This Week in Performance Reporting: February 24, 2023

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This Week in Performance Reporting

Good afternoon, Performance Reporting bulletin members.

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What’s New in Performance Reporting

A–F Accountability

As was shared in the February 23, 2023 To The Administrator Addressed correspondence, TEA has submitted updates to the amendment of the state’s ESSA plan to adjust the methodology within the Closing the Gaps domain. These updates have been made in response to stakeholder feedback and guidance from the U.S. Department of Education (USDE). 

A detailed summary of the proposed Closing the Gaps changes, comments and responses, and a full draft of the submitted ESSA amendment, including Appendix A and Appendix E, are available on the Every Student Succeeds Act page.   

If you have any questions regarding this amendment, please contact our Performance Reporting Division at (512) 463-9704 or

STAAR High/Low Cut Points

The School Progress, Part A: Academic Growth domain provides an opportunity for campuses to receive credit for STAAR results in reading/language arts and mathematics that show annual growth and/or demonstrate accelerated learning. For STAAR assessments, annual growth is measured by a transition table. Individual student progress is calculated as the change between Low Did Not Meet Grade Level, High Did Not Meet Grade Level, Low Approaches Grade Level, High Approaches Grade Level, Meets Grade Level, and Masters Grade Level performance from the prior year to the current year.

The STAAR raw scores and scale scores associated with the calculation of School Progress, Part A: Academic Growth, and corresponding high and low performance level cut points, are now available on the 2023 Accountability Development webpage.

Removal of 2021 Accountability Reports and Student Listings in TEAL

In order to facilitate the posting of 2023 accountability reports, all 2021 accountability reports and student listings for all campuses and districts will be removed from the TEA Login (TEAL) Accountability application on Friday, April 14, 2023. Once removed, the data contained in each report and student listing will be unavailable. Please ensure that your district downloads and maintains a copy of these reports and data for your records.

The accountability reports consist of accountability summaries, calculations, and data tables for each domain. Accountability student listings include data that was used to calculate the STAAR performance; College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR); and English Language Proficiency components for 2021 accountability.

Assessment Scoring and Reporting

Spring 2023 STAAR Administration

  • Test Administrator Manuals
    For the spring State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) administration, the initial order shipment of test administrator manuals is scheduled to arrive between February 21 and February 24, 2023. District personnel can now log in to the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) to see how many STAAR Test Administrator Manuals they will receive. In TIDE, select "STAAR TAMs, Paper Materials Management" from the Administration Task dropdown menu to view this information.
  • Deadline to Indicate Paper Administration
    As a reminder, February 23, is the deadline for districts to indicate student eligibility for a special paper administration of STAAR. Districts must ensure students are appropriately registered in TIDE by this date to ensure districts receive sufficient paper materials in the initial order shipment. Initial order shipments will arrive in districts between April 3 and April 7. Districts may place additional orders beginning on April 7 for students whose eligibility for paper testing is updated after February 23.
  • Early Results Guidance Tables
    On May 22, district testing coordinators will be able to access students’ raw scores for the spring STAAR administration in the Centralized Reporting System (CRS) and via data files sent to their secure inboxes in TIDE. To support districts in interpreting the raw score information and making accelerated instruction and graduation decisions, the Texas Education Agency has posted early results guidance tables on the STAAR Redesign webpage. For each STAAR grades 3–8 and end-of-course assessment, the table indicates whether the total raw score earned is likely passing, likely not passing, or in the zone of uncertainty. Refer to Reporting Timelines for Spring 2023 STAAR for additional information regarding reporting dates.

STAAR Alternate 2 Administration

Districts can expect to receive the initial order of secure test materials for STAAR Alternate 2 between February 27 and March 3. A training video on how to handle secure test materials will be available in early March. If needed based on initial orders received, districts may order additional paper test materials between March 3 and April 21. In TIDE, select “STAAR Alternate 2, Paper Materials Management” from the Administration Task dropdown menu to view more information.

2023 TELPAS Administration

The testing window for the 2023 Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) is open through March 31, 2023. As a reminder, all TELPAS tests must be completed, uploaded, and submitted by 11:59 p.m. (CT) March 31.

  • Online listening and speaking assessments and online reading and writing assessments should be completed in the Test Delivery System (TDS) for all eligible students in grades 2–12.
  • Holistic ratings should be uploaded in TIDE using the Holistic Rating Upload template for all eligible students in kindergarten and grade 1 and any students in grades 2–12 who are eligible for a special holistic administration of the listening, speaking, or writing.
  • Responses for special paper administrations of reading for any eligible students in grades 2–12 should be entered into the Data Entry Interface (DEI).

2023 TELPAS Alternate Administration

The testing window for the 2023 TELPAS Alternate is open through March 31, 2023. District testing personnel should enter students’ Observable Behaviors into DEI by 11:59 p.m. (CT) March 31.

Training Opportunities

  • STAAR Alternate 2 Accommodations

The How to Enter STAAR Alternate 2 Accommodations training video is now available in the Enter Student Information into TIDE section of the District and Campus Coordinators Resources. This video will review the two ways to record information in TIDE for students who are assessed with STAAR Alternate 2.

  • RLA Oral and Signed Administration

The Oral and Signed Administration for Reading Language Arts (RLA) training video has been posted to the Learning Management System (LMS). This training video will provide a brief overview of the Oral and Signed Administration Policy and how it applies to Reading Language Arts.

For questions or assistance regarding the information in this communication, contact Texas Testing Support at 833-601-8821,, or via live chat.


Performance Reporting Calendar

March: Updated 2023 A–F System Framework Release

Late March: Alternative Education Accountability (AEA) Campus Registration Window 

March 31: Final 2023 Accelerated Testers Student Listing (TEAL) Release

April-May: What If Report (TEAL and Public Web) Release

April-May: Preliminary 2023 Accountability Manual Release

Late April: 2023 Pairing Registration Window Opens

Late May: College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) Verifier Corrections Window 

Late May: 2023 AF Estimator (TEAL and Public Web) Release

August 2023: Final 2023 Accountability Manual (All Chapters and Appendices) Release

September 2023: Accountability ratings under the refreshed system released