Resources for Learning (RFL) and Region 20 Education Service Center (ESC 20) have partnered with the Texas Education Agency to survey the Career and Technical Education (CTE) field about current professional development offerings and opportunities in an effort to inform the development of new training materials. The overarching goal of this work is to create and publish professional development modules to aid new and experienced CTE teachers, CTE administrators (e.g., Director of CTE, CTE Coordinator, or other district-level CTE position), school administrators (e.g., principals and assistant principals who directly oversee CTE programming and CTE teachers), and school counselors in developing in their roles of facilitating quality CTE programs in their respective school districts.
To help design the most meaningful professional development possible, please complete an 8–10-minute survey about your perceptions of CTE professional development experiences, needs, and preferences. The survey will be open from September 27, 2021, through October 15, 2021.
Your feedback is important to help support CTE programs and to provide stellar CTE professional development. Please answer each question on the survey.
Participation is voluntary and there are no penalties for not participating or for withdrawing participation at any time. Thank you in advance for providing us this valuable information!
The State Career and Technical Education (CTE) Leadership Committee is composed of peer group leaders who possess a strong understanding of CTE and a commitment to advance CTE in Texas. The committee works collaboratively with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) College, Career, and Military Preparation (CCMP) Division Leadership, the State CTE Director, and the TEA CTE team to ensure LEAs and their CTE programs are an integral part of the development of statewide CTE frameworks and initiatives. The committee addresses challenges and barriers and provides supports and resources to improve the quality of CTE instruction. In addition, the committee focuses on supports for a diverse student population in Texas with respect to all aspects of CTE. The committee is composed of one representative from each ESC region, the current Career and Technical Association of Texas (CTAT) president, and an ESC CTE Specialist representative. Please find the list of 2021-2023 TEA CTE Leadership Committee Members here.