Military Connected Students |
In 2019, TEA added two new PEIMS indicator codes to the military-connected student identifier. The Military Student Identifier one-pager provides guidance on the data schools must collect and report in PEIMS.
The additional codes 5 and 6 include students with a parent or guardian who are:
- Veterans
- Members of the US military or reserve force who have fallen in the line of duty.
The importance of identification. Veteran families may face difficulties related to the transition from military to civilian life, and surviving family members may be coping with the impact of losing a loved one. As a result, there are a variety of resources schools can provide families to help support their child's wellbeing and academic success.
You can find more information about available benefits at the following websites:
Surviving Family Members
Purple Star Campus Designation
Child Abuse and Human Trafficking Prevention |
Check out the Child Abuse Prevention: Mandatory Reporting, Training, and Reminders for reminders on training and mandatory reporting.
The Human Trafficking Prevention and Awareness 2021-2022 Webinar Series will conclude on Friday, March 4, 2022 at 10:30 am, so join us for the Human Trafficking Prevention Resources webinar. If you missed Human Trafficking 87th Legislative Update and Requirements; Human Trafficking Prevention Action; or the Human Trafficking Prevention Awareness Month Panel webinars, please visit the Highly Mobile and At-Risk Webinars page for the recordings.
Mandatory Reporting
Educators play a vital role, as mandatory reporters, in identifying students who may be experiencing abuse or neglect. Below is a graphic used in TEA’s trainings that provides important guidance and a reminder for how to make mandatory child abuse reports:
 If it is an emergency call 911 or law enforcement immediately. If it is a heightened concern, contact the Texas Abuse Hotline at 1-800-252-5400. If it is a hunch or worry (less urgent), make a report online at Texas Abuse Hotline.
If the matter to be reported potentially involves human trafficking, please report to DFPS and local or state law enforcement.
Please note: For the purposes of trafficking, reporting to local law enforcement does not include a school district's police department.
Pregnancy Related Services (PRS) |
For any new guidance regarding PRS and SB 15, please view the PRS FAQ. The FAQ was created with frequent questions TEA receives. The information is robust and provides practical guidance to support the implementation of PRS programs. Topics within the FAQ include: PRS remote instruction eligibility, Senate Bill 15, and Compensatory Education Home Instruction (CEHI), and remote instruction information.
Texas Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program (TEHCY) |
Did you know you can view the McKinney-Vento 101 webinar, slide deck, and tools to assist with identification, enrollment, and support services for students experiencing homelessness? Visit the TEA TEHCY webpage to view and download the McKinney-Vento 101 slide deck and resource documents, such as:
- Sample Student Residency Questionnaire (SRQ)
- Sample Intake Form
- Sample Transportation Letter
- Immunization Flow Chart
- Dispute Resolution FAQ and Sample Form
- TEHCY Program Infographic
Regional McKinney-Vento Liaisons
Every education service center (ESC) has a designated regional McKinney-Vento Liaison. Our regional McKinney-Vento Liaisons assist TEA with technical assistance, professional development, and dissemination of resource materials within their regions. Visit our TEA TEHCY webpage for the contact information for the regional McKinney-Vento Liaison in your area.
Save the Date! ARP Homeless II eGrant Training
Friday, March 4, 2022, at 10:00 am | Register here:
The eGrant application will open on Friday, February 25th. During this webinar, we will review the ARP Homeless II eGrant application, program guidelines, entitlement amounts, etc.
Sign up for the McKinney-Vento newsletter to stay updated!
Foster Care and Student Success |
We are excited to announce upcoming training opportunities for the newly released Foster Care & Student Success guide. These trainings will help to familiarize LEA leaders and Foster Care Liaisons with the guide’s layout and content.
Please save the date for the following trainings:
All trainings are from 10:00 am - 11:30 a.m.
The first training in March will be an overview of the entire guide. The presentation will explain the layout and information within the guide. Chapters 1-3 will be presented in March and Chapters 4-5 will be presented in April. Dates for other chapters in the guide are forthcoming.
Sign up for the Foster Care newsletter to stay updated!