Texas Educator Preparation Programs Newsletter
“Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.” -M. Scott Peck
Each of us holds value and brings our own set of expertise to the table, and yet sometimes, I find myself forgetting my value. Society, competition, social media, etc. can make us feel like we could be or should be doing more to be ‘more valuable.’ The truth is...you are enough, and you should define value for yourself and not what others may think or say. This week I challenge you to be reflective and celebrate your value!
Our goal is for this newsletter to serve as a support by compiling the most up-to-date information concerning what you need to know that impacts your candidates in the coming weeks. Please thoroughly read all the sections for reminders, upcoming events, to dos, and FAQs.
Secondary ELAR Professional Learning Series
Secondary ELAR learning series [virtual] for teacher educators in Texas to build skills and knowledge to prepare teacher candidates seeking ELAR certification. Please see the program overview and the content below for more information.
Secondary ELAR Professional Learning Series: Optional information session
If you have questions regarding the upcoming secondary ELAR professional learning series, please join us on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, for a brief overview and an opportunity to ask and answer questions. Please register for this optional meeting here.
edTPA 101: Orientation to Performance-Based, Subject-Specific Assessment
This webinar is for faculty, instructors, supervisors, and P-12 partners who support teacher candidates and are new to edTPA. In this edTPA 101 webinar, participants will be provided with an overview of the purpose, development, and design of edTPA. Additionally, participants will examine what candidates provide as evidence for each of the edTPA tasks, engage in a review of the scoring process, and learn how to access key resources.
Webinar Series: edTPA Implementation, Support for the Change Process
In this webinar series, an edTPA National Academy Member (affiliated with a Texas Educator Preparation Program) will orient participants to the subject-specific, performance-based assessment edTPA; provide examples of best practices to effectively implement edTPA; identify strategies when supporting candidates during instruction and implementation; and describe methods for using and learning from edTPA evidence.
Academic Language in edTPA: Supporting Learning and Language Development
This workshop is intended for faculty, instructors, supervisors, and school partners who support teacher candidates. In this workshop, a member of the edTPA National Academy (affiliated with a Texas Educator Preparation Program) will provide participants with an overview of academic language and demonstrate how academic language is an integral construct in edTPA through the lens of equitable instructional practices.
Texas Educator Residency Summit
6/29: 8:30-4:00 pm 6/30: 8:30- 12:00 pm (Virtual)
Additional edTPA Workshops and Webinars: To find information about the workshops and webinars that will be offered between June and July 2022, please see Spring and Summer 2022 edTPA Virtual Workshops and Webinars. Please note: When you access the flyer, you will want to save the flyer locally (rather than open in Google docs) in order to select the registration links.
Resubmission Scores updated in ECOS
New Introductory Passing Standard
(Below committee recommendation)
School Counselor Certification
Last day to apply and recommend for certification using #152
Trade & Industrial Education 6-12 Certification
Last day to apply and recommend for certification using #270
Last day to apply and recommend for certification using #117
Last day to apply and recommend for certification using #291
(At committee recommendation)
Your best source for information and support at the TEA.
As an Educator Preparation Program, your main point of contact is your Education Specialist.
Or, EPPs (and candidates) may call (512) 936-8400 and select Option #5: Educator Preparation Programs. If an Education Specialist is not available to answer the call at that time, please leave a voicemail. An Education Specialist will promptly return the call.
If EPPs (and candidates) would like to speak to a representative from another area(s), they may submit a Help Desk Ticket or contact (512) 936-8400 and select one of the options listed below.
Option 2: Educator Certification
Option 3: Fingerprinting
Option 6: Investigations
Option 8: General Office Information
New: Vetted Principal Residency Program List: Cycle 6 Approved Programs Congratulations to all programs who have been newly approved to the Texas Vetted Principal Residency Program List. These programs are now eligible partners for districts seeking EPP partners for state grant opportunities aimed at building sustainable principal residencies.
Updated: Secondary ELAR Professional Learning Series: Opportunity for Informational Session Next Week In response to program feedback, from September through November 2022, the TEA and Teaching Works will provide a series of virtual professional learning opportunities for teacher educators in Texas with the following goals:
Support participants to continue building their own content knowledge for teaching English Language Arts with a focus on the new Texas Research Based Instructional Practices;
Support participants to continue building their understanding of and skill with teaching high-leverage teaching practices that are required to teach English Language Arts to children; and
Support participants in building their ability to help teacher candidates develop curriculum literacy, or capability with analyzing and adapting published curriculum materials to meet the needs of students, contexts, and purposes.
Please see the program overview for more information and apply here if interested in participating. As this is a commitment of time and effort, all accepted applicants will receive a course release stipend; please see the above application for details. All applications are due by end of the day on July 1, 2022.
For more information about the learning series, please join us for a brief overview and opportunity to ask questions on June 14, 2022 from 3:00-4:00 pm. Please register here.
Title II IPRC Reporting: Complete your Title II Report Now! The Title II website is available for all EPPs to complete their required federal reporting. This reporting is due June 30. Please plan on completing this report as soon as possible to avoid any last-minute issues. Congratulations to the 19 programs which have already certified their report!
