Timeline for Submitting ESSER State Fiscal Reporting Form with Each Payment Request

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Texas Education Agency

June 10, 2022

News Bulletin

News from the Department of Grant Compliance and Administration

Timeline for Submitting ESSER State Fiscal Reporting Form with Each Payment Request


The purpose of this message is to remind subgrantees that an ESSER State Fiscal Reporting Form is required when requesting payments for ESSER II, ESSER III and ESSER Supplemental grant programs. A separate new reporting form is required for each payment request. 

Upon TEA’s receipt of the payment request via ER, TEA’s ESSER expenditure reporting team will request for the form to be completed. This is a manual process and may take a few days depending on the volume of payment requests received.

The reporting form must be completed by the LEA and submitted to TEA within nine (9) calendar days from the date of the request from TEA.

Once TEA receives the completed ESSER State Fiscal Reporting Form, TEA’s ESSER expenditure reporting team will begin reviewing the form and may contact the subgrantee if corrections are needed. TEA will work with the subgrantee to receive corrections in a timely manner; however, if the subgrantee fails to respond, TEA will escalate the requests to the superintendent. If after 14 calendar days of notifying the superintendent, there continues to be no response, TEA will cancel the payment request.

Failure to provide the ESSER State Fiscal Reporting Form in a timely manner or canceling the payment request without contacting TEA, may increase the subgrantee’s annual fiscal risk level and may increase the chance of being selected for more in-depth fiscal grant monitoring.

For additional information email ESSERExpenditures@tea.texas.gov

Texas Education Agency