News from the Federal Program Compliance Division
2024-2025 ESSA Consolidated Application Statewide Virtual Training
The Federal Program Compliance Division, in collaboration with the Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting Division Post Award Compliance Unit, Grants Administration Division, and Division of Emergent Bilingual Support, are providing a comprehensive full-day virtual training on the 2024-2025 ESSA Consolidated Application on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, from 9:00 am CST to 4:45 pm CST.
This full-day, comprehensive training will provide attendees with information on how to prepare for the submission of the 2024-2025 ESSA Consolidated Application and step-by-step instructions on how to complete all the schedules within the Application. Time will be set aside at the end of the presentation for responses to questions submitted during the presentation.
There is no cost for the training. A link to access the training video and handouts will be posted to the Statewide Training Series webpage after the training. Captions will be provided.
Training Agenda & Registration Information
- Part 1: Accessing the Application
- Part 2: Program Schedules
- Lunch Break 11:45 am CST - 1:00 pm CST
- Part 2: Program Schedules (continued)
- Part 3: Budget Schedules
- Part 4: Application Review/Amendments
- Part 5: Shared Services Arrangements (SSA) - This part of the training will be aimed at providing an overview of SSA-specific schedules and information as it relates to Fiscal Agents applying as SSAs.
Registration for the training is being handled by the Title I Capacity Building Initiative at Education Service Center (ESC) – Region 20. If you do not have a user account through Connect20 (ESC-20’s Registration System), you will need to create an account. For instructions on how to create a new account, access the Connect20 Registration Instructions. If you have any questions or need assistance with registration, please email
To register for the training, click on the following training registration link ( or add the session ID (102286) for the training to your registration profile in Connect20 (ESC-20's Registration System).
Contact Information
For more information, please contact the Federal Program Compliance Division at
For questions or assistance with registration, please contact the Statewide Title I, Part A Capacity Building Initiative at Education Service Center, Region 20 at