Strong Foundations Implementation Newsletter

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Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities (LASO) Program

July 2024

Strong Foundations Implementation

Three students on carpeted classroom floor, reading a book titled Ovalsgreen-blue gradient bar


Greetings Strong Foundations Implementation LEA Leaders,

The July newsletter contains important information to support your LEA in preparation for launching HQIM. We are excited about the upcoming school year and know that your summer planning and professional learning are key components that will support your success. Thank you for your commitment to excellence in education!  

Warm regards,  

The Strong Foundations Implementation Team 


Action Items

  • PAST DUE: Executed Contract
    • Ensure that you have submitted the Executed Contract to your LEA Google Folder. If you do not have access to your LEA Google Folder, please email
  • DEADLINE JULY 31: SFI Contact Form
    • Complete the SFI Contact Form to create a roster for all participants at your LEA.
  • Strong Start Transition Plan
    • Complete the district Strong Start Transition Plan (template provided in Strong Start Implementation Leader Training session). Be sure to share this plan with your approved provider at the initial meeting.
  • Summer Professional Learning
    • Plan with your approved provider for the delivery of summer professional learning for district and school leaders, coaches, and teachers. 
  • Pre-launch and Planning for Implementation
    • Collaborate with your approved provider to receive support for pre-launch best practices, implementation goal setting, and planning for progress monitoring.
    • Submit completed HQIM Implementation Goals and Progress Monitoring Plans to your approved provider by the date agreed upon. 

Stakeholder Engagement Idea: Host an Unboxing Event for Teachers

Hosting an unboxing event of the HQIM is a great way to build excitement and create anticipation for the upcoming school year. Unboxing events provide time for teachers and leaders to inventory, organize, and interact with the new materials before the school year launches which can have a positive impact on their degree of investment and confidence in HQIM.  

Reminders and Next Steps 

NEW! Upcoming Leader Community of Practice (CoP) Opportunities (register here)

The SFI Implementation Team is excited to announce the opportunity to join a community of practice for leaders to collaborate, reflect, and share experiences. Please share Leader CoP information with district and school leaders. 

  • The SFI Executive Leader CoP sessions provide collaborative learning for district executive leaders implementing HQIM. It is a platform for leaders to engage in short bouts of new learning from a featured keynote speaker, while also experiencing focused small-group discussions.
    • Executive Leader CoP Sessions
      • July 11, 2024, 9:00–10:30 a.m. - Instructional Coherence: Aligning HQIM Vision with Practice 
      • October 10, 2024, 9:00–10:30 a.m. - Communicating the Instructional Vision to Stakeholders 
      • January 9, 2025, 9:00–10:30 a.m. - Aligning Educator Experience, Selection, Support, and Collaboration to HQIM 
      • March 13, 2025, 9:00–10:30 a.m. - Focusing on Continuous Improvement and Sustaining Implementation 
  • The SFI School Leader CoP sessions allow school and program leaders to continuously improve HQIM practices on campus while building their capacity as instructional leaders. Leaders who attend these sessions will foster resiliency in their schools as they are equipped to support the strong continued use of HQIM for students. Each session will be delivered twice to provide flexibility in the leaders’ attendance.
    • School Leader CoP Sessions:
      • July 16 and 18, 2024, 10:00–11:30 a.m. - Implementation Planning 
      • September 17 and 19, 2024, 10:00–11:30 a.m. - Campus-Based Instructional Coherence and Instructional Management 
      • November 5 and 8, 2024, 10:00–11:30 a.m. - Instructional Leadership in HQIM Implementation 
      • February 18 and 20, 2025, 10:00–11:30 a.m. - Sustaining the Change and Synthesizing the Learning 

Updates from the Print Operations Team:  

  • For Option A Awardees: As instructional materials are arriving at LEAs, we are sharing a reminder about the importance of materials being inventoried within 25 days of receipt. If any materials are missing or damaged, please notify the TEA via the SY 2425 OER Pilot Print Materials form. You can find resources to assist in the inventory of materials such as inventory lists and inventory best practices in the Print Hub. This process is not required for Option B and C awardees procuring print independently. Please reach out to if you have any questions or concerns.  
  • Accessible instructional materials (AIM) are available through EMAT requisitions. 
    • The cost of these materials is not deducted from the LEA’s Instructional Materials and Technology Allotment (IMTA). 
  • If requesting AIM, please submit those orders by the following dates: 
    • 6/1/2024 for braille 
    • 7/15/2024 for large-print and audio 

Upcoming SFI Surveys 

Participants will receive communications from the Strong Foundation Implementation (SFI) Team via Qualtrics regarding quarterly survey distribution. Survey participation is a crucial element of program success and continuous improvement of the grant, please ensure is whitelisted for all participants at your LEA/schools. Doing so prevents important SFI emails from being marked as spam and being routed to your junk folder. Read more about how to whitelist email addresses. 

HQIM Learning Labs 

Sign up to visit one an Innovator Learning Lab! Learning Labs provide LEAs an opportunity to visit an Innovator district to see students engaged with rigorous, grade level content in real time and learn what planning happens in the background to implement HQIM effectively. HQIM Learning Labs will be hosted in fall 2024 and spring 2025. The Innovator Website will be updated in late June with new dates and additional innovators. 


Questions? Need assistance? Visit with us in SFI Office Hours on the first Monday of each month at 9:00 a.m. CT or email us at 

Engagement Opportunities 

We are always looking for ways to connect with our partners in the field!

From site visits, to review opportunities, to focus groups, there are numerous ways to connect with TEA and support the field of education. If you are interested in participating in an engagement opportunity, sign up by clicking the button below. 

Sign Up Here

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 Mark Your Calendar!

You can find all trainings on our interactive calendar.