We invite you to share the following information with your networks.
The City of Dallas has partnered with DHA, Housing Solutions for North Texas; the United Way of Metropolitan Dallas; and other organizations to help Dallas residents financially impacted by COVID-19 with a new program called the CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Emergency Short-Term Rental Assistance program.
Eligible applicants can receive up to two months of rental assistance with a maximum of $1,500 per month.
Each organization may have different qualifications and require various types of supplemental information.
DHA, Housing Solutions for North Texas: OPEN NOW DallasCaresActRent.org | renthelp@dhantx.com DHA, Housing Solutions for North Texas will use equity indicators to distribute funds through regular district-based lottery drawings throughout the city of Dallas.
Each of the United Way’s Dallas Rental Assistance Collaborative partners have links to their requirements and pre-screening applications at the listed website. Only apply to one, as duplications will not be accepted within the United Way collaborative.
Collaborative partners are:
Catholic Charities of Dallas
Metrocrest Services
Harmony CDC
The Wilkinson Center
- Salvation Army
- Brother Bill’s Helping Hands
- Chocolate MINT Foundation
- CitySquare
- Gateway of Grace Ministries
Housing Crisis Center
Literacy Achieves
Services of Hopes
Sharing Life Community Outreach
The Turnaround Agenda
The Wilkinson Center
Human Rights Initiative of North Texas: OPEN NOW
hrionline.org | 214-855-0520 HRI is by referral only and serves clients including immigrants and refugees and other Dallas residents who are hard to reach through traditional outreach strategies and use other HRI services.
Voice of Hope: OPENING SOON voiceofhope.org | 214-631-7027 Voice of Hope will expand its current Secret Angel bills assistance program and processes to accommodate the funding and channel it to families in need.
Refugee Services of Texas: OPEN NOW rstx.org/locations/dallas.html | 214-821-4883 Refugee Services of Texas (RST) is a statewide social-service agency dedicated to assisting refugees and other displaced persons fleeing persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group as well as to the communities that welcome them.
Jubilee Park & Community Center: OPEN NOW jubileecenter.org/seedsofhope | Jubilee Park & Community Center is accepting applications for eligible residents of ZIP codes 75223 and 75210. Jubilee Park & Community Center can provide up to three months of rental assistance with a maximum of $1,500 per month.
Abounding Prosperity, Inc. Collective: OPENING SOON www.aboundingprosperity.org/ | 214-421-4802 Founded in 2005, Abounding Prosperity, Inc. provides services that address health, social and economic disparities among Black Americans with a particular emphasis on gay & bisexual men, cisgender women, transgender women, and their families.
First Presbyterian Church of Dallas (the Stewpot): OPENING SOON thestewpot.org/first-presbyterian-church | 214-746-2785 First Presbyterian Church founded The Stewpot in 1975, a community ministry of the Church that provides services to Dallas residents experiencing and at risk of homelessness.
International Rescue Committee: OPENING SOON https://www.rescue.org/united-states/dallas-tx | 214-461-9781 The International Rescue Committee (IRC) focuses on services for refugees, asylees and asylum seekers, victims of trafficking, and other vulnerable immigrants with an array of services aimed at helping them to survive, reclaim control of their future, and strengthen their communities.
Dallas Leadership Foundation: OPENING SOON www.dlftx.org/ | 214-777-5520 Dallas Leadership Foundation focuses on systematic leadership development built on a foundation of genuine love and respect for people. The foundation provide services for the economically disadvantaged through their Neighborhood, Youth, and Reentry departments.
Thank you, The City of Dallas Rental and Mortgage Assistance Team
Le invitamos a compartir la siguiente información con sus redes.
La ciudad de Dallas se ha asociado con DHA, Housing Solutions for North Texas, United Way of Metropolitan Dallas y otras organizaciones para ayudar a los residentes de Dallas financieramente afectados por COVID-19 con un nuevo programa llamado el programa de Asistencia de Alquiler de Emergencia de Corto Plazo del Fondo de Alivio de Coronavirus (CRF, por sus siglas en inglés).
Los solicitantes elegibles pueden recibir hasta dos meses de asistencia de alquiler con un máximo de $1,500 por mes.
Cada organización puede tener diferentes calificaciones y requerir varios tipos de información adicional.
