2021 CCMR Tracker Update

Texas Education Agency Updates

April 7, 2021

To the Superintendent Addressed:

Performance Reporting updated the dual credit data in the 2021 College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) Tracker this morning. The original Tracker release indicated students met dual credit requirements only if the course was reported in TSDS PEIMS with a course sequence code of 0, D0, 2, D2, 5, D5, 9, or D9. While course sequence codes are traditionally considered for the Advanced/Dual Credit Course Completion distinction designation indicator, they are not considered for CCMR.

The 2021 CCMR Tracker and downloads now appropriately credit all students who earned 3 or more hours of credit in ELA/mathematics or 9 or more hours combined across subject areas, regardless of the reported course sequence codes.

Please reach out to Performance Reporting at performance.reporting@tea.texas.gov or (512) 463-9704 with any questions.

Thank you.