VOLUNTEER WEEK - APR 16 - 22nd - Special Edition of Target Talk

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In This Issue: Celebrating Volunteers, JOIN US at Conference & More

Coordinator's Column - Honoring VOLUNTEERS


VOLUNTEER Week April 16-22nd

Shining a Light on the People and Causes that Inspire us to SERVE!

Per National Day, this “week-long celebration is about placing a spotlight on inspiring figures whose invaluable seeds of kindness through volunteering are bettering the community and our world in general. This significant celebration which was established in 1974 provides the perfect opportunity to say THANK YOU! It also challenges us to do better and look for ways to be active participants, joining hands to impact our local communities and calling for more support.”

Your service as a VOLUNTEER Hunter Education Instructor has: 1) significantly reduced hunting & target shooting incidents, 2) increased compliance to outdoor regulations, 3) improved behaviors and ethics of hunters, and 4) enhanced the image of hunters and hunting, especially with the non-hunting public and media.  I say BRAVO – THANKS, for all you do and achieve!  Your efforts certainly haven’t gone unnoticed by the nearly 1.6 million hunters you have trained and certified these past 50 years, along with another million target shooters, partners, parents, family, and friends, who you have taught and impacted in a big way.

As we HONOR YOU, take a bow, and be proud of our collective accomplishments. 

The "busy season" will once again be upon us this coming July through November, but, meantime, get outdoors and enjoy the spring and summer yourself and/or with your family and friends. We hope to see you in 2 weeks at the April THEIA Annual HE INSTRUCTOR Conference as we visit with ole' friends, meet new instructors, learn more, and celebrate those being honored at the Awards Ceremony.

Thanks, again, for your VOLUNTEER SERVICE and stellar accomplishments!

Steve Hall, Hunter Education Coordinator


We highlight the volunteer services of all of our Texas Hunter Education Instructors, especially during National Volunteer Week April 16 - 22nd! Above, Ivan Benavides - Pasadena (R), who was recognized last year as SE Texas Hunter Education Instructor of the Year, was honored, in part, because of his efforts to serve new communities (e.g., teaching many Spanish courses), and to involve his entire family. This includes his son, Ivan, Jr. (see Passing the Flame below), who has become an Assistant Hunter Education Instructor. Because of YOU, the VOLUNTEER, Hunter Education is the torch passed on to family and to future generations. Because of YOU, the Hunting & Target Shooting Heritage is strong in the Lone Star State!

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Texas 4-H Conference Center, on Lake Brownwood

5600 FM 3021, Brownwood, TX 76801

April 28th - 30th - Annual THEIA Hunter Education Instructor Conference

REGISTER TODAY!  See Registration & Agenda at following LINK:




Jose Garcia, Charles Preslar, Joel Ketonen, and others will be on hand to train Conference Attendees on Muzzleloading and other fun, hands-on events scheduled at this year's annual conference.  Hope you can make it! AGENDA Here!


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Celebrate National Volunteer Week - April 16 - 22nd


First held in the United States in 1974, National VOLUNTEER Week celebrates opportunities "to recognize the impact of volunteer service and the power of volunteers to tackle society’s greatest challenges, to build stronger communities and be a force that transforms the world. Each year, we 'shine a light' on the people and causes that inspire us to serve -- recognizing and thanking volunteers who lend their time, talent and voice to make a difference in their communities.

In hunter education, we applaud your efforts to TRAIN & TEACH, and serve as a ROLE MODEL for safe, legal, and ethical hunting and target shooting practices.  We also applaud you for donating countless more hours teaching advanced coursework (e.g., Hunting 101s) and conducting activities at OUTREACH events.  YOU help Texans become more aware of good outdoor habits that reduce accidents/incidents, bolster compliance with wildlife and hunting regulations and enhance outdoor behaviors and responsibilities.  YOU help them become advocates and ambassadors for hunting, target shooting, conservation & the outdoors!

Photo:  Along with TPWD Game Wardens like Austin Pierce (L) and Doug White (R), Area Chief, Fernando Rocha - Edinburg (Far L) teaches basic student courses as part of his VOLUNATARY suite of contributions, year-round, in the Rio Grande Valley.

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Upcoming BOW (30 Years) Features VOLUNTEERS

Shotgun, Rifle & Handgun Training is integral to BOW Training Workshops


Jimmie Caughron - Ballinger, Area Chief VOLUNTEER & THEIA Board Member, has taught shotgun at Texas Becoming an Outdoors Woman (BOW) for years -- highlighting efforts of hunter education instructors at BOW since 1993.


