Release Date: April 23, 2020 Media Hot Line: 713.739.4040
 Click the image above to see those in the community doing their part.
METRO is urging everyone to stay safe as we work together to fight the spread of COVID-19. Signs are posted across the transit system, encouraging riders to wear face coverings as recommended by public health officials, and in line with Harris County's mandatory face covering order for everyone over the age of 10 for the next 30 days beginning Monday, April 27. METRO will also have available on buses and trains brochures with Centers for Disease Control instructions on how to make your own face covering.
Bus Shelter Cleaning
Frequent cleaning continues to be an important part of METRO's commitment to reducing the spread of illness. Cleaners are continuing to pay special attention to surfaces frequently touched by the public. Click here or the image to the left to see facilities maintenance staff working to keep bus shelters clean.
METROLift Continues to Serve for Essential Trips
Each week, thousands of seniors and people with disabilities in our community must leave their homes for essential trips like doctor visits. METROLift is making sure they get there safely. Click here or the image to the right to see how dedicated employees for the paratransit service are continuing to schedule trips for those in need.
Frontline Heroes Keep Services Moving
METRO bus and rail operators, mechanics, MPD officers and other staff continue to provide the highest level of service possible. METRO's efforts are focused on connecting essential workers to their jobs. We also realize some in our community have few travel options which is why we are committed to providing trips to grocery stores, pharmacies and other places people need to go. It is critical we all limit travel to only essential trips. Click here or the image to the left to see how METRO frontline employees are doing their part.
The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO) is the region’s largest public transit provider, offering safe, reliable and affordable transportation services about 370,000 times per day. Besides operating more than 1,200 buses on METRO’s network, METRORail's system includes the Red Line (Main Street and Northline), Green Line (East End) and Purple Line (Southeast). METRO’s services also include: STAR Vanpool, METROLift, HOV/HOT lanes, Bike & Ride program, Park & Ride, and road improvement projects. Learn more about METRO services at ridemetro.org where you will also find useful tools like the RideMETRO app where you can plan your trip and even pay your fare from your phone. |