This Month in Lone Star Governance
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Welcome to This Month in Lone Star Governance. This resource highlights current events in the LSG initiative, answers frequently asked questions, and celebrates LSG successes from around the state. If there is a topic you would like to see addressed in an edition of This Month in Lone Star Governance, please let us know by emailing lsg@tea.texas.gov.
A new frequently asked questions document specific to the governance requirements of HB 3 has been developed and published here.
Wondering whether and how HB 3 affects Lone Star Governance? TEA has created a library of resources on HB 3 and its implementation. Check out these resources on TEA's HB 3 page.
Included on this page is an LSG-specific video that explains a new requirement of governance teams. Click the video link to hear Dr. Howard and other TEA staff explain the new requirements.
A PDF of the presentation is available here, and the template discussed in the video is available here.
The State Board of Education (SBOE) is in the process of amending the administrative rules that govern board-training requirements. The SBOE is expected to adopt final rules at its January 2020 meeting.
In conjunction with this board action, LSG staff have been updating materials for LSG workshops and EISO training to align to the new board rules. Updated materials are expected to be finalized in early February, and EISO training is scheduled to resume at the same time. The updated materials will be used for all workshops and training beginning in February.
As each training and workshop is scheduled, the dates are published on the LSG website here.
Sign up for the February 10 EISO training here.
In December, TEA will extend an invitation for districts to submit a letter of interest for the third exemplar cohort. Members of exemplar cohorts receive reimbursement for their LSG expenses and assist the agency with the planning and execution of the LSG initiative.
The letters of interest will be due in January, and TEA is expected to announce the cohort membership in February. Watch TEA's To the Administrator Addressed Correspondence page for the invitation.
Illustrating the upcoming major activities in Lone Star Governance, this timeline is available in a larger, downloadable version for the cost of just a click.
Are you part of a district or charter leadership team engaged in LSG? Are you an LSG coach? Is there something you would like to share with your LSG colleagues? If so, we would love to have you submit a guest column for possible inclusion in This Month in Lone Star Governance. If you think you might like to contribute a guest column, please contact us at lsg@tea.texas.gov.
Watch Simon Sinek and Tom Bilyeu discuss how leadership is not a singular accomplishment, but rather a set of consistent behaviors repeated over a long period, echoing a Tanzanian proverb: little by little, a little becomes a lot.
What is the purpose of Lone Star Governance?
Participants in Lone Star Governance acquire the mindset, knowledge, and skills to work collaboratively together as a board with the superintendent. Working with an LSG coach, leadership teams develop a vision of improving student outcomes; establish student outcome goals; identify methods to communicate local values, and ensure local accountability by monitoring the progress towards achieving student outcome goals.
Learn more at http://tea.texas.gov/lsg
See more frequently asked questions—recently updated—here.
Join us for the next episode of This Month in Lone Star Governance in which we'll celebrate the coming of the new year and discuss the State Board of Education's current rule-adoption action, how you can be involved, and what it means for board training and Lone Star Governance.
We hope you and yours have a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable holiday season.
Thank you for subscribing to the LSG news bulletin and for your commitment to serving Texas students.