Want to catch up on some great Texas-made projects? We've got you covered - here are just a few you can check out right now:
Mo - Filmed in Houston, Texas. Currently available to stream on Netflix.
Look Both Ways - Filmed in Austin & Lockhart, Texas. Currently available to stream on Netflix.
Inbetween Girl - Filmed in Austin & Galveston, Texas. Currently available to stream on Showtime & DirecTV, and available to rent on Amazon Prime, YouTube and more.
Facing Nolan - Filmed in Alvin, Arlington, Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Georgetown, Houston, Irving, Junction, Refugio, Round Rock & Three Rivers, Texas. Currently available to rent on AppleTV, Amazon Prime & VUDU.
Cosmonious High - Produced by Owlchemy Labs in Austin, Texas. Currently available on Meta Quest 2 & SteamVR.
With over 100 film festivals all across Texas, there's never a bad time to submit your latest projects for inclusion. Here are just a few accepting entries right now:
Rockport Film Festival: The Rockport Film Festival (RFF) celebrates the best of independent cinema on the Texas Coast. Showcasing shorts, features, documentaries, animations and student films, Rockport Film Festival is a welcoming four-day event that highlights talent from all over Texas, the country and the world. Final deadline to submit is September 2nd, so don't delay!
Houston Greek Film Festival: The Houston Greek Film Festival (HGFF) showcases new films from Greek and Cypriot filmmakers, producers and actors from Greece, Cyprus and the diaspora. Featuring both feature-length and short films, the HGFF aims to promote Greek cinema to Houston and all of the Gulf Coast. The regular deadline to submit is September 2nd, with a late deadline on September 30th.
Denton Black Film Festival: The Denton Black Film Festival (DBFF) is an inclusive, black cultural experience with film at its heart and spotlights on other forms of storytelling, like spoken word, art, music, comedy, and dance. They also highlight social justice issues through films and panel discussions. They anticipate over 10,000 attendees and their plans for 2023 DBFF include an interactive tech expo, various workshops, panels and events hosted by the DBFF Institute (DBFFi). Regular deadline to submit is October 3rd, with a late deadline on October 24th.
 On October 5, we'll be heading down to the Rio Grande Valley to host the latest Film Friendly Texas workshop in McAllen, Texas.
Whether you're part of your city or county government, a Convention and Visitor's Bureau, Chamber of Commerce or Economic Development Corporation, if you're interested in learning more about how to better foster media industry business and economic development in Texas communities, we'd love to see you!
Registration is open now and tickets are only $99.00. Click the button below to learn more and sign up today.
 It's been hot, hot, hot here in Texas over the past few months, but that hasn't kept us from getting out of the office and hitting the road. Here are just some of the places TFC staffers have found themselves recently:
- Katie Kelly made her way to El Paso to attend the Plaza Classic Film Festival, where she met former El Paso resident F. Murray Abraham.
- Ali Nichols traveled to Marlin, Texas, where she presented the city with their official Film Friendly Texas certification (pictured above).
- Lindsey Ashley took a trip out to sunny Los Angeles, California to take part in the Association of Film Commissioners International Week.
Make sure to give us a follow on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn to keep up with all the places we end up next!