Larry Hysmith, Texas AgriLife Extension Service Natural Resources Partner & Hunter Education Instructor, teaches Introduction to Rifle & Handguns and other topics at each of the BOW workshops and has done so since the early 1990s.

Many former BOW participants have risen through the ranks -- going on to instructing, becoming Hunter Education Instructors and even the "Area Chief" level, such as Cheryl LeJune - Tomball (below - front). She teaches Intro to Firearms & Intro to Hunting Classes at BOW and is also a THEIA board member. Way to go!


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PASSING THE FLAME of Hunter Education

Many Hunter Education Instructors PASS ON THE FLAME to their family members as you will see in upcoming Target Talks including some of the Award Recipients at the upcoming ceremony at the THEIA Annual HE Instructor Conference.

Ivan Benavides and Ivan, Jr. - Pasadena - Southeast TX Shines!



It's a FAMILY Affair! - TYHP Nicklows

Briana Nicklow, TYHP East Texas Field Operations Coordinator, recently gave birth to a beautiful baby daughter.  Madison Nicklow was born January 10th and weighed 9lb 6oz. She already loves to be outside just like her mom and dad. She can’t wait for her first Texas Youth Hunting Program hunt run by her Huntmaster Grandpa, Chet Miles - Driftwood, this fall. We hope one day she will be a conservation steward including a 3rd generation Huntmaster and Hunter Education Instructor!


East Texas Flames Burn Bright in the Pines and Hardwood Forests

Area Chief Hunter Education Instructor Duke Walton - Porter, involves his entire family in the community, including this annual Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) Hunter Education Course. In the past 30 years, Duke has certified lots of his family and friends who carry the torch, including his granddaughter, Brittney Yargo, daughter of Brandi Campbell (second from R).  He also certified his 'adopted' son, Richard Powell - Orange (R) and plans to certify his grandson, Jeremy Bailey, who is moving back to the 'home' territory. Duke also certified his wife, Saralyn (RIP), and involves his daughter, Amber, every step of the way.  The annual RMEF course has collectively reached hundreds of students over the years. You can bet Duke and his family are heavily involved in the production -- including sponsored meals & prizes.


The Green Family's Flame in South TX

Bonita Green - Poteet, and her family have certainly spread the flame over South Texas, where they were super busy in 2023 training students from Poteet, to Cotulla to the Chaparral Wildlife Management Area -- and a bunch of smaller towns in between. Shelby (L) is shown here at the Chap, while Samuel (below R) is shown here with his students in Carrizo Springs. To become an assistant instructor go HERE!


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Hunter Education Program Highlights - By Decade



DEC 1971: Volunteer instructor training begins; 897 volunteers trained by April

FEB 28, 1972: 1st Course taught by Tom Womack - Austin; 15-year-old Michael Fain 1st student, goes on to be Game Warden

APR 1972: T.D. Carroll, 1st Hunter Education Coordinator, publishes first Target Talk newslette

MAY 1972: North American Association of Hunter Safety Coordinators, a national association for hunter education programs, is created (today IHEA-USA)

JAN1973: Federal Aid requires student course to be 6 hrs of instruction (min.)

SEP 1974: 10,000th student is certified

APR 1975: TPWD first offers hunter education courses in schools

DEC 1977: 50,000th student is certified

area chiefs


MAY 1, 1980: A national Hunter Education Advisory Committee" appointed to set standards, guidelines and reciprocity for states/provinces
MAR 1, 1981: 1st Area Chief Training - Austin 
JUN 1982: Student course 8 hours adding survival/first aid
OCT 12, 1982: 100,000th student
JUL 1984: First shooting range grant signed - Orange Gun Club
JUL 1985: Course becomes 10 hours adding game laws, ethics & responsibilities
JUN 11, 1987: SB 504 “Mandatory Hunter Education Law” (Governor Clements)
JUN 1, 1988: TPW Commission passes “Mandatory Hunter Education” Rules



FEB 9, 1991: 1st Annual Hunter Education Instructor Conference
JUN 1992: 1st Annual Texas Youth Hunter Education Challenge
OCT 1, 1992: 1st Annual Texas Parks & Wildlife Expo - Hunting Heritage theme
OCT 1, 1993: The first Becoming an Outdoors-Woman workshop
JUN 1994: Parrie Haynes Youth Conservation Camp started
JUN 1995: Mobile Shooting Sports Program partnership (NSSA)
FEB 8, 1996: Texas Youth Hunting Association/Program
JUN 1999: First official Home Study/Field Course is offered
DEC 1999: 500,000th student is certified



