TEA is rolling out its new TSDS PEIMS data sysem to 600 school districts and charter schools for the 2015-16 school year.
 TEA, LEAs, and education service centers have been testing TSDS PEIMS for a year to ensure that it processes and collects data accurately, and now we're excited to be going live with "Stage 1" of the TSDS PEIMS rollout.
Stage 1 users will submit their 2015-16 PEIMS data to TSDS PEIMS; Stage 2 users will continue to use EDIT+ until the 2016-17 school, when they will also implement TSDS PEIMS.
TSDS PEIMS has an updated interface, new hardware for improved speed and stability, and uses the Operational Data Store, an LEA-facing data warehouse that will ultimately allow LEAs to load data once to meet multiple reporting needs.
We Love Our Early Adopters!
A big shoutout to our PEIMS Early Adopters, whose hard work testing TSDS PEIMS and its promotions, validations, and reports have made the Stage 1 release possible. Thank you SO MUCH!
TEA is proud to announce that stage 1 of the studentGPS® Dashboard implementation is completed, and over 130 local education agencies (LEAs - Texas public school districts and charter schools) are now using the dashboards.
TEA initially opened studentGPS® to a small number of LEAs for testing. Stage 1 was the first release on a statewide level. TEA is opening the system to the next set of users, the Stage 2 adopters for the 2015-16 school year.
The dashboards are intuitive and compact, yet comprehensive. LEAs interested in participating in Stage 2 or a later adoption should contact TSDSDeployment@tea.texas.gov.
TEA was awarded its third federal Statewide Longitudinal Data System grant. The grants were highly competitive this year, with 43 states applying, but only 16 being funded. We believe that this award reflects the quality of work TEA has completed on TSDS over the past six years, and the value this project provides to the end users.
The SLDS 2015 grant will enable us to add user-requested features to the system, like enhancing prekindergarten and graduation plan data in the dashboards.
Texas continues to be an innovator and leader in the use of education data--especially in putting data in the hands of educators in the classroom, where it can make the most difference, and in consolidating data collections to save districts effort.
 TSDS users will be seeing a number of changes over the next year in response to new legislation passed by the Texas State Legislature:
New Prekindergarten Programs
The state is providing financial incentives to LEAs to enact or expand prekindergarten programs (HB 4). In return the legislature is requiring additional program data to ensure that these programs meet quality standards and to track how effective prekindergarten education is in improving later educational outcomes. Prekindergartens will submit their new data through TSDS in 2016-17.
Other Changes
In addition, bills that revise graduation requirements (SB 149), decriminalize truancy (HB 2398), and change how the length of a school year is calculated (HB 2610), among others, will require updates to TSDS PEIMS in the upcoming year.