Our Wild Texas Special Edition – Lone Star Land Stewards

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Leopold Conservation Award Winner – Laborcitas Creek Ranch

2 ducks and a wading bird, video link

Wildlife needs healthy habitat with a water source to survive. Since 94% of Texas land is privately owned, landowner practices are vital to preserving our state's wildlife. Each year, we join with Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation and partners like Sand County Foundation to honor landowners for their wildlife conservation and habitat management accomplishments at the Lone Star Land Steward Awards

Please enjoy these inspiring videos about the winning landowners, and how they have created a stronger future for Texas wildlife, land and water. 

Lone Star Land Steward Award Winners

Billingsley Ranch

pronghorn, video link

Spicewood Ranch

butterfly on lantana flower, video link

Alum Creek WMA

frog calling, video link

Trail Ranch

bees on honeycomb, video link

Birdwell and Clark Ranch

bird in grass, video link

Couch Mountain

white flowers, video link

Thanks to the following Lone Star Land Steward sponsors and partners:

LSLS sponsor 2018 banner 600x75