Spanish Curriculum Standards Update
Thank you for subscribing to the TEA Spanish curriculum standards newsletter.
Today's update provides information related to the following topic:
- English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) Review
Last year, TEA began convening English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) review work groups to provide recommendations for revisions to a preliminary draft of revised ELPS. The 2023-2024 ELPS review work group recommendations for revisions to the ELPS are currently available for review and feedback on the English Language Proficiency Standards Review web page.
TEA is collecting feedback on the draft recommendations through an online survey. The ELPS Draft Recommendations Feedback Survey is available at
Feedback from educators is an important part of the SBOE’s review and revision process for the state curriculum standards. Please share this information with anyone you know who may be interested. The work groups’ draft recommendations for revision to the ELPS are scheduled to be presented to the SBOE for first reading and filing authorization at its June 2024 meeting (June 25 – 28, 2024).
Thank you for your commitment to serving Texas students.
Reading Language Arts Team Curriculum Standards and Student Support Division (512) 463-9581
For questions or additional information, please visit the Spanish language support webpage or submit a Curriculum Request Form through the TEA Help Desk.