon Administrative Reports for The Woodlands Fire Department;
Receive, consider and act upon the Communications Metrics Monthly Reports;
Receive, consider and act upon an easement for the City of Shenandoah in the Township's Open Space Reserve (P-2025-0136);
Receive, consider and act upon renewal of the Township's Property, Liability and Workers' Compensation Insurance for the policy period January 1, 2025 - January 1, 2026;
Receive, consider and act upon security guard services for the Park & Ride facilities (C-2024-0595);
ACCEPTED REPORT – Updates on the Potential Expansion of Kuykendahl Road
Montgomery County Precinct 2 Commissioner Charlie Riley presented updates and plans regarding the proposed expansion of Kuykendahl Road. The project aims to alleviate traffic congestion by widening the road to four lanes, addressing problematic intersections and potentially adding traffic signals. Previous improvements, such as adjusting signal timing and adding turn lanes, have been helpful but insufficient to resolve ongoing issues. Commissioner Riley emphasized the importance of this project, which he intends to prioritize as part of a potential May county road bond election. If approved, engineering for Kuykendahl Road is expected to begin in July 2025, with efforts to fast-track the project for completion as soon as possible. The Board unanimously accepted the report.
ACCEPTED REPORT – Construction Update for Fire Station 5 and the Emergency Training Center
Assistant Fire Chief Doug Adams provided updates on the construction of Fire Station 5 and enhancements to the Emergency Training Center, highlighting significant progress. At the Emergency Training Center, new bathrooms, a locker room and generator infrastructure are nearing completion, with finalization anticipated in February. The next phase will involve demolishing existing facilities to construct a full kitchen and dining room to better serve the cadre and attendees to various training classes along with the ability to house additional firefighters or regional assets during natural disasters. At Fire Station 5, despite weather delays, the concrete slab is complete, and steel installation is set to begin soon, with visible progress expected by late January. Completion of Station 5 is projected by the end of the year.
ACCEPTED REPORT – 2024 Financial Report
The Township's year-to-date revenue through November 2024 totaled $129 million, exceeding the budget by $1.6 million due to higher-than-expected interest income, parking agreements and insurance proceeds, offset by lower than budgeted consolidated revenue taxes. Expenditures were $114.3 million, which is $3.7 million under budget, despite unfavorable variances from Hurricane Beryl cleanup.
Sales tax collections reached $73.8 million through December 31, 2024, which is $1.9 million under the budgeted amount of $75.7 million. When comparing sales tax collections to the same time period in 2023, the Township collected an additional $1.5 million in 2024, with notable increases in retail, manufacturing and construction categories. Hotel occupancy tax revenue hit a record-breaking amount of $10.3 million through December 31, 2024. Mixed beverage tax deposits also exceeded expectations, with year-to-date collections at $1.5 million through December 31, 2024, which is 23% over budget. The Board unanimously accepted the report.
APPROVED – Preparations for a 2025 Strategic Planning Session
President and CEO Monique Sharp presented options for the Board's 2025 Strategic Planning Session. The Board decided to hold the session at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and directed staff to proceed with the RFQ (Request for Qualifications) process to select a facilitator. The two-day session will be scheduled once the dates and times are finalized by staff. The Board unanimously approved the session location and the RFQ process for selecting a facilitator.
ACCEPTED REPORT – Presentation on a potential Letter of Support to TxDOT for a Roadway System Around The Woodlands
Director of Intergovernmental Affairs Todd Stephens discussed with the Board a potential letter of support for a feasibility study on a "loop" concept to improve traffic flow in and around The Woodlands. Originating from a 2017 traffic study, the loop concept proposes enhancements to a 34-mile circumference of existing roads, including I-45, Texas 242, FM 1488, FM 2978, Hufsmith-Kuykendahl and the Grand Parkway. While some suggested improvements are underway or completed, funding for the feasibility study and long-term construction has not yet been secured.
Any future “loop” project would require collaboration between state and local officials in Montgomery and Harris Counties. As the Township does not have authority over roads, responsibility for funding and implementation would rest with county and state entities. The Board unanimously accepted the report, but did not approve a letter of support at this time, citing the need for additional information.
APPROVED – Recommendations from the Ad Hoc Government Relations Committee
Director of Intergovernmental Affairs Todd Stephens reviewed with the Board the recommendations from the Ad Hoc Government Relations Committee. The committee held two meetings in January and two key priorities emerged: proposing an amendment to the Township's enabling legislation to allow it to enter into tax abatement agreements as a primary party, enhancing its ability to support economic development; and seeking legislative changes to enable the Township to directly apply for funding from the Texas Events Trust Fund, which supports large regional events that have significant economic benefit. These priorities aim to strengthen the Township’s autonomy and economic opportunities. The Board unanimously approved the Ad Hoc Government Relations Committee’s recommended legislative priorities.
The Consent Agenda consists of non-controversial, or “housekeeping” items required by law. One motion with modifications, if applicable, approves for action, all items contained within the Consent Agenda. Items may be moved from the Consent Agenda to the Regular Agenda by a Board Member making such a request prior to a motion and vote. To view more information about each item, please review the Meeting Agenda online.
The following items were unanimously approved by the Board of Directors:
Village association presidents present reports to the Board each month regarding activities and news from the villages. The following gave reports for their respective village associations:
President Maryann Braid, Alden Bridge Village Association
President JC Harville, Cochran’s Crossing Village Association
President Ted Stanley, College Park Village Association
 Watch The Woodlands Township Board of Directors Meeting Online
This Boardroom Briefing is NOT the official minutes of the meeting. Official minutes are posted online upon review and approval by the Board of Directors. The Township holds regular meetings twice per month. Unless otherwise posted, meetings typically occur on the third Thursday followed by the fourth Wednesday each month.