Collective Learning Series Completion- you should be wrapping up the Collective Learning Series with your LEAs. Don’t forget to check your AP Dashboard for pre & post survey results!
Mid-Grant Survey: The SFP Mid-Grant Survey has been sent out to all Approved Providers (as well as the LEAs you support). As a reminder:
These surveys should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
The stakeholder taking these surveys should be the one(s) who primarily participate in Strong Foundations Planning grant activities and utilize SFP resources (Communities of Practice, Office Hours, interactive calendar, etc.)
Only one person per organization should complete the survey; if there are multiple key stakeholders, they should take the survey together on one screen.
For any questions related to this survey, please email
Feedback is a gift: thank you for your time!
These surveys are due no later than December 1, 2023. Thank you for taking the time to complete this important grant component!
Monthly Training [optional]- You don’t want to miss November’s monthly training on Wednesday, 11/29 at 9:00 a.m.! We will be going over the Instructional Framework Stakeholder Actions and the new Rubric.
TEA is excited to announce that we have finalized dates for Implementation Supports Advisor certification. As a reminder, Approved Providers interested in supporting districts with implementation of high-quality instructional materials will need to be certified in the redelivery of Product Academies and Implementation Supports.
Participants register for one of the following weeks:
- January 8-12
- January 22-26
- February 5-9
One HQIM Learning Lab visitor had this to say: “The greatest strength of the Learning Lab visit was the fact that we saw real teachers doing real school. It did not feel staged.”
Support your districts in helping them to see the same! To request a visit:
Visit our Innovator Website, and scroll down to find the interactive calendar.
Fill out the form linked in the calendar based on your desired HQIM Learning Lab date.
You'll be connected to the district via email to arrange the visit.
A huge shout-out to ESC 12 for sharing an innovative idea to better support their LEAs at the October ESC CoP!
LASO Cycle II Grant Application opened October 23, 2023.
LASO Cycle II Grant Application closes on December 7th, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. CT.
LASO individual application links were emailed to Superintendents on October 23, 2023.