Spanish Curriculum Standards Newsletter
Thank you for subscribing to the TEA Spanish curriculum standards newsletter.
Today's newsletter provides information related to the following topics:
December Reading Language Arts (RLA) Stakeholder Engagement Sessions
- Topic: Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) Updates
Dates: December 10 and 12
- Texas Virtual School Network: Need Help Meeting a Student’s Course Needs?
As a courtesy to our newsletter subscribers, the following announcement is also included.
- Poetry Society of Texas: 2025 Student Poetry Contest Now Open
Target Audience: Reading Language Arts Stakeholders: Teachers, District Administrators, Campus Administrators, Education Service Center Specialists, Parents, Professional Organizations
Session Description: In December, RLA Stakeholder Engagement Sessions will provide an update on the Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) process and the outcomes of the November State Board of Education meeting related to high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) and Bluebonnet Learning.
Dates and Times:
Tuesday, December 10, 2:00-3:00 p.m. December 10 Registration Link
Thursday, December 12, 10:00-11:00 a.m. December 12 Registration Link
The Texas Virtual School Network (TXVSN) can help meet students’ needs through TEA-approved online courses. The TXVSN statewide course catalog provides English language arts courses that may meet a student's graduation requirement.
The TXVSN courses are aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and taught by Texas-certified teachers trained in best practices in online instruction. Schools can use the TXVSN courses to create flexibility in a student’s schedule, allow a student to accelerate their learning, or address local teacher shortages. Students enrolled in a TXVSN course can generate funding regardless of whether the student is physically present at school while participating in the course. For more information about the courses offered through the TXVSN, please visit the TXVSN website or contact the TXVSN Help Desk.
As a courtesy to our newsletter subscribers, the following additional announcement is also included.
The Poetry Society of Texas has a long history of recognizing student poets, and since 1989 the society has offered contests for students from elementary school through high school.
The 2025 Student Poetry Contest is accepting entries now through February 1, 2025. The contest is open to all Texas public, private, and home school students currently enrolled in grades 1–12.
For contest rules and information, please visit The Poetry Society of Texas Student Contests web page.
Please direct any questions to Catherine L’Herisson at or at
From the TEA reading language arts team, we wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season!
Thank you for your commitment to serving Texas students.
Reading Language Arts Team Curriculum Standards and Student Support Division (512) 463-9581
For questions or additional information, please visit the Spanish language support webpage or submit a Curriculum Request Form through the TEA Help Desk.