DALLAS - The City of Dallas has been selected to receive the prestigious Audrey Nelson Community Development Award by the National Community Development Association (NCDA) for the mixed-income Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) development project Palladium Redbird Apartments (Palladium Redbird, Ltd.)
NCDA is a national organization representing local government agencies that administer federal community development and affordable housing programs. The Audrey Nelson Award recognizes exemplary local projects and programs funded through the HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and other HUD Office of Community Planning and Development funding.
The development of the Palladium Redbird Multifamily housing project, located at 7502 S. Westmoreland Rd, Dallas, TX 75237, addresses the critical need for affordable housing, particularly for low- and moderate income households in the underserved Dallas southern sector.
This project created 300 units in a mixed-income development with the conditional grant and loan agreement that Palladium Redbird, Ltd. must provide 70% of the 300 total units to households earning at or below 80% of Area Median Income, to ensure affordability.
The development project serves as a catalyst to the Red Bird Community and is part of a larger 95-acre project that transforms the former Southwest Center mall and parking lots into new housing and hotel rooms, office space, restaurants and shops. Additionally, health care providers Parkland Hospital, UT Southwestern Medical Center, and Children’s Health have rented space for new facilities in parts of the old mall.
Collaboration and partnerships are critical for the project. The housing project was funded through HUD funds, General Obligation Bond funds, Housing Tax Credits Equity, National Housing Trust Fund and HUD 221(d)(4) funds. The entire Red Bird project also includes private and County partners.
This project is cited as an example of how federal funding administered through local governments and local homebuilders can support affordable housing and work with public and other private entities to promote housing affordability near jobs and retail for families in the southern sector of Dallas. By addressing the need for affordable housing, this partnership supports affordable housing and expands economic opportunities in the Red Bird Community.