We are a family - HUNTER EDUCATION! We join organizations which further our passions -- our causes. And ours is to learn, teach and ultimately pass on the outdoor heritage, privilege and responsibilities -- left to us throughout North America by previous generations.
We pledge our affiliation to organizations that foster firearm/hunting safety and responsibilities, methods we use, and species we pursue -- all to conserve wild landscapes and populations. Ours is the greatest conservation model in the world!
My personal evolution had me joining NRA (instructor), The Wildlife Society (wildlife management degree), and Colorado Division of Wildlife Hunter Education Instructor ranks (volunteer). From there it was on to a 40-year career and leadership roles at Texas Parks and Wildlife, Conservation Leaders for Tomorrow (see photo), Texas State Rifle Association and the International Hunter Education Association (IHEA), the latter two as Executive Director. I'm a life member or above in all of those organizations, plus our own state organization, Texas Hunter Education Instructors Association. I've served on many boards (e.g., IHEA, National Bowhunter Education Foundation, Student Air Rifle Program, Kid's Outdoor Zone). I'm also a member of local organizations such as Austin Woods and Waters, San Antonio Sportsmen and Texas Wildlife Association, as well as many fishing, boating, bird watching, wildlife and outdoor organizations such as Fly Fishers International (Casting Instructor), TX Becoming an Outdoors Woman (Founder/Instructor), TYHP (Huntmaster) and TX Outdoor Education Association.
I'm proud to announce, that ALL Texas Hunter Education Instructors (YOU!) are now members of our national professional association, IHEA-USA. Along with THEIA (to which, as a Hunter Education Instructor, you receive the first year membership for free), these two associations have the tools to make you a better instructor, procure resources and develop relationships/partnerships, not to mention lifelong friendships. Involvement is the key! I hope you don't let these causes sit on the shelf. Have them in your hip pocket. Support their mission, goals and projects. You will find much joy in knowing that you are passing on a strong heritage!
Power to us all in "leaving the outdoor heritage, better than we found it!" Join a conservation organization or two, TODAY! I'm sure many of you already have!
Steve Hall, Hunter Education Coordinator
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Instructors Honored with President's Lifetime Achievement Award
Congratulations to all Instructors who responded to an email from TPWD Hunter Education Coordinator to be considered for the President's Lifetime Achievement Award. Consideration was based primarily on 25 Years of Service (min.) and/or the earning of 2000 Incentive Points, equivalent to 4,000 + hours.
Whether you were considered or not, THANKS for your dedication and volunteer service to HUNTER EDUCATION! As a community leader, yours is an awesome success story in firearm and hunting safety, compliance to outdoors and wildlife laws and character building, responsibility, and honor as hunters.
Active VOLUNTEER Hunter Education Instructors Recognized with President's Lifetime Achievement Award in 2024
All received a Presidential Pin, Letter signed by President Biden, Lifetime Achievement Certificate and TPWD Executive Director Letter of Recognition.
"It’s definitely time to brag! A true proud wife moment! Today, David received the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award for his outstanding contribution to volunteer service. He is receiving this award for his over 4,000 volunteer hours and/or 25 years of service with Texas Parks and Wildlife - Hunter Education! David is setting a true example of service above self and teaching people the value of conservation and stewardship. Congratulations David Rios (my husband and team teacher)" - Susan Rios, Uvalde Area Chief Team
Demonstrating longstanding commitment to Hunter Education, including the new advanced hunter education programs, David and Susan Rios - Uvalde, recently held a Handgun/Deer Hunting 101 combined workshop (see below), including a deer hunt to put the training into real practice. L to R: Area Chief, Charles Marcus - Helotes, HE Instructor, Nathan Dee - San Antonio, Area Chief Sandy Mason - Joshua, HE Instructor, Bill Andrieu - Arlington, Area Chiefs David and Susan Rios - Uvalde, and HE Instructor Daniel Tidwell - Uvalde.