FEB 2000: 1st Spanish-speaking course is held in Houston
APR 2001: Instructor honored with TPWD Lone Star Legends Award
JAN 1, 2004: Today’s Hunter new student manual
FEB 2004: Step Outside  Program begun for TPWD Employees
OCT 2004: 1st National Archery in Schools Program training - Temple
FEB 2006: 1st National Archery in Schools Program Tournament - Temple
APR 26, 2008: 1st Ag Clays 381 State Shoot - Kerrville
JUN 2008: Schools begin teaching Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation’s
“Outdoor Adventures” curriculum, including hunter education



OCT 30, 2011: Military personnel exempted from live-fire exercises
SEP 19, 2013: TPWD Commission adopts online-only training option
FEB 2017: New Online Registration System
SEP 2018: Began Hunting 101s (advanced hunter education)
DEC 2018: TX Staff/Instructors 1st trained in Student Air Rifle Program
SEP 1, 2019: HB 2009 exempts military and law
enforcement personnel from hunter education requirements
JUN 2021: 1,500,000th student is certified

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Texas Youth Hunting Program - VOLUNTEER-LED


TYHP Program - Ultimate In VOLUNTEERISM

Becoming a VOLUNTEER HUNTMASTER, is the ultimate act of serving the hunting community and heritage in Texas. Given that Texas is 95% privately owned, Hunting ACCESS is paramount when landowners open their hearts and ranches to entertain families searching for affordable hunts for their kids in an environment chalked full of: 1) hands-learning opportunities and skilled assistance from guides, volunteers, chefs and mentors; 2) being thankful for the bounty of beauty, harvest and wild landscapes; and 3) new friendships gained among a hunting heritage in Texas that is truly - well -- TEXAS!

chris mitchell

Chris Mitchell, TYHP Director, Huntmaster and Hunter Education Area Chief, does it all when it comes to living the program he oversees.  A BIG THANKS to TYHP and their headquarters and regional staff, for all you do to teach safe, responsible and ACTUAL hunting experiences and Hunting 101 Workshops!


TYHP is present at numerous OUTREACH events across Texas to further promote the program and partnership with agencies and conservation organizations.  Here, Bob Barnette - N TX TYHP Field Operations Coordinator (L) and Braxton Hicks - TYHP Field Operations Coordinator chat with the hundreds of students, parents, teachers and coaches at the annual National Archery in Schools Program tournament in March.  TYHP staff oversee regions and hunts all over Texas including elk, pronghorn, bow hunts and ADULT Mentor Hunts (*NEW PROGRAM8) headed up by Matt Hughes, Adult Learn to Hunt Program Coordinator. Contact Texas Wildlife Association if you are interested in volunteering --TODAY!

The Cave Creek Wildlife Management Area "TYHP Youth Superhunt" near Stonewall, just celebrated its 20th year thanks to Cave Creek landowners, Austin Woods & Waters volunteers and trained TYHP!  Wow! Congratulations!!


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N TX YHEC Coming in May - Call for VOLUNTEERS!

Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC) May 20th - Arlington Sportsman's

Begun in 1993, the Texas YHEC Program is also 30 years old, along with BOW!

Texas North YHEC will be held Saturday, May 20 (8 am - 7 pm), at the Arlington Sportsman’s Club (ASC) in Mansfield. YHEC is a National Rifle Association - sanctioned event. This year’s challenges will be Shotgun, .22 Rifle, Archery, Wildlife Identification, Safety Trail, and Orienteering. Olympic -style medals will be awarded for 1st - 3rd places. High score Senior and reserve Senior, high score Junior and reserve Junior, and the 'Sportsmanship' winner will be awarded belt buckles. Youth who participate in a local or state YHEC may go on to compete in the Regional YHEC in Bentonville, AR, in July.

"We will need VOLUNTEERS! If you or someone you know can help this year, please let us know (Jeanette Hammonds mrdavidhammonds@att.net) . Volunteers should plan on arriving at 7am and stay through their assigned competition.  Lunch will be provided to all volunteers. If you know youths (Ages 9 -14 Juniors; Ages 15-18 Seniors) who are interested in competing, please give them my email address. I will send them an application and the rules. Cost for TX N YHEC is $50 (includes competition, lunch and a t-shirt).  Extra lunches may be ordered for family members for $10, or families are welcome to bring their own food.  PLEASE LET YOUTH KNOW THAT THEY MUST COMPLETE HUNTER EDUCATION TO COMPETE.