To complete your report, go to https://title2.ed.gov/ and select "Submit Reports" in the upper righthand corner of the webpage. For support in completing this report, please visit https://title2.ed.gov/Public/TA.aspx for links to a Glossary of Key Terms and Reporting Requirements. A new user manual will be added soon. Instructions are included in the reporting instrument. If you have specific questions, please email title2@rti.org.
If your EPP has both a traditional and an alternative certification route, you will need to complete both reports. Even if you did not certify any candidates through that route this year, if you have approval from TEA for the route, you must complete the report.
This reporting is due June 30. As a reminder, TEA does not provide technical support for this required federal reporting. We do, however, monitor EPP completion to ensure that all EPPs are in compliance with this requirement.
Updates related to Educator Standards and Certification Testing
Updates related to actions by the State Board for Educator Certification, the State Board of Education, and the Legislature.
Updated: Bilingual Special Education Educator Standards Advisory Committee Application The application for the Bilingual Special Education Educator Standards Advisory Committee is now closed! TEA staff will review applications and recommend committee members to the SBEC for approval at the July 22, 2022 SBEC meeting. Committee members will be notified beginning the week of July 25, 2022.
In each newsletter, we aim to celebrate the great work from EPPs around Texas.
New: For this week’s Program Spotlight, we are excited to feature a program that has gone above and beyond to share best practices with their stakeholders around their residency and district partnership work. Please join us in celebrating the innovative Learning Tour hosted by Sam Houston State University! The team at SHSU hosted a learning tour, inviting local districts (Klein, Conroe and Willis ISDs to name a few) to meet with program staff and develop an understanding of the teacher preparation work at SHSU and to experience various aspects of their transformed teacher preparation models that include:
Yearlong teacher residencies
Partnership and governance meetings,
Improvements to program coursework and instruction, and
The redesigned College of Education roles and responsibilities that support high-quality preparation for all candidates.
The learning tour also allowed stakeholders to develop an understanding of SHSU’s strategic staffing initiatives and how districts can reallocate funds to support resident stipends. We were inspired to see how this program is investing in their community partners and strengthening those ties to impact achievement for both candidates and students! Please join us in congratulating SHSU for their leadership in this area!
Program Spotlight Nomination Form TEA has created a process to gather information about the wonderful practices, partnerships, and initiatives conducted by EPPs. If you would like to nominate your EPP or another EPP you’ve worked with, please complete and submit the Program Spotlight Nomination Form. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Education Specialist.
Every newsletter we take this space to highlight questions that we have heard from EPPs.
Q: Can my EPP give TExES exam approval for a newer exam? A: Generally, if an exam has changed from a previous version to a current version, the EPP can give test approval to a finisher for the new exams. For example, in the transition from 291 to 391, this was acceptable. If an EPP was giving test approval for an older exam for which there is no comparable exam, then the EPP cannot give test approval for the new exam. For example, a finisher testing under Generalist EC-4 cannot be granted test approval for the 391 because it is not a comparable exam. The candidate would need to be formally readmitted and start anew. This question typically arises in reference to 19 TAC §228.40(d) when a candidate is a finisher in a previous year but was never certified and returns to the EPP for test approval and standard certification only.
Additional updates on initiatives and opportunities from the TEA.

Save the Date: Texas Educator Residency Summit: June 29- June 30 Please join us for the first ever Texas Educator Residency Summit! During the Summit, you will have the opportunity to learn from local partnerships and other experts in the field about residency practices that not only prepare our Texas teachers with the tools they need but also support local teacher pipeline development. All EPPs and school partners are welcome and encouraged to attend. Whether you are planning for the next phase of scaling your residency implementation or looking to get started, there will be opportunities to learn for all. The Summit will be held virtually from June 29 – June 30. Register here for the Texas Educator Residency Summit.
TEA is Hiring – Senior Analyst for Instructional Support The Educator Data, Research, and Strategy division is hiring a new Senior Data Analyst. This role will lead the team doing program evaluation and other analytical work to support the Instructional Support department. This department houses several initiatives, including:
This is a great career opportunity for folks who have a rich understanding of K-12 education policy and practices, solid analytical and technical skills, and skills in supporting and leading a team.
Lesson Study Gateway Resources
Practice based preparation resources for virtual field-based experience: Provides model lessons and video of instructional delivery.
Texas Teach Like a Champion (TLAC)
Practice based preparation resources for virtual field-based experience: Provides content neutral pedagogical skill building through observing a model of and practicing the same high leverage skill.
Texas TLAC One Pager for EPPs
PASL Videos
TEALearn has a new dyslexia training, TEA Dyslexia, that has been made available (at no cost) to candidates who are seeking an initial certification for all certification classes. Information about the training and how to enroll can be found on the TEA Learn platform. NOTE: For candidates who have not yet been issued an intern, probationary, or standard certificate, please follow the steps noted on the webpage, Dyslexia Requirements for Educator Preparation Programs, to enroll in the course.
Information regarding the Science of Teaching Reading Exam can be accessed at tea.texas.gov/str.
Information and updates regarding the Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) can be accessed at the Important Updates link.
Updated information related to the COVID-19 response can be accessed here.
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The Texas Education Agency will improve outcomes for all public school students in the state by providing leadership, guidance, and support to school systems.