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Conference Location: YO Ranch Hotel; 2033 Sidney Baker St, Kerrville, TX 78028 (877) 967-3767; Dates: April 26-27-28, 2024 Accommodation registration will be made by each attendee directly with the hotel. Click here to book your room. Rooms can be booked for Thursday Night (if you wish) April 25th to Saturday night April 27th.
Conference Fees are as follows (not including lodging):
- Friday thru Sunday - $100 training, all meals, snacks and breaks
- Saturday and Sunday only - $75 training, lunch and banquet, snacks and breaks, Sunday breakfast
- Saturday only (no lodging) - $50 training, lunch and banquet
Any +1 that is not an instructor is $50 for the entire weekend
- NOTE: Registration and payment page will be available in February
Our keynote speaker for the 2024 THEIA Conference will be Chad Waligura, the owner and co-host of Able Outdoors. Chad grew up in a small town on the Texas gulf coast where he fell in love with the outdoors. Even after being paralyzed at the age of 17, Chad was back in the woods within three months relearning how to hunt. He has continued his love of the outdoors by writing, hunting, fishing and listening to others' stories. Chad was named Buckmasters' American Deer Foundation's Challenged Hunter of the Year and was chosen for Safari Club International's Pathfinder Award. He founded Able Outdoors to provide other able sportsmen and women the information they need to get back into the field again after facing similar challenges. Chad looks forward to showing the world about what can be accomplished." - Cheryl LeJune - THEIA/Area Chief, Tomball
THEIA Conference April 26-28,2024
Friday 26th
2pm - Registration
3pm - 5:45pm - Modern Sporting Rifles Shooting (Range)
6pm - Supper/Reception
7pm - Area Chiefs Meet
Saturday 27th
7am – 4pm - Registration
7am - Breakfast
8am - 8:45am - Welcome
9am - 11:50am - Morning Sessions
New Instructor Course (all morning & afternoon)
- Meat Processing (all morning)
- Session 1 - 9am-10:20am - Hunting 101
- Session 1 - 9am-10:20am - Game Warden-use of Drones
- Session 2 - 10:30am-11:50am Social Media
- Session 2 - 10:30am-11:50am - CWD update
Lunch / Keynote Speaker 12 noon (Photo of Chad with his dog, Trixie)
1:15pm - 4pm - Afternoon Sessions
- New Instructor Course Cont...
- Adaptive Shooting (all afternoon)
- Session 3 - 1:15pm - 2:40pm - CWD Update
- Session 3 - 1:15pm - 2:40pm - Hunting 101
- Session 4 - 2:50pm - 4pm Marketing Social Media
- Session 4 - 2:50pm - 4pm - Game Warden-use of Drones
Banquet / Silent Auction / Card Auction /'Worser" Auction
5:30pm - Presentation of Colors
9:30pm - Retire Colors
- 8am-9am - Breakfast
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Andrea Cleveland, Hunter Education Administrative Assistant (R) at Airport Commerce Park in Austin, was awarded "Employee of the Month" by Peak Performers, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department part time employee contractor. Cindy Brio, Staff Manager with Peak Performers (L), was on hand to present Andrea with a bouquet of flowers, certificate and plaque honoring Andrea for her performance and accomplishments with the State's Hunter Education Program. Steve Hall, Hunter Education Coordinator, said, "Andrea's phone voice and customer service skills are her greatest asset to the hunter education program!" He added, "I get calls or forwards continually saying what a pleasant, efficient person she is from program instructors and families that marvel at a "government agency" with such good customer service." In presenting the award, Brio said, "It was my pleasure to join in to celebrate Andrea; she's a wonderful and kind soul, incredibly deserving of the award. And, you have a special team~" Thanks to Kevin Vo, Hunter Education Administrative Assistant, for being on hand and taking the photo.
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If you cannot attend IN PERSON -- JOIN US VIRTUALLY!
