Issue 30: May 2023
Welcome back to the Cowtown Volunteer Connection! There has been a lot of great activity in our volunteer programs over the last several months, and we're excited to bring this newsletter to you on a monthly basis again. Read on to learn about the exceptional work being done by volunteers in our community.
A Note from the Volunteer Services Coordinator
Greetings! My name is Madalyn Mackey and I am thrilled to join the City of Fort Worth as its new city-wide Volunteer Services Coordinator. In this role I support departmental coordinators and volunteer programs throughout the City. I have a background in educational leadership, programming, and youth protection, and have engaged with volunteers in nonprofit and university settings throughout my career.
In my first month on the job, I have been struck by the exceptional dedication of our volunteers and volunteer coordinators; it is a privilege to work with such passionate and driven people.
I can be found in the Community Engagement Office and reached at I look forward to working with you to continue improving our beautiful city!
Appreciating our Teen Court volunteers
Teen Court hosted a volunteer appreciation dinner on April 22nd in honor of National Volunteer Appreciation Week. According to Teen Court Coordinator Michelle Sims, "with only two full-time and one part-time staff members, Teen Court relies greatly on the support of volunteers. We are so very lucky to have such amazing volunteers!"
Teen Court volunteers contributed 680 hours last year, and have already contributed over 318 hours in 2023!
Teen Court volunteers at their appreciation dinner.
Volunteers make the difference for shelter pets
April was a very successful month for the Fort Worth Animal Care & Control (FWACC) Volunteer Program! Thanks to volunteers' time and commitment...
...632 pets were adopted
...560 pets were placed with a foster
...187 pets were returned to their owners
...169 pets were placed with a rescue org
...39 pets were transported
...and we welcomed 21 new volunteers!
FWACC "Pawparazzi"
Volunteers and fosters are needed for FWACC's upcoming double event:
Rockwood Park Vaccine Clinic Saturday, June 3rd, 6am - 1pm 701 N University Dr, Fort Worth, TX 76114 Sign-up through FWACC's Volunteer Portal
FWPD South Division Safety Fair Saturday, June 3rd, 10am - 2pm 7451 McCart Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76133 Sign-up through FWACC's Volunteer Portal
Fosters are needed to assist with animals being transported out-of-state. If interested please apply here.
Keep Fort Worth Beautiful lives up to its name
Volunteers and City employees clean up Rosemont
On Saturday, May 13th, 18 volunteers and City employees met at the Victory Forest Community Center to clean up litter in the Rosemont area. Over the course of the morning a total of 4,020 pounds of litter was removed, encompassing 42 bags of trash, 3 tires, and 3,180 pounds of loose debris.
The cleanup efforts made an impact on local residents and business owners, many of whom approached staff to ask about getting involved in future cleanup events. Staff were able to spread the word about participating in cleanups, as well as other City of Fort Worth programs, and even showed residents how to report issues using the MyFW app.
Thank you to everyone who joined in the effort to create a cleaner, safer city!
Upcoming Keep Fort Worth Beautiful Events:
Marine Creek Meadows Special Event Litter Cleanup Saturday, June 10th, 8am - 12pm Click here for more information
Worth Heights Special Event Litter Cleanup Saturday, July 8th, 8am - 12pm Click here for more information
Volunteers have CERT-ainly been busy
CERT volunteers do not let the grass grow beneath their feet! Over 45 days in April and May they attended 2 training meetings, 4 days at the Main St. Arts Fest, 4 days at Mayfest, and assisted with the FWPD Explorers Cowtown Showdown Competition. This resulted in a total of 1,776 logged volunteer hours!
Many thanks to our CERT members for their hard work and dedication!
CERT volunteers attend class and help at Mayfest and the Main St. Arts Fest
Code Rangers capture bandit signs
Code Ranger volunteer Lauren Deodati
Code Rangers promote healthy neighborhoods through community empowerment and action by establishing and maintaining a strong relationships between citizens’ organizations and the Fort Worth Code Compliance Department.
Lauren Deodati joined the Code Rangers in January 2023 and has been instrumental in helping to address blight in her neighborhood - she has removed more than 227 bandit signs in south Fort Worth since the beginning of March! Bandit signs are illegally-placed signs typically seen on the corners of major intersections. They are used to advertise illegitimate businesses and can even prey on vulnerable citizens by collecting and selling their private information, and pose a risk to drivers as well.
Lauren has always felt passionate about improving the area she lives in, and feels that she can make a real impact in her community through volunteering with the City. Lauren has certainly put her beliefs into action, participating in multiple city volunteer programs including Code Blue, CERT, and serving as a poll worker.
If you are interested in volunteering with Code Rangers, please visit their website or contact Code Officer Roger Soto ( or 817.475.2876).
Adopt-a-Spot Spotlight
Litter is unsightly, and negatively impacts businesses, tourism, and community pride. We are proud of our Adopt-a-Spot volunteers for their consistent efforts in the fight against litter! 18 new adoptions have been made since the beginning of the fiscal year, with volunteers reporting a total of 4,643 pounds of litter removed.
A special thanks to all our Adopt-a-Spot volunteers for cleaning up parks, medians, and neighborhood streets citywide! These efforts make a significant difference in keeping our city beautiful and safe.
Not a member of the program? Your business or community group can get involved! Adopt-a-Spot agreements last for 2 years and can focus on litter pickups or even landscape maintenance and infrastructure. Click here to learn more!
Be extra eyes and ears for the FWPD...
...and keep your neighborhood safe!
The FWPD will hold a Citizens on Patrol training on Saturday, June 17th from 9am-2pm.
The Citizens on Patrol program has been credited as a primary factor in decreasing Part I crimes, especially theft, burglary, and auto theft.
Space is limited - please email Shirley Zertuche ( for an application.
Hunting for graffiti
Who knew that graffiti abatement could be so fun? The Graffiti Abatement Program is excited to announce new graffiti scavenger hunt dates!
Saturday, June 10, 2023: 10am-12:30pm Starting location: 141 W 3rd St
Saturday, June 24, 2023: 10am-12:30pm Starting location: 141 W 3rd St
Please contact for more information.
Down on the Tree Farm
The City of Fort Worth Tree Farm had a busy March, with a whopping 563.5 volunteer hours logged! Corporate groups, schools, garden clubs and more volunteered their time to help transplant trees, pull weeds, and water trees. Volunteers also helped pass out free trees during Mayfest at Trinity Park.
Police Explorer Program enrollment is almost here!
Open enrollment for the Police Explorer Program is set for July 1 - August 31, 2023.
This education and experience-based program is designed to help young people develop into mature, responsible adults through a focus on strong character development, physical training and career education.
- Participant age limit is 14-20 years old (must have completed 8th grade)
- Program is year-round; training meetings take place every Monday from 6-9pm
- Participants are subject to an annual criminal background check
- Additional information is available on the Explorer Program website
How do I apply?
- Submit the online application between July 1 - August 31 (applications received before or after these dates will not be accepted).
- Applicants must pass a criminal background check and Physical Ability Test (PAT)
Questions can be directed to Officer Rebecca Woodward ( or 817-392-4458)
Explorers' monthly inspection
PT time for Explorers
City news WORTH knowing
Stay up-to-date on City of Fort Worth volunteers, programs and community partners by checking out these recent news stories:
Volunteer with Fort Worth Drowning Prevention
"Volunteering is an act of heroism on a grand scale. And it matters profoundly. It does more than help people beat the odds; it changes the odds." William J. Clinton