Strong Foundations Planning Newsletter - LEA

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Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities (LASO) Program

July Newsletter

Strong Foundations Planning

Three students on carpeted classroom floor, reading a book titled Ovalsgreen-blue gradient bar

Greetings from TEA!

Hello Strong Foundations Planning grant LEAs, 

We hope that everyone is enjoying summer activities and hopefully some much-deserved rest. The Strong Foundations Team is working on reviewing all the collected data and feedback from our Spring activities to make improvements, when possible, to our support for the coming school year. We know August will be busy for us all and look forward to supporting a strong start to the 2024-2025 school year! 

Warm Regards, 

The Strong Foundations Planning Team 


Past Due: Executed Contract

  • Ensure that you have submitted the Executed Contract to your LEA Google Folder. If you do not have access to your LEA Google Folder, please email  

Roadmap Planning Tool

  • The Milestone date is 8/16. If you need an extension, please talk to your AP about submitting an extension. 

Reminders & Next Steps

LEA Community of Practice


Interested in learning more about the release of OER Edition 1 materials and the IMRA timeline? Check out these links: 

Engagement Opportunities 

We are always looking for ways to connect with our partners in the field!

From site visits, to review opportunities, to focus groups, there are numerous ways to connect with TEA and support the field of education. If you are interested in participating in an engagement opportunity, sign up by clicking the button below. 

Sign Up Here

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 Mark Your Calendar!

You can find the following trainings on our Interactive calendar.