2023–2024 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application Revised Final Amounts with 2022–2023 Carryover and Reallocation Amounts; 2023–2024 Title V, Part B Rural and Low-Income School Program Grant Application Reallocation Amounts Now Available
Revised final amounts for programs in the 2023–2024 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application are now available on the Entitlements page.
The entitlements dashboards display entitlement amounts for all federal formula grants, which are calculated by TEA according to federal formulas. The “master” dashboard allows LEAs to see their entitlement amounts for all federal and state grants. The data is organized by grant programs and the applications LEAs use to apply for the funds (ESSA Consolidated Federal, Special Education Consolidated Federal and State, Title V, Part B, Subpart 2, Rural and Low Income School Program, Title I, 1003 School Improvement Grant Program, and Perkins V), and is easily sortable by a variety of filters, including LEA name, county-district number, and ESC region.
Grantees must start an amendment to the 2023–2024 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application in eGrants to budget their revised final amounts, 2022–2023 carryover amounts, and any applicable reallocation amounts. Once an amendment has been initiated, these updated amounts will populate on the BS6001 – Program Budget Summary and Support schedule. Grantees will complete the program and budget schedules as appropriate, then certify and submit the amendment.
The deadline to submit amendments is 5:00 p.m. Central Time, June 3, 2024.
Reallocation Amounts—Title V, Part B Rural and Low-Income School Program Grant Application
Reallocation amounts for the 2023–2024 Title V, Part B Rural and Low-Income School Program Grant Application are now available on the Entitlements page.
Grantees must start an amendment to the 2023–2024 Title V, Part B Rural and Low-Income School Program Grant Application in eGrants to budget their revised final amounts, 2022–2023 carryover amounts, and any applicable reallocation amounts. Once an amendment has been initiated, these updated amounts will populate on the BS6001 – Program Budget Summary and Support schedule. Grantees will complete the program and budget schedules as appropriate, then certify and submit the amendment.
The deadline to submit amendments is 5:00 p.m. Central Time, June 3, 2024.
Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (Federal) Revised Final Amounts and Carryover
TEA anticipates releasing revised final amounts for the 2023–2024 Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (Federal) and 2022–2023 carryover funds within the next week. A separate listserv message will be sent when LEAs can submit amendments to apply for these funds.
Additional Information
Visit the TEA Grant Opportunities page for detailed information about the 2023–2024 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application and/or the 2023–2024 Title V, Part B Rural and Low-Income School Program Grant Application. In addition, links to information on administering grants and other resources can be found on the Grants Administration page.
Contact Information
For questions related to the calculated entitlement amounts, email the Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting Division at entitlements@tea.texas.gov.
For questions related to the grant application or amendment process, contact your assigned negotiator listed on the Grants Administration Contacts page.