Ad Hoc Committee on Pensions Rescheduled for May 23

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Communications, Outreach and Marketing Press Release

May 9, 2024 


Ad Hoc Committee on Pensions Rescheduled for May 23

Staff making progress on the funding soundness restoration plan 

Dallas – The City of Dallas Ad Hoc Committee on Pensions has rescheduled its May 9 meeting to allow city staff and Dallas Police and Fire Pension System (DPFPS) staff additional time to seek consensus on a Funding Soundness Restoration Plan for the DPFPS. The meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday, May 23, at 3 p.m. 

“We are making progress, and we all remain committed to ensuring the funding soundness of the DPFPS and protecting pension benefits for all City employees and retirees,” said Mayor Pro Tem Tennell Atkins, who chairs the Ad Hoc Committee on Pensions. “We look forward to sharing further updates soon.” 

The committee has been meeting since September 2023. The Ad Hoc Committee on Pensions meetings have included updates from DPFPS board leadership, actuarial analyses, and guidance from finance industry experts regarding the path to fiscal soundness. 

The City remains on track to submit its funding plan to the Texas Pension Review Board by Fall 2024.  