West Texas Regional Area Chief and Instructor's Meeting
Mar 17, 2024 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 849 7619 9373
Passcode: 530412
SAR training REGISTER HERE: https://sarinstructor.org/ClassView.aspx?cid=125
SAR facilitates involvement in shooting sports, enhances education, performance and promotes positive youth development through firearms safety and target shooting education in school curricula. Hunter Education Instructors also use SAR to instruct and implement safe firearms handling and live-fire activities at outreach events and during their Hunter Education FIELD courses.
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2024 HUNTMASTER Training!
MARCH 22-23 - Mason Mtn. WMA
Welcome to 2024! Our Huntmaster Training Schedule for this year is OPEN for registration. Huntmaster Training prepares volunteers to perform four primary functions: 1) running hunts, 2) recruiting youth, volunteers, and landowners, 3) promoting TYHP and 4) assisting with volunteer training.
Interested in becoming a Huntmaster? Register for one of the trainings now at https://www.texas-wildlife.org/twa-events/ *More trainings to be added soon* To be a Huntmaster, you will first need to Create a Volunteer Account with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
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San Antonio Livestock Exposition (SALE) Junior Shoot-Out
National Shooting Complex
(L to R) Ruby Daily, Ellis County 4-H, (Female 4-H High Overall and Top Gun), Cody Hada, Andrews County 4-H (Male High Overall and Top Gun), Stormi Waters, Wheeler FFA (Female FFA High Overall), and Ty Schuenemann, Poth FFA (Male FFA High Overall). Each of these individuals received a $10,000 scholarship for their placing positions.
Bexar County Game Wardens Patrick True and Johnnie Jones (above) display the regional “Wall Of Shame” trailer to attendees of the SALE Junior Shoot-out, teaching and discussing game laws, violations, and the importance of conservation.
Professional sporting clay shooters Cory Kruse, Fulshear and Travis Mears, Fort Worth, put on free coaching clinic sessions during the SALE Junior Shoot-Out, giving lessons to anyone interested in learning from a few of the sport's best.
Visual representation of where the 1042 registered participants came from to participate at the SALE Junior Shoot-Out. Wow! The poster also featured all of the retail and organization sponsors who contribute towards scholarships awarded to all of the top shooters at the event.
San Antonio Rodeo Outreach
The San Antonio Rodeo Wildlife Committee Hunter Education Instructor Team were out in force during the 18 days of the San Antonio Rodeo. They promoted Hunter Education at their booth and safe firearms handling and shooting with their BB gun range (below). Hundreds of youths under age 15 showed up to learn how to shoot in the inflatable range. The Committee is a longstanding effort and does wonderful conservation work including everything from the Junior Shootout (above) and Hunter Education courses, as well as these outreach efforts. Way to go!
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The famous Houston Rodeo Clowns take a break to try out the Hunter Education Outreach Activity at the recent Ranching and Wildlife Expo which runs the first week of the Houston Rodeo every February.
A total of 25 volunteer Hunter Education Instructors and Area Chiefs signed up to work one or more shifts during the Ranching and Wildlife Expo, where the Laser Shot Shooting Simulator is set up to teach firearm safety, wildlife identification, ethics, and shoot/don’t shoot scenarios. Its mission is to promote conservation and coexistence of ranching and wildlife habitats. The event targets hunters, anglers and other outdoor enthusiasts. A big thanks to all instructors who took time out to represent their program!
Heidi Rao (L), SE Texas Hunter Education Specialist, and Area Chief, Cheryl LeJune - Tomball, coordinated the hunter education outreach activities at the Houston Rodeo. Their main activity included Lasershot, but also included teaching kids about wildlife, hunting and firearms safety and other principles of the program. Each year, they get the opportunity to host a special youth education seminar as part of the Expo.
Hunter Education Area Chief Instructors John Polasek, College Station, and Danny Odom, Orange (L), sign up each year to support the Ranching and Wildlife Expo at the Houston Rodeo. Each day, hundreds of participants, young and old, stopped by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's Hunter Education Lasershot Booth to learn about TPWD and hunting opportunities through hands-on activities. Such outreach efforts by instructors is as valuable as basic and advanced courses of education.
