Department News
The Texas 4-Step AT Consideration Model is a process for ARD committees to use in the development, review, and revision of every IEP. The use of a model ensures consistency and that AT is equitably considered for all students with disabilities. The Texas 4-Step Model incorporates best practices in AT consideration as described by the Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology (QIAT).
Co-teaching is one option that allows general and special educators to reach today’s goals for students with disabilities. Co-teaching is intensive, specially designed instruction embedded within grade-level, rigorous general curriculum. The purpose of this document is to provide examples of how the different co-teaching approaches can be combined and utilized during instruction.
The Texas LEADS Initiative is pleased to announce the launch of a new workshop series (rescheduled from December 2021) designed to extend your capacity to address issues of significant disproportionality among students receiving special education services.
LEA staff who want to learn more about addressing significant disproportionality and have received a determination of significant disproportionality (SD) for one or two years are encouraged to attend this workshop series. Ideally, each participating LEA will gather a team of stakeholders with diverse perspectives and expertise to join the workshop. Each team member should submit a separate registration form.
To maximize your time and provide your team with multiple opportunities for engagement and learning, the workshop series has three components: an independent learning module (available May 26 - June 6, 2022); a two-day synchronous virtual workshop (June 7 - 8, 2022); and optional “office hours” with experts following the workshop (dates TBD).
Register by May 18, 2022 to join project staff and other LEA staff throughout Texas at this workshop.
TEA's Texas Complex Access Network (TX CAN) website is the go-to for resources and professional development for educators working with students with significant cognitive disabilities.
The Document Library contains free downloadable implementation guides, templates, rubrics, fidelity checklists, and more. The library allows you to filter by topic or course alignment to quickly find what you need. Topics include: Administration, Behavior, Classroom Climate, Communication, Inclusion, IEPs, Instruction, Teaming, and Transition. #tx can
Congratulations to the following LEAs who have the highest number of special educators and related service providers who have attended TEA's Child Find, Evaluation, and ARD Supports Network Standards-Based IEP Process training between September 2021 through February 2022. This 2-day training focuses on the importance of appropriate and ambitious IEPs and covers the development of present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) based on student data, drafting annual goals (academic and/or functional) and objectives, if appropriate, and collecting data for reporting progress. Please contact your regional ESC to register for this training.
Little Elm ISD (Region 10) = 62 participants
Bay City ISD (Region 3) = 39 participants
Goose Creek ISD (Region 4) = 26 participants
White House ISD (Region 7) = 25 participants
El Campo ISD (Region 3) = 25 participants