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 City Council Meeting April 11
The City Council is meeting on April 11 at 6:30 p.m. at Hurst City Hall. Agendas are posted the Friday before each meeting by 4 p.m.
 Hurst Public Library Wins Award
For the 18th consecutive year, the Hurst Public Library has once again been honored with the Texas Municipal Library Directors Association’s Excellence in Libraries Award.
Of the 552 public libraries in Texas, 73 received the award this year. This award recognizes the Library’s successful efforts to provide enhanced service to the public and enrich the community through features like literacy support, workforce development, meaningful community collaborations, and educational & cultural programming.
 DIY Rainwater Harvesting Workshop
Capture water while it rains this spring to use on your landscape later! Join our workshop at the Hurst Public Library on April 15 to learn how, then build your own rain barrel to take home for only $45. The workshop is from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Learn about: • How much water your roof will produce in a year • Where to put your rain barrel to capture the most water • How to install a barrel • How to hook up and use your new water source • How to build your own 50-gallon rain barrel with just a few supplies from the hardware store
Registration is required for attendance. More than one person from your household can come to the workshop with the purchase of one barrel/ticket, but only one barrel/ticket per household, please.
The workshop is taught by Tarrant County Master Gardeners.
 Spring Reminders
Spring is here, and we are sharing some reminders to help us all be great neighbors!
Residential or developed, non-residential property must keep weeds and grass shorter than eight inches tall. Sweeping or blowing lawn and garden debris into the street is prohibited, as is allowing grass or weeds to grow over the curb.
City Code prohibits garbage accumulating on or in any property. This includes but is not limited to waste matter, trash, debris, dirt, dry grass, dead trees, tin cans, paper, etc., that may become a fire hazard or a menace to health, safety, and welfare.
If you have a pool, spa, or other water receptacles at your residence, it's important that you maintain it so that it doesn't become offensive or a health concern for neighbors or passersby.
Property owners should not park an automobile, truck, or any other motor vehicle or trailer for over 48 hours when the vehicle or trailer is without one or more wheels or is apparently inoperative for any reason, including not having registration or current inspection.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Saturday, April 15, from 8-11 a.m. Bring your household hazardous waste to the Service Center (2001 Precinct Line Rd.) along with an ID and Hurst water bill. Visit hursttx.gov/calendar for the list of accepted items.
Free Clean-Up Days Saturday, April 29 (for those with Monday & Thursday garbage service) Saturday, May 6 (for those with Tuesday & Friday garbage service) We have coordinated with Republic Services to offer additional curbside pickup days. You can leave your bulky or green waste items at your curb. Please make sure that loose items are bundled or containerized, and place your items for pickup by 7 a.m.
If you see something that needs to be addressed, you can submit a service request through the Hurst Where We Live mobile app or online. Thank you for being a GREAT neighbor and doing your part to maintain your property!
 Upcoming Police Officer Test
Another opportunity to take our police officer test is on May 13.
Hiring salary: $77,376 Post-probation salary: $84,718
Applicants must pre-register for the Police Officer Entrance Examination and apply for the Police Officer position online.