This newsletter compiles the most up-to-date information concerning what EPPs need to know to best support their faculty/instructors, staff, and candidates. Please thoroughly read all the sections for reminders, upcoming events, To Dos, and FAQs.
If you are not currently subscribed to the newsletter, please sign up at the link below.
Educator Preparation Program Listserv Registration
Event Date & Time
Webinar Alert for Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs): Understanding Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS)
Join TEA for an engaging webinar designed specifically for Educator Preparation Programs! This session will focus on Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) and their critical role in ensuring equitable, on-grade-level instructional opportunities for all students across Texas classrooms. This webinar is an excellent opportunity for all EPP staff to gain a high-level understanding of RBIS and their synergy with High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM).
January 22, 2025
10:00-11:30 AM CST
via Zoom
Join TEA in a Zoom meeting if your EPP has had a certificate revoked due to not meeting the performance standard of 75% as described in §229.4(a)(1)(C).
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
12:30-1:30 PM CST
via Zoom
Updates related to Educator Preparation Program Management
New: Update to ECOS-Standard Certificate Effective Date Validation The processes for issuance of certificates through the Educator Certification Online System (ECOS) align with requirements specified in State Board for Educator Certification rules. 19 Texas Administrative Code, §230.97. Effective Dates of Certificates and Permit Issuance, established in rule for several years, has always specified that a certificate cannot be issued prior to completion of all requirements; that as part of the recommendation for issuance process, the EPP is responsible for verifying the date the applicant has satisfied all certification requirements; and that a certificate shall not become effective more than 60 calendar days before the application is submitted to TEA and may not precede the date all certification, degree, and examination requirements are completed.
Preparation programs able to complete the recommendation for certificate issuance in ECOS within a 60 day or less window will see no changes to the online process. ECOS automatically backdates the effective date of a Standard certificate to 60 days if the EPP identifies the date the last requirement was met is more than 60 days in the past and backdates the INT and PRO certificates if the internship begin date is more than 60 days in the past. The recent update to this functionality is a new error message that will pop up when an internship begin date or a requirements completion date more than 60 days in the past has been entered online. The error message will include information that must be entered into the “internship begin date” or “date the last requirement was met” field, as applicable, to allow the application to complete the online processes for certificate issuance. In addition, if a future date is entered into the “date the last requirement was met” field in the Standard recommendation screen, an error message will include a reminder that the requirements met field cannot be a date in the future.
Reminder: For TTRPR Approved Programs The team has uploaded the recording of the new ECOS functions for the Texas Teacher Residency Preparation Route (TTRPR) webinar. Here is the link: Residency Webinar and the slide deck. All should be “live” to go ahead and start working in ECOS for admitting and enrolling residency candidates.
Reminder: ECOS Pass Rates Data Update As of January 6th, the pass rates displayed in ECOS for 2024-2025 include the edTPA results in the pedagogy tests calculations. If your EPP prepares candidates who complete the edTPA, you may now click into any group to review results.
Updates related to Educator Standards and Certification Testing
New: Texas-specific Teacher Performance Assessment Development Team Selection Grant Now Available! We are excited to announce the application window for the 2024-2025 Texas Test of Educator Proficiency (T-TEP) EPP Development Grant is now open!
This grant is open to not-for-profit educator preparation programs and will identify 6-8 educator preparation programs that will each select one faculty/staff member to serve on the Texas Test of Educator Proficiency (T-TEP) Development Team.
This grant will provide funding for the identified faculty/staff member of selected applicants to complete virtual and in-person on-boarding and training requirements, as well as outline stipulations for continued funding in SY 2025-2026 and SY 2026-2027.
This grant application can be found on the TEA Grant Opportunities page which includes relevant timelines and information regarding a grant webinar and FAQ posting.
Program primary points of contact will also receive an email communicating the launch of this grant.
Interested programs should submit applications no later than Monday, March 17, 2025.
Updates related to agency initiatives and opportunities
Reminder: 2025-2027 Texas Strategic Staffing Grant Reminders We would like to provide some reminders about the 2025-2027 Texas Strategic Staffing Grant to LEAs. This grant supports district and EPP partnerships to develop sustainable, paid yearlong teacher residencies.
In order to be eligible to apply for the grant, the LEA must partner with an EPP that has been approved or has submitted an application to offer the Texas Teacher Residency Preparation Route. Any EPP that applied by the December 2024 deadline is an eligible partner.
If partnering with a new district, please note that the EPP would not need to place residents in the district until the 2026-2027 school year. Among other supports, the grant provides funds for the district to obtain contracted services with the EPP to support field supervisor work in 2026-2027.
Webinar #2 will take place on February 6th at 9:00am CST. Register here. Questions for the webinar should be submitted by February 4th.
Questions can be submitted to william.sea@tea.texas.gov. Questions cannot be answered individually and will be added to a FAQ. You can also view FAQ #1 here.
We take this space to highlight questions that we have heard from .
Q: When our EPP submits a Help Desk ticket, we also send an email to our Education Specialist assigned. Is that necessary?
A: It is not necessary. You do not need to also send an email to anyone about a Help Desk ticket. The same staff (Educator Preparation Program Team) that you communicate with via email are also in the Help Desk. Your Help Desk tickets are assigned in the Help Desk to your assigned Education Specialist or the staff who can best resolve your ticket. Be assured that we see your questions and will respond in a timely manner.
Q: We have EPP-specific technical questions and think that they could easily be answered by our assigned Education Specialist in a brief meeting. Do TEA staff schedule meetings with EPPs to address specific technical questions?
A: Yes, your assigned Education Specialist is happy to meet with your program to address your EPP-specific technical questions. These are typically 30-minute meetings about a specific topic. Each Education Specialist has a “Meet with Me” link at the bottom of their email signature line. You can schedule a TEAMS meeting during their available times by clicking on that link to locate a date and time that works for you, or you can send an email and request to meet by providing your preferred dates and times, and we will schedule a TEAMS meeting with you. It is always helpful if you prepare your questions in advance of the meeting and send them via email so that your assigned Education Specialist can be prepared for your meeting.
Your best source for information and support at the TEA.
As an Educator Preparation Program, your main point of contact is your Education Specialist.
View a list of EPPs and their assigned Education Specialist.
For most efficient assistance, please submit a Help Desk ticket to Preparation Programs.
EPPs may contact their assigned Education Specialist directly via phone or email.
Candidates may call (512) 936-8400 and select Option #2: Educator Preparation and Certification for assistance.
Updated: If EPPs (and candidates) would like to speak to a representative from another area(s), they may call (512) 936-8400 and select one of the options listed below.
Option 2: Educator Preparation and Certification
Option 3: Fingerprinting
Option 6: Investigations