CTE TEKS Review Work Group Application - Engineering
In 2024, the State Board of Education (SBOE) is scheduled to begin the review and revision of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for a set of career and technical education (CTE) courses for a new Engineering career cluster. The review will include courses for the following programs of study:
Engineering Foundations
- Engineering Design Process
- Introduction to Fluids
- Introduction to Mechanics of Materials
- Introduction to Statics
- Programming for Engineers
- Practicum in Engineering
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- Aerospace Design I and II
- Mechanical Design I and II
Civil Engineering
- Construction Engineering and Management
- Civil Engineering I and II
- Surveying
The SBOE’s TEKS review and revision process requires the direct participation of educators, parents, business and industry representatives, and employers. The SBOE is now accepting applications for the 2024 CTE TEKS review engineering work groups. TEKS review work groups will convene in Austin for two to three face-to-face meetings which may include Saturdays. Additional days or virtual meetings may be scheduled if needed. TEA reimburses work group members for their travel and meal expenses. Work group members will be expected to complete an online orientation session and may be asked to complete pre-work exercises prior to their meetings. To access the application and more information regarding the 2024 CTE TEKS review for engineering, please visit the 2024 CTE TEKS Review: Engineering webpage at https://tea.texas.gov/academics/curriculum-standards/teks-review/2024-cte-teks-review-engineering.
The ideal applicant will have knowledge and experience in these specific engineering fields. We encourage educators to forward this information to qualified individuals within their networks. Interested individuals are encouraged to submit an application as soon as possible. Questions regarding the application or TEKS review process may be sent via email to teks@tea.texas.gov.
Texas Virtual School Network: STEM Courses
The Texas Virtual School Network (TXVSN) can help meet students’ needs through TEA-approved online courses. The TXVSN statewide course catalog provides schools and students access to high school, Advanced Placement, career and technical education, and dual credit courses for initial credit or credit recovery. Students can access the following science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education (STEM) courses through the TXVSN.
- Computer Science I
- Computer Science II
- Digital Forensics
- Fundamentals of Computer Science
- Principles of Information Technology
The TXVSN courses are aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and taught by Texas-certified teachers trained in best practices in online instruction. Schools can use the TXVSN courses to create flexibility in a student’s schedule, allow a student to accelerate their learning, or address local teacher shortages. Students enrolled in a TXVSN course can generate funding regardless of whether the student is physically present at school while participating in the course. For more information about the courses offered through the TXVSN, please visit the TXVSN website or contact the TXVSN Help Desk.

STEM Grant Funding Tool
The National STEM Ecosystem has shared a free STEM Grant Funding Tool for all states to use to help locate STEM funding and grant opportunities available in local communities. These funding sources allow different types of spending, such as curriculum, technology, robotics kits, engineering kits, science kits, makerspaces, or other items that aid in expanding STEM education. These grant opportunities are supported by federal, state, and local organizations like foundations and corporations. This tool is updated regularly with new grant opportunities.