This newsletter compiles the most up-to-date information concerning what EPPs need to know to best support their faculty/instructors, staff, and candidates. Please thoroughly read all the sections for reminders, upcoming events, To Dos, and FAQs.
If you are not currently subscribed to the newsletter, please sign up at the link below.
Educator Preparation Program Listserv Registration
Updates related to Educator Preparation Program Management
Please review your EPP address, telephone number, website, and certificates as they are listed on the EPP Interactive Map. If any changes are needed for your EPP, please submit a Help Desk ticket to the Preparation Programs tile on the TEA website. Title your Help Desk ticket with your EPP name & county-district number/Map Update and include what specifically needs to be changed in the body of your Help Desk ticket. We will make the requested changes at the next EPP Interactive Map quarterly update. Please submit your request by the close of business on Friday, January 31, 2025.
New: Insight to Impact Dashboard Maintenance The Insight to Impact Dashboards will be undergoing maintenance starting Friday, January 31st and ending Monday, February 3rd. During this time period, the dashboards may be unavailable. The dashboards are expected to be fully operational by Tuesday, February 4, 2025.
Reminder: Student Growth Data The 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 student growth data is now revised and available on the Program Provider Resources webpage, under the Accountability System Data section. This data is helpful to EPPs in continuous improvement efforts. It is also used in the calculation of ASEP accountability indicator 3; more details about the relevant calculations are included in the ASEP manual. This revised data aligns with the updated processes and eligibility requirements included in the recently updated rules.
TEA is working on updating this data into the Insight to Impact (I2I) dashboards, and we will communicate through the newsletter once the data in I2I has been updated.
Updates related to Educator Standards and Certification Testing
New: Texas Test of Educator Proficiency (T-TEP) EPP Development Team Selection, On-boarding, and Training Grant FAQ Submission Reminder The last date to submit questions for inclusion in the FAQ for the 2024-2025 Texas Test of Educator Proficiency (T-TEP) EPP Development Team Selection, Onboarding, and Training Grant is Wednesday, February 5, 2025. This grant application can be found on the TEA Grant Opportunities page which includes relevant timelines and FAQ submission and posting details.
Updates related to agency initiatives and opportunities
New: Texas Strategic Staffing Webinar The second informational webinar for the 25-27 Texas Strategic Staffing Grant for Sustainable, Paid Teacher Residency will take place on February 6, 2025 at 9:00 am CST. Register here. As a reminder, this is a grant for LEAs that includes, among other supports, funds for contracted services with an EPP to support residency field supervisor work in SY 2026-2027. Review the Program Guidelines and submit questions to william.sea@tea.texas.gov before February 4, 2025, if you would like them answered in the webinar.
We take this space to highlight questions that we have heard from .
Q: Our EPP has questions about when to correct a certificate. Under what circumstances can we correct a certificate?
A: When an EPP has issued a certificate with an incorrect grade level, subject area, or effective date, the EPP may request a certificate correction. The EPP must submit appropriate justification for the certificate correction. The fee equivalent to the original certificate is also required. The request to amend or correct an intern or probationary certificate and the appropriate fee must be submitted to the TEA no later than six weeks from the date of issuance of the certificate, or in the case of a change of assignment, no later than six weeks from the date of the change. Within seven days, the educator must notify the recommending EPP of any change in assignment that may affect the certification category required by the assignment according to the provisions of Chapter 231 requirements for public school assignments. Reference 19 TAC §230.104(a)-(b).
Q: What is the process for correcting a certificate?
A: When an educator preparation program (EPP) recommends an intern, probationary, or standard certificate it is their responsibility to verify the candidate’s eligibility requirements for their respective certificate and to recommend the appropriate effective date and certificate area. The certificate corrections process allows TEA to support EPPs that have made an error when recommending the candidate’s certificate. The EPP submits the request to the TEA Help Desk directed to Preparation Programs. Attach a letter of request and the candidate’s statement of eligibility (SOE), if applicable. The letter of request must be on EPP letterhead and must include the following:
Candidate’s Full Name and TEA ID #
Specific statement identifying the correction that needs to be made
The certificate to be corrected
Sufficient justification for correcting the certificate
Signature of EPP requestor
It is important to note that candidates cannot submit a request for a certificate correction and cannot submit the fee. The request and fee must be submitted to TEA by the EPP.
If your EPP finds that a certificate correction is needed, please contact your Education Specialist assigned and we will assist you.
Your best source for information and support at the TEA.
As an Educator Preparation Program, your main point of contact is your Education Specialist.
View a list of EPPs and their assigned Education Specialist.
For most efficient assistance, please submit a Help Desk ticket to Preparation Programs.
EPPs may contact their assigned Education Specialist directly via phone or email.
Candidates may call (512) 936-8400 and select Option #2: Educator Preparation and Certification for assistance.
Updated: If EPPs (and candidates) would like to speak to a representative from another area(s), they may call (512) 936-8400 and select one of the options listed below.
Option 2: Educator Preparation and Certification
Option 3: Fingerprinting
Option 6: Investigations