Updates & Opportunities |
Save the date(s)! SGS Open House will be held on August 23 and 25 for our districts. We’ll discuss the SGS Implementation Rubric, the new Professional Learning Opportunities for SY22 and more. Check your email for the invites.
The first SGS Learning Lab will be held at Ector County on October 11 and 12! SGS districts will be given priority for registration. The Ector County Learning Lab will align with our new Annual School Planning Pathway and will be held over two days.
Texarkana, Tyler, and Houston ISD have all joined the SGS Network. Welcome to all! We look forward to supporting you in ensuring more students have access to high quality, best-fit schools!
Our Enrollment Equity Toolkit is now available on the SGS website. This toolkit supports districts and partners by sharing a process to improve enrollment equity.
SAF TAs and LEAs will have a kick-off meeting for the year on Thursday, August 25. Our SAF District Support Specialists are ready to begin monthly meetings in late August. Check your email for details.
Many SGS Districts, like Manor, Victoria, Grand Prairie, Beaumont, and PSJA ISD attended the Relay Graduate School of Education in San Antonio during the last week of July. The week-long professional development opportunity brought together district leaders to engage in planning and networking to prepare for the upcoming school year.
P-20 LEAs Hamlin and Floydada participated in the Texas Regional Pathways Network in early August.
SGS Summit 2022: In June we held our 6th annual summit at the Lakeway Spa and Resort. District leaders and Executive Advisors from within Texas and beyond all came together in person to discuss the successes and challenges of implementing systems level change in a school district. Thank you to all who participated in this successful summit!
ERS is creating a new, nationally-focused network of school and district leaders that are interested in designing a strategy first master schedule for high schools. This network would explore how to improve student supports and increase time and support for teaching, collaboration, and learning. Learn more here.