This newsletter compiles the most up-to-date information concerning what EPPs need to know to best support their faculty/instructors, staff, and candidates. Please thoroughly read all the sections for reminders, upcoming events, To Dos, and FAQs.
If you are not currently subscribed to the newsletter, please sign up at the link below.
Educator Preparation Program Listserv Registration
Event Date & Time
186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 Preparation Manual Overview Webinar
This webinar will guide programs through an overview of the 186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 exam preparation manual, including suggested approaches for selected response items (SRIs), cluster items, and sample CRI responses. This session will be recorded and available for those who cannot attend.
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
9:30-11:30 am CT,
via Zoom
Register Here
186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 Constructed Response Item Deep Dive Webinar and Work Session
The 186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 CRI Deep Dive Webinar and Work Sessions will provide programs an overview of the constructed response item, including the CRI prompt and exhibits candidates can expect to engage with on the exam. Programs will also have an opportunity to work in collaborative groups to review sample CRI responses, share best practices for candidate success on the constructed response item, and discuss curriculum updates. These two identical sessions will be highly interactive! Attending and/or viewing the 186 Preparation Manual Overview webinar prior to work session attendance is strongly encouraged.
Option 1:
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
9:00-11:00 am CT,
via Zoom
Register Here
Option 2:
Monday, May 5, 2025
2:00-4:00 pm CT,
via Zoom
Register Here
Updates related to Educator Preparation Program Management
New: ASEP Reporting 2024-2025 Mid-Year Data Set Availability The Mid-Year Data Sets for 2024-2025 will be put into the ShareFile file locker available to Legal Authorities or Primary Points of Contact in late March/early April. The Legal Authority or Primary Point of Contact will receive an email when the data can be accessed in ShareFile. The data will include documentation. All listed Back-up Legal Authorities and Certification Officers will receive an email notifying them that the Legal Authority or Primary Point of Contact now has access to the data in Sharefile.
As in prior years, the Mid-Year data sets will include
Year-to- Date Observations
5-Year Continuing Enrollment Status
We recommend that EPPs use the data sets to monitor ASEP progress for the year. There is no requirement to use this information.
Reminder: Certificate Name Update The Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) 6-12 Certificate License 1801 will soon be changed to Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) 6-12 Certificate License 1801. This change will align the certificate name with the approved name in Texas Administrative Code (19 TAC §233.17). TEA is in the process of notifying all certificate holders about this update. This certificate name update will not affect the EPP’s certificate inventory status or the ability to admit, enroll, or recommend certificates in this certificate category.
Updates related to Educator Standards and Certification Testing
Reminder: 185 Deafblind EC-12 and 186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 TExES Exam Preparation Manuals Now Available
Aligned examination framework
Approaches to answering different question types
Sample selected-response questions
In-depth rationales for correct and incorrect responses
Sample constructed response question, sample responses, and rationales
List of preparation resources
Reminder: 186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 Preparation Manual Overview and Constructed Response Item Spring 2025 Capacity Building Opportunities
As we approach the September 2025 launch of the 186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 certificate and aligned certification exam, we are excited to launch a series of spring capacity building sessions reviewing available exam preparation materials as well as the 186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 exam Constructed Response Item (CRI). Please review the information below for additional details.
What? The 186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 spring capacity building webinar series will consist of three virtual sessions throughout the Spring 2025 semester:
186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 Preparation Manual Overview Webinar
This webinar will guide programs through an overview of the 186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 exam preparation manual, including suggested approaches for selected response items (SRIs), cluster items, and sample CRI responses. This session will be recorded and available for those who cannot attend.
186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 Constructed Response Item Deep Dive Webinar and Work Sessions
The 186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 CRI Deep Dive Webinar and Work Sessions will provide programs an overview of the constructed response item, including the CRI prompt and exhibits candidates can expect to engage with on the exam. Programs will also have an opportunity to work in collaborative groups to review sample CRI responses, share best practices for candidate success on the constructed response item, and discuss curriculum updates. These two identical sessions will be highly interactive! Attending and/or viewing the 186 Preparation Manual Overview webinar prior to work session attendance is strongly encouraged
Who? These webinars and work sessions are intended for special education faculty, staff, and/or other individuals responsible for supporting the preparation of special education candidates. Programs are highly encouraged to attend the sessions that best suit their availability.
When and Where?
186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 Preparation Manual Overview Webinar
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
9:30-11:30 am CT, via Zoom
Register Here
186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 Constructed Response Item Deep Dive Webinar and Work Session (Option 1)
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
9:00-11:00 am CT, via Zoom
Register Here
186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 Constructed Response Item Deep Dive Webinar and Work Session (Option 2)
We take this space to highlight questions that we have heard from .
Q: If my EPP formally or contingently admits a candidate and the candidate decides they do not wish to pursue certification, can my EPP remove the admission record?
A: No, once a candidate has been formally or contingently admitted, the EPP cannot remove the admission record. Once an admission record has been created, it cannot be removed. There are instances where an EPP creates an admission record erroneously by entering an incorrect TEA ID or social security number to accidentally admit someone who did not apply to the program. In that case, the EPP would submit a Help Desk ticket to the Data Reporting Help Desk to explain the situation and provide the correct TEA ID or social security number so TEA can understand the error. In that case, TEA would remove the admission record so the EPP can admit the correct person. The formal and contingency admission rules are found in 19 TAC §227.17 and 19 TAC §227.15, respectively. The 2024-2025 Technical Manual posted on the Program Provider Resources page contains guidance about adding admissions records on pp. 14-20.
Q: TEA had to create an admission record for a candidate to our EPP via data fix for admission because the candidate was admitted in a previous year and did not have one. My EPP submitted a request for correction (RFC) data fix for each year the candidate was enrolled, but we were not able to create our own enrollment record for the current year. Why were we not able to do so?
A: Any time TEA creates an admission record for a candidate, the enrollment record is not automatically populated. Any time TEA creates an admission record for an EPP, the EPP must also submit a request for correction (RFC) enrollment data fix for each year except the current year. In most cases, the EPP can create the current year's enrollment record. However, TEA has found that if the data fix is for a certificate category or class that was revoked, the EPP cannot enter the current year’s enrollment record themselves. They must submit a Help Desk ticket to request that TEA add the enrollment record for the current year. All RFCs are submitted via the Data Reporting Help Desk. The 2024-2025 Technical Manual posted on the Program Provider Resources page contains guidance about maintaining finishers on pp. 22-26.
Your best source for information and support at the TEA.
As an Educator Preparation Program, your main point of contact is your Education Specialist.
View a list of EPPs and their assigned Education Specialist.
For most efficient assistance, please submit a Help Desk ticket to Preparation Programs.
EPPs may contact their assigned Education Specialist directly via phone or email.
Candidates may call (512) 936-8400 and select Option #2: Educator Preparation and Certification for assistance.
Updated: If EPPs (and candidates) would like to speak to a representative from another area(s), they may call (512) 936-8400 and select one of the options listed below.
Option 2: Educator Preparation and Certification
Option 3: Fingerprinting
Option 6: Investigations