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Handgun Hunting 101
Led by Uvalde Area Chiefs, David and Susan Rios, and Hunter Education Instructor, Daniel Tidwell, first weekend of February.
Area Chief, David Rios - Uvalde, Area Chief, Sandy Mason - Joshua, Hunter Education Instructor, Daniel Tidwell - Uvalde,Hunter Education Instructors Nathan Dee - San Antonio, and Bill Andrieu - Arlington and Area Chief, Charles Marcus - Helote
"The event took place on the Harris Ranch in Uvalde County. A total of five does were harvested by handgun after a classroom and range session firing handguns that included 10MM, .45ACP, .30 Herrett, and .44 Magnum. All shots were successful during the hunt and participants took great shots to vitals, mostly from 30 to 40 yards," said Rios. This unique opportunity was open to all through the Hunting 101 Link and featured both species and method -- a combination of Hunting 101 opportunities. The Uvalde team hopes more instructors and students take advantage of these advanced hunter education curricula and that more instructors teach their own topics as well. A Turkey Hunting 101 will be featured soon near Whitsett, Texas. Be looking for the sign up!
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"I wanted to give a huge thanks to our partners and volunteers that made for another successful TYHP hunt for aoudad at TNC’s Dolan Falls Preserve and the neighboring Rio Vista Ranch. This year we designated this as an “adventure hunt” which means the hunters had previously attended a TYHP advanced hunting workshop and most will be ageing out of the program this year. It was a bittersweet last hunt with TYHP for some of them. We started out the hunt with a long-range shooting course taught by retired Marine Corp Scout Sniper and now Llano County Game Warden Ryan Johnson. The kids learned advanced shooting techniques at distances out to 500 yards. We hunted hard from daylight to dark for two days straight and our exceptional guides that included Alli Hatten, Chase McCrory, Corbin Neill, Ryan Johnson, and myself gave the young hunters and their fathers and unforgettable experience...
...In total our five hunters harvested 15 sheep and all but one (due to its location in the cliffs and it being dark) were skinned, quartered, and packed out of the rugged canyons. Based on OnX tracks and smart watches I calculated that between the hunters, parents, and guides we logged over 140 miles on foot in two days! And of course, we can’t forget our exceptional cooks David Oates, Chris Westfall, and Bill Murff for keeping us fed with five-star meals.
Thanks to everyone who made this a memorable weekend!"
- Austin Stolte - TPWD Biologist and Huntmaster
Frank Mason, a Texas Youth Hunting Program (TYHP) Huntmaster included a session on the proper care and cleaning of a knives and types of tools used to sharpen blades as part of a hunt that he and Area Chief, Sandy Mason - Joshua, held in February. Below, the young hunters posed for a group pic at a beach area on the Brazos River. Sandy Mason said, "We were taking the opportunity to visit the river on the ranch and discuss the habitat it provides for local wildlife and fishes."
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For information, please email David and Jeanette Hammonds
June 1
Mini-YHEC - reduced number of activities. Venues include .22 Rifle, Shotgun, Responsibility Exam, and Orienteering. Cost is $30 and a hot dog lunch will be provided. Hours are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Awards will be for 1st – 3rd place ribbons in both the Junior and Senior categories. Hunter Education certification is required. This 'Local' YHEC will qualify participants who wish to go to the Regional YHEC in Bentonville, AR, in July. Registration deadline is May 24, 2024.
October 19
Texas North State YHEC - Venues include .22 Rifle, Shotgun, Archery, Responsibility Exam, Orienteering, and Hunter Safety Trail. Cost is $50 which includes lunch for the participant. Awards will be 1st-3rd place medals, Belt Buckles for Overall high score Senior and Junior, Reserve Senior and Junior, and Sportsmanship winners. Hunter Education certification is required. Registration deadline is October 7, 2024.
