Dallas City Council Approves ForwardDallas 2.0

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September 25, 2024


Dallas City Council Approves ForwardDallas 2.0

DALLAS - Today, the Dallas City Council voted 11-4 to update its 2006 comprehensive land use plan. ForwardDallas. 2.0 is the refreshed long-range guide for how and where the City of Dallas should sensibly grow over the coming decades. The plan was built around Environmental Justice and Sustainability, Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) and Connectivity, Housing Choice and Access, Economic Development and Revitalization, Community and Urban Design.

ForwardDallas was originally adopted in 2006. Since then, Dallas has undergone unprecedented growth. By reimagining how the City uses its land, it has identified new opportunities to design spaces that offer equitable access to resources, reinforce the strengths of our communities, and foster continued growth as a thriving, accessible city for all.

Today’s vote follows nearly three years of stakeholder feedback, including more than 200 in-person events, and more than 70 virtual events. The ForwardDallas 2.0 website has had more than 25,000 visits and 1,600 web map comments. The first full draft of the plan was published for public review in September 2023. The Dallas City Council Economic Development Committee, City Plan Commission (CPC), and the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Committee (CLUP) provided guidance to the plan’s evolution and final approval for the City Council to consider.

“ForwardDallas 2.0 is a collaborative effort that could not have been achieved without the hard work of City of Dallas staff, elected and appointed officials, and our many residents who participated through feedback,” said Mayor Pro Tem Tennell Atkins, who also serves as the Chair of the Economic Development Committee. “This critical and much needed update creates a path forward for our City while addressing decades long, systemic land use issues. It considers the City’s future growth, provides protection for existing neighborhoods, and addresses head on historic environmental and social inequities.”

“This journey began with the goal of developing a strategic roadmap to support Dallas’ growth and social vibrancy while preserving the quality of life for all. We appreciate Chair Atkin’s leadership, the support of the City Council, the City Plan Commission, Comprehensive Land Use Plan Committee and our residents for the feedback and guidance they have provided over the last three years,” said Interim City Manager Kimberly Bizor Tolbert.  “We look forward to implementing ForwardDallas 2.0, reporting out on it and being held accountable for its progress. Finally, I want to thank our City of Dallas team who championed this effort. Their level of engagement to ensure every voice was heard is a testament to their unwavering dedication to our City and delivering Service First, Now!”  
