Texas Pollinator BioBlitz Success is the Bee's Knees!

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Pollinator BioBlitz

5th Annual Pollinator BioBlitz a Success!

Thanks for your help in making the 5th annual Texas Pollinator BioBlitz a success! The migration of bees, butterflies and other pollinators was fantastic during those two weeks, so we hope you all had a great time!


Monarch Butterfly

Your participation resulted in:

  • More than 51,000 observations posted in iNaturalist's Texas Pollinator BioBlitz project by over 5,300 observers!
  • 3,200+ unique species identified throughout Texas during, with the iconic Monarch leading the way at 986 observations.
  • 456 Instagram posts tagged with #TxPollinators between 10/2 and 10/18 (Some of those posts were multiple pictures.)
  • Over 26,000 people reached and almost 600 responses on Facebook.
  • An increased understanding of and appreciation in the importance of pollinators to nature and our daily lives.

Thanks to everyone for participating and we hope to see more
great pollinator pictures in 2021!