Young men and women age 9 through 18 will have plenty of time to attend a Hunter Education Course if not already certified. To find a Hunter Education Course, go to: https://tpwd.elementlms.com/
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Marisa Futral - Alabama HE Coordinator
Photo: Marisa is shown here with SE TX Hunter Education Specialist and BOW Coordinator, Heidi Rao (L), and N TX Hunter Education Specialist, Monica Bickerstaff (R) at the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Hunter Education Coordinator's meeting.
From the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
"The department extends our sincere sympathies to the family, friends, and colleagues of Captain Marisa Futral as we also mourn her sudden passing after an unforeseen medical issue. As the Alabama Wildlife & Freshwater Fisheries Division’s Hunter Education Coordinator, Captain Futral was nationally known for her dedication to improving hunter safety, reducing the incidence of hunting accidents, and passion for the shooting sports. Active in the International Hunter Education Association-USA and an integral part of our Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW) program, Captain Futral was an inspiration and mentor for countless sportsmen and women as well as fellow staff. Her expertise in handling firearms and archery equipment was surpassed only by her ability to interact positively with the public, and her joyful execution of duties will be greatly missed. She carried out the mission of the DCNR for 19 years with tireless commitment to conservation and to the citizens of Alabama. We are thankful to have shared in Captain Futral’s friendship and career!"
Photo: Marisa is shown here with TX Hunter Education Specialists, Heidi Rao (L), and Monica Bickerstaff (R) at the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Hunter Education Coordinator's meeting.
George Van "Kirk Waldron 1941 - 2024
George Van Kirk Waldron, 82, passed away peacefully in Houston, TX on January 22, 2024.The Houston Hunter Education Program lost a key partner, sponsor and supporter of all efforts in Heidi Rao's region. Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church will hold a joint celebration of life service at 11 am on March 1, 2024 for both Kirk and his loving wife Donna, who preceded him in death by 2 years. A reception will follow.The service will also be live streamed for those unable to attend.
Kirk ran his own successful construction companies for over 40 years and remained a critical support to the construction services businesses of others throughout his retirement. Outside of work and family, Kirk had two lifelong loves: all things outdoors and everything Palmer, that is Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church. His daughter Kristen, her son Chad, and his many friends shared in endless ways his love of the outdoors. He was an avid hunter and fisherman; and he dedicated his life to the conservation of all wildlife through Texas Parks and Wildlife and lifelong active memberships in the Safari Club and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.
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Morgan Harbison, C TX: morgan.harbison@tpwd.texas.gov; 512-413-0194
Monica Bickerstaff, N TX (DFW): monica.bickerstaff@tpwd.texas.gov; 469-601-8349 c
Kevin Vo, Austin, Hunter Ed. Admin: kevin.vo@tpwd.texas.gov; 512-389-4999 (general); 512-389-8142 (direct); Email Support: Instructor@tpwd.texas.gov
Steve Hall, Austin, Hunter Ed. Coord: steve.hall@tpwd.texas.gov; 512-389-8140 w; 512-550-7330 c
Brock Minton, S TX (Corpus): brock.minton@tpwd.texas.gov; 361-944-3617 c
Randy Spradlin, W TX (Abilene): randy.spradlin@tpwd.texas.gov; 512-923-3509 c
Heidi Rao, SE Texas (Houston): heidi.rao@tpwd.texas.gov; 713-829-1377 c
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Hunter Education Teaching Resources
Hunter Education Overview | Instructor Resources | Student Resources
Texas Hunter Education Partners
Operation Game Thief | Texas Game Warden Association
Texas 4-H Shooting Sports | Texas Wildlife Association
Texas Youth Hunting Program | Adult Learn to Hunt Program
Texas Hunter Education Instructor Association
Texas State Rifle Association | Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation
National Hunter Education Partners
International Hunter Education Association-USA | Hunters Connect
National Shooting Sports Foundation | NRA PROGRAMS & Services
National Bowhunter Education Foundation | Ashby Bowhunting Foundation
National Archery in Schools Program | Student Air Rifle Program
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