“A parks system would afford a place where people might go and forget the anxiety, strife and vexation of life’s daily grind.” – Governor Pat Neff, 1923
If you have ADA accessibility preferences or priorities regarding state park sites and facilities, please take part in our brief survey by April 21.
Your feedback is confidential, and it will be used to improve our accessibility efforts.
We're also hosting two Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Priorities Public Meetings, April 12 and 13, to get input on accessibility preferences. These online public meetings will be open to all, and links to join will be posted in April. We look forward to hearing from you! If you have any questions, contact us at accessibility@tpwd.texas.gov.
A message from our nonprofit partner Texas Parks & Wildlife Foundation:
Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation is raising $2 million to fund much-needed projects at all Texas State Parks during their centennial anniversary.
From a pontoon boat for marsh tours at Sea Rim State Park to shade trees at Balmorhea State Park’s iconic pool, projects at all Texas State Parks will bolster park offerings while delighting visitors for generations to come.
We’re not the only ones excited about this effort: A group of Centennial Champions are matching all gifts dollar-for-dollar! Give back to the park closest to your heart. Donate today!
Messages from Texas Parks & Wildlife magazine advertisers: