City of Arlington Asks Residents to Limit Water Usage to Only Essential Purposes
The City of Arlington has no plans to interrupt water service to customers. Arlington Water Utilities is asking customers to limit water usage in their homes and businesses today to only essential purposes.
What’s happening: Community and social media rumors about tap water availability have caused some residents to unnecessarily fill bathtubs and buckets to have water on hand. Arlington Water Utilities is seeing an unprecedented demand on our water distribution system during the past 24 hours.
Distribution system pressure changes caused by excessive water demand could result in a boil order notice to part or all of the community if pressure guidelines set by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality are not maintained. We do not currently have a boil water order in Arlington. Please help us avoid that situation.
While dripping faucets to keep pipes from freezing may be necessary, please curb other water uses such as laundry or dishwashing. Please check official City social media pages for updates.
For more weather-related information, please go the City’s of Arlington’s website, Facebook page or Twitter page.