District Communication Toolkit: Accessing STAAR Scores for Parents

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Texas Assessment

May 16, 2022

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Dear District Leaders and Testing Coordinators, 

Last year, the Texas Education Agency provided you with resources to better communicate to parents how to access and use STAAR results as a way to measure their child's learning progress. As the end of the school year approaches, we want to continue this tradition by providing you with updated resources to help parents access their child's STAAR results and year-over-year academic growth.  

With this in mind, we updated the most frequently used templates to better help you communicate to parents and families about their child's STAAR results this year. This includes information about:  

  • how parents and families can access STAAR results through the TexasAssessment.gov family portal or through their district’s family portal; and  
  • how families can use their child’s STAAR results to enhance their academic learning. 

You can access all of these resources by clicking the "Learn More" button below. We hope these tools are helpful to you as you develop your own communication plans and messages. Later this month, we will provide Spanish resources you can share with your parents on how they can access their child’s STAAR results.  

Thank you for all you do for our students. 


Texas Education Agency

Student Assessment Division 
Student Assessment Help Desk


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