Spanish Curriculum Standards Newsletter, February 2025

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Texas Education Agency

February 2025

Spanish Curriculum Standards

Curriculum Standards & Student Support

Spanish Curriculum Standards Newsletter

Thank you for subscribing to the TEA Spanish curriculum standards newsletter.

Today's newsletter provides information related to the following topics:

  • 2025-2027 Interactive Online Learning Grant, Cycle 2 Application Is Due on February 5, 2025
  • Educators Survey for Statewide Required Literary Works List 
  • Black History Month: February 2025 
  • IMRA 2025 Reviewers Needed
  • March Reading Language Arts and Social Studies Stakeholder Engagement Sessions
    • Topic: K-5 Cross-Curricular Connections for Social Studies and English Language Arts and Reading
    • Dates: March 5 and 6
  • Upcoming Innovative Course Application Cycle 

2025-2027 Interactive Online Learning Grant, Cycle 2 Application Is Due on February 5, 2025

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is providing a competitive grant opportunity to award funding to support the implementation of an effective cross-curricular interactive online learning model(s) in middle school and/or high school for instruction in English language arts and U.S. history and/or Texas history. All school districts and open enrollment charter schools are eligible to apply for funding to support the implementation of an interactive online learning model(s) in the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 school years. The 2025-2027 Interactive Online Learning Grant, Cycle 2 application is available on the TEA Grants Opportunities web page.

Key Dates


Timeline Events

January 6, 2025

IDC application available in eGrants

January 15, 2025

Last day to submit FAQs to TEA contact person

January 23, 2025

FAQs posted to the TEA Grant Opportunities web page

February 5, 2025

IDC application due by 11:59 p.m. (Central Time) via eGrants

March 14, 2025

Anticipated award announcement

March 14, 2025

Beginning date of grant (if selected for funding)

August 1, 2026

Status report due

February 1, 2027

Final report due

April 30, 2027

Ending date of grant (if selected for funding)

Educators Survey for Statewide Required Literary Works List 

In response to House Bill (HB) 1605, passed during the 88th Regular Session of the Texas Legislature, the State Board of Education (SBOE) is required to adopt an addition to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for K-12 Reading Language Arts (RLA) to specify a literary works list for each grade level. The required literary works list addition to the TEKS will support coherence across high-quality instructional materials, high expectations for rigorous instruction, and access to essential background knowledge and vocabulary. In advance of the SBOE's consideration of this topic, the agency is conducting research for possible recommendations. 

If you are currently a K-12 educator in Texas, you are invited to complete the Literary Works Survey.

As you complete the survey it will be important to consider literary works in the classroom as a broad range of literature types such as poems, folktales, short stories, plays, novels, or primary source documents that are used as part of direct instruction of TEKS-based content. Your input will assist in better understanding both the quantity and types of literature used in classrooms across Texas today.  

The Literary Works Survey will remain open until Monday, February 17, 2025. It will only require about 15 minutes of time to complete. Survey responses are anonymous. 

If you have questions about the literary works list addition to the TEKS required by HB 1605, please contact the TEA Curriculum Standards and Student Support Division:; (512) 463-9581.

If you have questions about accessing and completing the survey, please refer your questions to

Thank you for your valuable input in supporting Texas students’ instruction and learning. 

Black History Month: February 2025

Image with the words Celebrate Black History Month

Each year, during February, we celebrate the history and cultural contributions of Black Americans in the United States. Students learn about the achievements, perspectives, struggles, and experiences of Black Americans throughout more than 400 years of American history. The TEA web page for Black History Month provides a variety of resources that can be used to honor Black History Month. Some sample resources are listed below.

Texas State History Museum - The African American Story From the Bob Bullock Museum, this website provides a historical overview of the history, culture, and contributions of African Americans in Texas.

Prairie View A & M University - Texas Institute for the Preservation of History and Culture The Texas Institute for the Preservation of History and Culture (TIPHC) at Prairie View A&M University was established in 1999 by the Texas Legislature. TIPHC gives special emphasis to collecting, preserving, and studying information and items relating to the contributions of African Americans to Texas history and culture.

Texas Historical Commission - African American Heritage This Texas Historical Commission website provides a historical overview of African Americans in Texas along with both print and digital resources. 

For additional resources, including, lessons, activities, and instructional materials, that can be used to honor Black American History Month, please visit the TEA Black History Month web page.

IMRA 2025 Reviewers Needed

The Texas Education Agency is seeking Texas educators and subject-matter experts to apply as instructional materials reviewers for the new Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) review processes. For those who would like to get involved but do not have content expertise, TEA is also looking for suitability reviewers.

As part of these selective groups, IMRA reviewers make a significant impact on Texas public education while working with a collaborative group of dedicated educators from across the state. IMRA reviewers earn a competitive stipend and, for educators, continuing professional education (CPE) credits for their contributions to this statewide initiative.

Please review the IMRA reviewer job description and complete the initial application today. Applications will be reviewed and advanced on a rolling basis until February 24, 2025. Office hours for the IMRA 2025 will be held on Mondays from 5:00-5:30 p.m. and Thursdays from 7:00 - 7:30 p.m. through February 20 and will provide an overview of the work and answer questions you may have. (Note: The session for February 17 will be held on February 18 due to the Presidents’ Day holiday.)

For questions or concerns regarding the IMRA application or application process, please submit an IMRA Reviewer Help Desk Ticket.  Please visit our website for updates.

March Reading Language Arts and Social Studies Stakeholder Engagement Sessions

Topic: K-5 Cross-Curricular Connections for Social Studies and English Language Arts and Reading

Target Audience: Reading Language Arts and Social Studies Stakeholders- Teachers, District Administrators, Campus Administrators, Education Service Center Specialists, Parents, Professional Organizations

Session Description: The TEA reading language arts and social studies team will share research regarding the importance of knowledge building and the impact it has on literacy. The team will then provide an overview of a cross-curricular connections tool developed by TEA staff for grades K-5. The team will explain the different parts of this tool and share how this tool supports cross-curricular instructional planning. Stakeholders will have an opportunity to participate in questions and discussion with members of the TEA reading language arts and social studies team.

Date and Times:

Wednesday, March 5, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. (CT) March 5 Registration Link

Thursday. March 6, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (CT) March 6 Registration Link

Upcoming Innovative Course Application Cycle

The next available opportunity for stakeholders to submit new and renewal innovative course applications is coming soon. Innovative course applications that are considered and approved by the State Board of Education (SBOE) for this upcoming cycle will be made available for districts and open-enrollment charters for the 2026-2027 school year. Some important dates include the following: 



January 17, 2025 

Information regarding innovative courses and renewals is made available on the TEA innovative courses webpage

February 24, 2025 

Application window is open for the 2026-2027 cycle. Applicants may begin to submit materials. 

September 12, 2025 

Application deadline—New innovative course and renewal applications are due.  


Stakeholders can learn more about innovative courses and the upcoming application cycle on the TEA innovative courses webpage

As a courtesy to our readers, here are some links to materials provided by our colleagues in other parts of the Texas Education Agency. 

Student Assessment 

Special Populations 

Thank you for your commitment to serving Texas students.

Reading Language Arts Team
Curriculum Standards and Student Support Division
(512) 463-9581

For questions or additional information, please visit the Spanish language support webpage or submit a Curriculum Request Form through the TEA Help Desk.

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