DHA, Soluciones de Vivienda para el Norte de Texas: Apertura Agosto 24 DallasCaresActRent.org l renthelp@dhantx.com DHA, Housing Solutions for North Texas (por sus siglas en inglés) utilizará indicadores de equidad para distribuir fondos a través de sorteos de lotería basados por distrito en toda la ciudad de Dallas.
The United Way of Metropolitan Dallas Rental Assistance Collaborative: Apertura Agosto 24 para varios socios unitedwaydallas.org/rental-assistance l 214-978-0000 Cada uno de los socios de asistencia de alquiler de Dallas de United Way tiene enlaces acerca de los requisitos y solicitudes de preselección en el sitio web listado. Solo aplique a uno, ya que las duplicaciones no se aceptarán dentro de los socios de United Way. Para obtener más información, visite https://dallascityhall.com/Pages/Corona-Virus.aspx
Los socios colaboradores son:
Catholic Charites of Dallas
Metrocrest Services
Harmony CDC
The Wilkinson Center
Salvation Army
Brother Bill’s Helping Hands
Chocolate MINT Foundation
Gateway of Grace Ministries
Housing Crisis Center
Literacy Achieves
Services of Hopes
Sharing Life Community Outreach
The Turnaround Agenda
The Wilkinson Center
Human Rights Initiative of North Texas: APERTURA AGOSTO 24 hrionline.org 214-855-0520 HRI es sólo por referencia y sirve a clientes incluyendo inmigrantes y refugiados y otros residentes de Dallas que son difíciles de alcanzar a través de estrategias de divulgación tradicionales y utilizan otros servicios de HRI.
Voice of Hope: APERTURA PRONTO voiceofhope.org | 214-631-7027 Voice of Hope ampliará su programa y procesos actuales de asistencia del programa Secret Angel para acomodar la financiación y canalizarlo a las familias necesitadas.
Refugee Services of Texas: APERTURA AGOSTO 24 rstx.org/locations/dallas.html | 214-821-4883 Refugee Services of Texas (RST) es una agencia estatal de servicios sociales dedicada a ayudar a los refugiados y otras personas desplazadas que huyen de la persecución por motivos de raza, religión, nacionalidad, opinión política o pertenencia a un grupo social en particular, así como a las comunidades que los acogen.
Jubilee Park & Community Center: ABIERTO jubileecenter.org/seedsofhope Jubilee Park & Community Center está aceptando solicitudes para residentes elegibles de los códigos postales 75223 y 75210. Jubilee Park & Community Center puede proporcionar hasta tres meses de asistencia de alquiler con un máximo de $1,500 mensuales.
Abounding Prosperity, Inc. Collective: APERTURA PRONTO www.aboundingprosperity.org | 214-421-4802 Fundada en 2005, Abounding Prosperity, Inc. proporciona servicios para las disparidades de salud, sociales y económicas entre los negros americanos con un énfasis particular en los hombres gays y bisexuales, las mujeres cisgénero, las mujeres transgénero y sus familias.
First Presbyterian Church of Dallas (the Stewpot): APERTURA PRONTO thestewpot.org/first-presbyterian-church | 214-746-2785 First Presbyterian Church fundó The Stewpot en 1975, un ministerio comunitario de la Iglesia que proporciona servicios a los residentes de Dallas que son personas sin hogar o corren el riesgo de ser personas sin hogar.
International Rescue Committee: APERTURA PRONTO www.rescue.org/united-states/dallas-tx | 214-461-9781 The International Rescue Committee (IRC) se centra en los servicios para refugiados, asilados y solicitantes de asilo, víctimas de tráfico de personas y otros inmigrantes vulnerables con varios servicios destinados a ayudarles a sobrevivir, recuperar el control de su futuro y fortalecer sus comunidades.
Dallas Leadership Foundation: APERTURA PRONTO www.dlftx.org | 214-777-5520 Dallas Leadership Foundation se centra en el desarrollo sistemático del liderazgo construido sobre una base de amor genuino y respeto por las personas. La fundación proporciona servicios para los que son económicamente desfavorecidos a través de sus departamentos de Vecindario, Juventud y Reingreso.
Gracias, El Equipo de Alquiler e Hipoteca de la Ciudad de Dallas