Strong Foundations Newsletter - AP/ESC

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Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities (LASO) Program

July 2024

Strong Foundations Newsletter

Three students on carpeted classroom floor, reading a book titled Ovalsgreen-blue gradient bar


We hope that everyone is enjoying summer activities and hopefully some much-deserved rest. The Strong Foundations Team is working on reviewing all the collected data and feedback from our Spring activities to make improvements, when possible, to our support for the coming school year. We know August will be busy for us all and look forward to supporting a strong start to the 2024-2025 school year! 

Warm regards, 

Strong Foundations Program Team 


Joint Strong Foundations Milestones  

  • Executed Contracts – Please ensure that your LEA has submitted their executed contract into their Google folders. If an extension request has been submitted previously and a change in dates has happened, please make sure to communicate those changes to the Strong Foundations Planning team at
  • Contact Update Form – Please complete this SY24-25 form if you are supporting Strong Foundations in any way (district lead, RBIS trainer, etc.)! We are pulling our email list from this form. If you were on the contact list last grant cycle but have not completed it this cycle, you still need to fill out this SY24-25 form.
  • Roadmap Planning Tool – Milestone date is 8/16. If you need an extension, please fill out the deliverable survey.

Strong Foundations Implementation Milestones

  • July 31: LEA participant registration due. Registration will be completed by LEAs by using the LASO Strong Foundations Implementation Contact Form.
  • July 31: HQIM Goals and Progress Monitoring plan due. Submit using the SFI Deliverable Submission Form.
  • Upcoming AP Training Opportunities: Approved Providers must ensure their teams have received the required trainings for their role before August 31, 2024.
    • Implementation Advisor Certification (register for the session):
      • IA Cohort 6: July 22–26
      • IA Cohort 7: August 19–23 (new dates)
      • Note: These are the final dates for certification that will be offered for LASO Cycle 2. The next opportunity to receive training will not be until January 2025.
    • Product Advisor (PA) Certification (register for the session):
      • Cohort 5: July 8–12
      • PA Cohort 6: August 12–16 (new dates)
      • Note: These are the final dates for certification that will be offered for LASO Cycle 2. The next opportunity to receive training will not be until January 2025.
    • Product Trainings (register for the session):
      • Amplify Texas Elementary Literacy Program: July 15–16 [full]
      • Carnegie Learning Texas Math Solution: July 15–16 [new spots added!]
      • Eureka Math TEKS Edition: July 17–18 [full]
      • Carnegie Learning Texas Math Solution: July 22–23 [new spots added!]

Reminders & Next Steps

Strong Foundations Planning:

  • (Required) AP Monthly Meeting – Next meeting is July 19 @ 9:00 a.m. All SF Managers and AP District Leads are required to attend monthly meetings. Registration for all AP Meetings.
  • Miss an AP Monthly Meeting? Watch the recording, review the slide deck, and fill out this Missed AP Meeting form to remain in compliance with attendance.
  • Required LEA CoPs: Please remind your LEAs of the required LEA CoPs. This is their opportunity to hear from a spotlight district about their SFP journey and to collaborate and innovate with other current SFP districts. They have a choice of day to attend:
  • HQIM Learning Lab Visits: Please encourage your LEAs to request an HQIM Learning Lab visit! HQIM Learning Labs will be hosted in both fall 2024 and spring 2025! HQIM Learning Labs allow LEAs to see students engaged with rigorous, grade level content in real time and learn what planning happens in the background to implement HQIM effectively. The Innovator Website will be updated in late July with new dates and additional innovators!
  • Instructional Framework Sessions – Do you have District Leads that are new to SFP? We are offering another round of framework training (the first step to get certified). Note: These will be the last framework sessions until winter 2024.
  • Follow up: 6/16 or 6/18 Diagnostics Training: Thank you everyone that attended the Diagnostics Training last month. The feedback was positive and insightful, we look forward to integrating it into future monthly meetings and the AP Playbook in the form of information and support. As a reminder if you and your LEA are interested in or have questions about the following areas please reach out to these emails: 

Strong Foundations Implementation:

  • HQIM Learning Lab Visits: Please encourage your LEAs to request an HQIM Learning Lab visit! HQIM Learning Labs will be hosted in both fall 2024 and spring 2025! HQIM Learning Labs allow LEAs to see students engaged with rigorous, grade level content in real time and learn what planning happens in the background to implement HQIM effectively. The Innovator Website will be updated in late July with new dates and additional innovators!


Interested in learning more about the release of OER Edition 1 materials and the IMRA timeline? Check out these links: 

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 Mark Your Calendar!

You can find the following trainings on our Interactive calendar.