2023-2024 Title I, 1003 – School Improvement Grant Application: 2022-2023 Carryover Amounts Are Now Available
The purpose of this email bulletin is to notify recipients of the 2023-2024 Title I, 1003 – School Improvement Grant that carryover funds have been released.
Grantees must start an amendment to the 2023–2024 Title I, 1003 – School Improvement Grant in eGrants to budget their 2022-2023 carryover amount. Once an amendment has been initiated, the carryover will appear on the BS6001 – Program Budget Summary and Support schedule in eGrants. Grantees will complete the program and budget schedules as appropriate, then certify and submit the amendment.
The deadline to submit amendments is 5:00 p.m. Central Time, June 3, 2024.
Visit the TEA Grant Opportunities page for detailed information about the 2023–2024 Title I, 1003 – School Improvement Grant. In addition, links to information on administering grants and other resources can be found on the Grants Administration page.
Contact Information
For questions related to the grant application or amendment process, contact your assigned negotiator listed on the Grants Administration Contacts page.
For any other grant-related questions, please contact the Grants Administration Division at (512) 463-8525, or grants@tea.texas.gov.