Summer is upon us and off to a great start! Summer is a great time to embark on training and we have devoted this month’s newsletter to providing you with information about several training opportunities. Two critical areas for training are internet safety and understanding the dangers of fentanyl. We encourage you to consider training in these areas and to share the resources listed in this newsletter with your network.
Additionally, information on numerous summer conferences can be found below. We hope to see you at a conference – please be sure to say hello and pass along any new research and best practices!
This summer we welcome Addison Simons, Child Sex Trafficking Team Summer Intern through the Texas Governor’s Summer 2023 Internship Program. Addison is a senior student at The University of Texas at Austin studying government and social work. We are excited to have Addison join our team for the summer! She will be helping us with special projects that we look forward to sharing with you in the fall.
We wish you a great summer!
Texas is grateful for you,
The Child Sex Trafficking Team
The internet has made it easier for children and youth to become susceptible to online extortion. The same technology that is used to find recipes, book vacations, and buy concert tickets is used to buy and sell children. In order to combat online extortion, we must be educated on internet safety, help parents and children become more aware of online risks, and teach our community how to make safe choices on and offline.
Below is a list of free and easily accessible resources to increase online safety for children, youth, and their families.
NCMEC NetSmartz | NetSmartz is an online safety education program that provides age-appropriate videos and activities to teach children to be safer online.
R.E.A.L. Friends Don't | R.E.A.L. Friends Don't is a smart and easy-to-use tool that equips parents to have critical conversations with their children and teens about online safety.
Special Feature: Internet Safety | The Office of Justice Programs within the U.S. Department of Justice offers an excellent collection of federally-supported resources and publications pertaining to Online Safety for Youth.
Take It Down | Take It Down is a free service that assists individuals to remove sexually explicit images from the internet that were taken when under the age of 18.
CSTT June Webinar | Join us on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM, to learn about two fantastic prevention curriculums and discuss best practices in prevention work during our June webinar, Prevention in Practice: “R.E.A.L. Friends Don’t” and “My Life My Choice.”
2023 Conference Season
As we enter summer, conference season is in full swing! Attached, we have provided a list of upcoming conferences from June through November of 2023. We hope you find these helpful in your work to end sexual violence and commercial sexual exploitation. Please note: fees are associated with many of these events.
Child Sex Trafficking: From Suspicion to Disclosure
National Criminal Justice Training Center of Fox Valley Technical College
August 1, 2023 | Virtual
Learn basic techniques and strategies to enhance the likelihood of obtaining information from possible victims of child sex trafficking. Compare and contrast typical child sexual abuse cases with child sex trafficking (CST) cases, address the different points of entry into criminal justice and welfare systems, and examine question strategy, interview dynamics, language use, and interview suggestions.
Advanced CSEC Caregiver Training
WestCoast Children's Clinic
Multiple Training Dates Available for Modules 1-4 | Virtual
The Advanced CSEC Caregiver training will provide an advanced and comprehensive curriculum on best practices for supporting and parenting youth that are commercially sexually exploited. This 16-hour training delivered by professionals and survivors will build on the skills and concepts learned in previous commercial sexual exploitation trainings.
Governor Abbott's "One Pill Kills" Statewide Campaign
The "One Pill Kills" is a coordinated, statewide campaign to combat the growing fentanyl crisis and educate Texans on how to prevent, recognize, and reverse fentanyl poisonings. Access Campaign Resources
Fentanyl: How it Effects Those We Serve
In the Child Sex Trafficking Team's May Webinar, Toni McKinley, Executive Director of Magdalene House, presented the dangers of fentanyl, the barriers that exist to receiving help, and the solutions that are needed to help survivors of trafficking. Watch Recorded Webinar
NARCAN is a nasal medication that rapidly reverses opioid poisonings. Follow the links below to request NARCAN for your organization:
Texas Targeted Opioid Response (TTOR) Project, UT Health San Antonio School of Nursing | Organizations may request up to 24 units of NARCAN per order. Once the 24 units have been distributed, additional orders may be placed. Request NARCAN Here
State of Texas Assistance Request (STAR), Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) | TDEM will circulate allotments of NARCAN throughout the state and will soon begin distributing the first 20,000 units to county sheriffs' offices across the state. Each of Texas' 254 county sheriff's offices will be eligible to receive a portion of this first allotment based on county population and size. Request NARCAN Here
Report Human Trafficking
If you believe a someone is in immediate danger, call 911.
iWatch Texas – Tips made to iWatch are investigated by the Texas Department of Public Safety.
National Human Trafficking Hotline – Call the toll-free hotline at 1-888-373-7888. Tips made to the hotline are reviewed and routed to local law enforcement. This hotline also offers 24/7 confidential support for survivors.
Texas Child Abuse Hotline - Report child neglect and abuse, including sexual exploitation of a child, to the Texas Abuse Hotline at 1-800-252-5400.