This newsletter compiles the most up-to-date information concerning what EPPs need to know to best support their faculty/instructors, staff, and candidates. Please thoroughly read all the sections for reminders, upcoming events, To Dos, and FAQs.
If you are not currently subscribed to the newsletter, please sign up at the link below.
Educator Preparation Program Listserv Registration
The 186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 Framework Overview and Application Process Webinar will guide programs through an overview of the updated Special Education Specialist EC-12 exam framework, closely examine program application requirements and timeline, and provide programs an opportunity to exchange resources and discuss course/curriculum problems of practice. TEA staff will facilitate this webinar several times throughout the Fall semester. Programs are encouraged to attend the webinar that best suits their availability. We strongly encourage those faculty or staff who
Event Date & Time
Special Education Specialist EC-12 (186) Framework Overview and Application Process Webinars
The 186 Special Education Specialist EC-12 Framework Overview and Application Process Webinar will guide programs through an overview of the updated Special Education Specialist EC-12 exam framework, closely examine program application requirements and timeline, and provide programs an opportunity to exchange resources and discuss course/curriculum problems of practice. TEA staff will facilitate this webinar several times throughout the Fall semester. Programs are encouraged to attend the webinar that best suits their availability.
Wednesday, December 11, 2024 2:30-5:00 pm CST via Zoom
Core Subjects EC-6 Exam Frameworks
Public comments are being requested through December 16, 2024, on the draft Core Subjects EC–6 content frameworks. The frameworks will help guide the test development process for the new Core Subjects EC–6 exams and the optional fifth subtests. Visit the TEA website to review the available exam frameworks. Comments may be sent to Kaye Jernigan.
Monday, December 16, 2024
Updates related to Educator Preparation Program Management
New: ASEP Recommended Accreditation Status Letters TEA issued notification letters to inform all EPPs of their recommended accreditation statuses on November 25, 2024, for the 2023-2024 academic year. These letters were distributed to the Legal Authority or Point of Contact. To learn more about how the statuses were determined, please review the ASEP manual, that was adopted by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC). Statuses will be brought to the SBEC for approval at their February 14, 2025, meeting.
Updates related to Educator Standards and Certification Testing
Texas-specific Teacher Performance Assessment Development Team Selection Grant Opportunity [Coming Soon] In early 2025, TEA will launch a grant opportunity to identify 6-8 educator preparation programs that will each select one faculty/staff member to serve on the Texas-specific Teacher Performance Assessment Development Team. More information concerning the grant application, application timeline, and application webinar will be shared in upcoming newsletters.
Reminder: Feedback for the Draft Core Subjects EC-6 Exam Framework Public comments are being requested through December 16, 2024, on the draft Core Subjects EC-6 exam framework. The framework will help guide the test development process for the new Core Subjects EC–6 individual sub-tests. Information on how to submit your comments can be found on the Educator Standards and Test Frameworks page.
Updates related to actions by the State Board for Educator Certification, the State Board of Education, and the Legislature.
New: December SBEC Meeting A SBEC meeting will be held Friday, December 6th, 2024. More information about the SBEC meeting, including the meeting agenda and access to view the meeting virtually, can be found on the SBEC webpage.
New: Change to Options for Meeting the English Language Proficiency Requirement The following updates to options for demonstrating English language proficiency (ELP), adopted by the State Board for Educator Certification in September 2024 and reviewed by the SBOE in November 2024, will become effective on January 7, 2025. Individuals who are required to meet English language proficiency as outlined in the Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 230, Professional Educator Preparation and Certification, Subchapter B, General Certification Requirements will be able to utilize one of the four options (A-D) outlined in bold text below. The italicized information in parentheses following each option provides a high-level explanation of the adopted rule change.
(A) completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited institution of higher education in the United States or one of its territories; or
(Change: “or one of its territories” was added to this option to include all U.S. territories)
(B) verification of a minimum scaled score that falls within the High-Intermediate level in each section on the Test of English as a Foreign Language internet-Based Test (TOEFL-iBT); or
(Change: replaced the minimum scaled score requirement of 24 for speaking, 22 for listening, 22 for reading, and 21 for writing with a required performance of High-Intermediate level for each of the four sections of the TOEFL-iBT)
(C) an undergraduate or graduate degree that was earned at an institution of higher education in a country outside of the United States listed in the figure provided in this subparagraph; or
Figure: 19 TAC §230.11(b)(5)(C)
(Change: added Cameroon, Kenya, Philippines, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe to the list of countries approved for exemption from the ELP requirement)
(D) a standard certificate issued by the department of education in another state where examinations for the certificate were taken and passed.
(Change: added this new provision as an additional option to meet the ELP requirement – candidates for certification must still complete all requirements through an approved educator preparation program and pass required state certification examinations or must successfully complete all requirements of the out-of-country credentials review process)
Updates related to agency initiatives and opportunities
Reminder: 25-27 Texas Strategic Staffing Grant to LEAs The 2025-2027 Texas Strategic Staffing Grant for Sustainable, Paid Teacher Residency Program provides funding and technical assistance for LEAs to develop paid residency programs in partnership with an EPP. Although this is a grant to LEAs, to be eligible for the award, the LEA must partner with an EPP that plans to offer the Residency Preparation Route. Additionally, grant guidelines require the LEA to budget at least $10,000 of the grant award for contracted services with their partner EPP to help fund field supervisor work in the Implementation Year of the grant, 2026-2027.
To be eligible to apply, the LEA’s partner EPP must have been approved, received notification of recommendation, or have applied to offer the residency preparation route by the final 2024 deadline (December 9th). EPPs are encouraged to review the grant’s program guidelines posted on the TEA Grant Opportunities page. This page includes a link to the slides and recording from the informational webinar held November 22nd.
We take this space to highlight questions that we have heard from .
Q: I see the Residency option in Clinical Experience Records (CER). Can my EPP use that option?
A: No, EPPs cannot use the residency option. As a reminder, when creating a Clinical Experience Record (CER) for candidates completing clinical teaching, please do not use the Clinical Experience Model option “750 hours (SBEC Approved Residency)”. This model is for use only by EPPs approved for a Residency by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC). At this time, no EPPs have been approved by the SBEC for a residency model. EPPs will be notified if they are approved by the SBEC and only following that approval will they use the clinical experience model option. The first time the SBEC will consider Residency programs for approval is at the December 6, 2024, meeting.
The Residency route is being introduced into the ECOS Entities screens in several IT releases. In the coming months, you will begin to see options such as “Upload Performance Gates” and “Performance Gates Records” under the ASEP tab. EPPs should only use the Residency options if they have an SBEC-approved Residency program. You will find more information about offering an SBEC-approved Residency on the Program Provider Resources page on the TEA website.
Q: Do all candidates need a Clinical Experience Record (CER) in ECOS?
A: Yes, all candidates must have a CER. This includes candidates in all classes and routes. Reference the 2024-2025 Technical Manual posted on the Program Provider Resources pp. 30-33 for information and guidance about how to create CER individually and in bulk.
Your best source for information and support at the TEA.
As an Educator Preparation Program, your main point of contact is your Education Specialist.
View a list of EPPs and their assigned Education Specialist.
For most efficient assistance, please submit a Help Desk ticket to Preparation Programs.
EPPs may contact their assigned Education Specialist directly via phone or email.
Candidates may call (512) 936-8400 and select Option #2: Educator Preparation and Certification for assistance.
Updated: If EPPs (and candidates) would like to speak to a representative from another area(s), they may call (512) 936-8400 and select one of the options listed below.
Option 2: Educator Preparation and Certification
Option 3: Fingerprinting
Option 6: Investigations