Jeanette Hammonds, Weatherford


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Volunteers and Teachers Involved in NASP & SAR


National Archery in Schools Program (2004)

Steve Hall, then TPWD Outreach & Education Director, brought NASP to Texas in 2004, and worked with national directors, Roy Grimes (National Archery in Schools Program - NASP Director) and Tom Bennett (KY Exec Director) to train the initial cadre of Basic Archery Instructor Trainers (BAITs) to get the program going in Texas. After creating and hiring a permanent TX - NASP Coordinator in 2006, Burnie Kessner - Athens, the program really took off -- involving hundreds of teachers, instructors and other volunteers in its wake.  Here, Burnie accepts an appreciation plaque from Ryan Bass, Vice President and Director with the International Bowhunting Organization for 15 Years of NASP/IBO Challenge and Success at the Texas State NASP Tournament.



The program recently held the largest ever state tournament, which was started in 2006 by TPWD's Steve Hall (R) with the help of Texas Field Archery Association Volunteers and initial NASP Tournament directors, Norman McMinn and Teresa Myers.

Today, Travis Glick - Austin, was recently hired as the new TX-NASP Coordinator, in place of Kessner, who retired. Contact him or any one of the TX Archery staff under Outreach and Recruitment, O&E Directory (TPWD web site).


Today, thousands of Texas outdoor educators (TPWD volunteers) take elementary, middle and high school students through two weeks of International-style, bullseye target archery and many through IBO 3-D-style target (animal) shooting. As a result, 38% of students go on to purchasing archery equipment -- a direct contribution to Hunter Education funding!  Above, Bob Boswell - Georgetown, Debbie Ferrell - THEIA President, and Duke Walton - Porter, volunteer to staff a booth at last month's annual NASP tournament, something they have done for a host of organizations such as THEIA, and the Texas State Rifle Association.


Student Air Rifle Program (2014)

The Student Air Rifle Program (SAR) was started in Texas with the training of Hunter Education Staff and the first instructors in December 2018. In December 2022, TPWD Hunter Education and R3 Hunting and Shooting Sports Staff, Larry Hysmith, Texas AgriLife Extension, and Volunteer Instructors from the greater Houston area, David Baxter, Cheryl LeJune, Ransom Belton participated in filming all of the curriculum chapters for pre-service training of instructors. (See photo.) Jake Hindman (L), SAR Program Founder and Director, Missouri, trains Texas staff on delivering SAR, similar in nature to the National Archery in Schools Program.


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IHEA-USA Invite Volunteers to Attend Virtually

The 2023 International Hunter Education Association's (IHEA-USA) Annual Conference is shaping up to be an amazing event. Don’t forget that as a volunteer hunter education instructor, your IHEA-USA membership is paired (at no extra cost) with your ability to attend our upcoming conference in Boise, Idaho, virtually. Recorded sessions will be available if you are unable to watch live.


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Wildlife Restoration & Hunter Ed Apportionments



Hunter Ed Section 10 (middle column)

Hunter Ed Section 4 (right column)


Hunter Education Staff & Contact Information


Administrative Staff Contact:

512-389-4999 - General Hotline

Email Support: Instructor@tpwd.texas.gov

Kevin Vo - 512-389-8142


Please contact your regional staff member (see below) for assistance, especially questions regarding the Online Registration System and setting up or closing out your courses!  If your regional staff specialist is not available, feel free to contact Kevin Voin Austin -- or to just say "HELLO!"


Steve Hall, Austin: steve.hall@tpwd.texas.gov; 512-389-8140 w; 512-550-7330 c

Morgan Harbison, Caldwell: morgan.harbison@tpwd.texas.gov; 512-413-0194

Heidi Rao, Houston: heidi.rao@tpwd.texas.gov; 713-829-1377 c

Monica Bickerstaff, D/FW: monica.bickerstaff@tpwd.texas.gov; 469-601-8349 c

Randy Spradlin, Abilene: randy.spradlin@tpwd.texas.gov; 512-923-3509 c

Brock Minton, Corpus Christi: brock.minton@tpwd.texas.gov; 361-944-3617 c

TPWD & Texas Hunter Education Partner Resources

Hunter Education Overview | Instructor Resources | Student Resources

Operation Game Thief | Texas Game Warden Association

Texas Youth Hunting Program | Texas 4-H Shooting Sports

Other Hunter Ed Resources

International Hunter Education Association | NRA PROGRAMS & Services

NSSF Hunting & Ranges | Texas Hunter Education Instructor Association

Texas State Rifle Association | Hunters Connect

Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration Funding