February 2025 History Gram


February 2025


MHC News

The next Historical Commission public meeting will be held on Monday, February 24 at 12:00 p.m. at the Sonny West Conference Room, Howard Office Building, 700 President Ronald Reagan Way. You can find a full list of upcoming and previous MHC meetings on our website.

Several historical markers have been recently approved or recently arrived, so we look forward to installing more markers in the spring. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for up to date information about these events!

The MHC continues to be involved in several exciting archaeological projects. This month we conducted a quick survey of a property near the headquarters of the Friends of Warner Park (FOWP) with help from project staff and the FOWP.  A new headquarters is slated to be built in this location. The archaeological survey uncovered historic ceramics from the twentieth century and a few flakes of chert from making stone tools. The Metro Historical Commission is also preparing to do archaeological testing in Ft. Negley ahead of the master plan improvements this spring. The goal of this project is to test areas that may see some level of subsurface disturbance in the Fort and document any archaeological features present. Please let us know if you are interested in assisting us with this archaeological research.

Last October, we conducted public archaeological investigations of metal detection hits within Sevier Park to better understand the Battle of Nashville and the events that occurred on December 15, 1864, around the Sunnyside Mansion. Since then, we have washed and cataloged many of the metal detection hits. We recovered a large amount of twentieth-century artifacts, especially bottle glass and aluminum pull tabs, reflecting the area’s use as a park and recreation area. Older artifacts such as a handwrought nail were also found in the area. We believe this portion of the park may have been disturbed and has seen extensive relic hunting in the past. This year, we will continue our analysis of this material and hope to collect additional data in the near future.


The MHZC’s next public hearing will be held on Wednesday, February 19 at 2:00 p.m. at the Sonny West Conference Center, Howard Office Building, 700 President Ronald Regan Way. View the MHZC meeting schedule and application deadlines on our website. Access archived videos of the MHZC meetings on the Metro YouTube channel anytime!

Green Hills community meeting

The Green Hills East neighborhood hosted their 7th community meeting to discuss the potential of a historic overlay. Approximately 70 people attended and heard from Councilmember Preptit, Robin Zeigler (historic zoning administrator) and neighborhood leaders and advocates Michelle Ganon from Richland-West End and Emily Evans from Belle Meade Links Triangle.

Councilmember Hancock filed legislation for a neighborhood conservation zoning overlay for Marlin Meadows. At this time, boundaries include: School Pass, Allen Pass, Canton Pass, portions of Coggin Pass, Nix Pass, River Pass, Peeler Trail, Rivercrest, Jasperson Dr, Center Street and portions of Neely Bend Rd and Berwick Trail. Madison’s proximity to Nashville, easy access to a new highway, and prime location near the Cumberland River made it a highly attractive spot to buy a home in the years following WWII. The Marlin Meadows neighborhood is significant for its reflection of these development patterns, as well as its excellent collection of historic homes representing popular mid-century architectural styles and materials.

The Broadway design guideline revision committee has had two meetings so far and we anticipate starting review of a first working-draft in late February or early March.

Councilmember Gadd filed for a Historic Landmark for the Belle Meade Theater but will be deferring the case to work with the owners on preservation of portions of the building and/or sign.

Since late 2023, the Lockeland Springs-East End Neighborhood Conservation Zoning Overlay has been exploring the possibility of revising the design guidelines specifically for the largely non-contributing area of S 10th Street, 1014 Shelby and the 1100 block Shelby Avenue. The revision is expected to be considered by the Metro Historic Zoning Commission this spring.

Nashville Conference on African American History and Culture


We hope you can join us for the 44th annual Nashville Conference on African American History and Culture on Friday, February 14, 2025 from 8:30 am-3:30 pm at Tennessee State University’s Avon Williams campus. This year’s conference theme is “Prismatic Revelations: African American Stories of Resilience.” Pre-registration is now open for both in-person and virtual attendance. You can register online or by mailing or bringing a check to the MHC office (1113 Kirkwood Ave.) Student rates are also available. Please email Caroline Eller to purchase group tickets.

Dr. Edward J. Robinson, assistant professor of history and Bible at Abilene Christian University, will lead a discussion about one of Nashville’s most significant African American leaders, Preston Taylor. Next, we’ll hear from author and award-winning songwriter Alice Randall, as she explores how Black artists have shaped country music. Author and North Carolina State University history professor Tammy Gordon will challenge us to consider the Black visitor perspective at sites of enslavement. DaShawn Lewis, a native of Nashville’s Edgehill neighborhood, will approach our theme with a more artistic perspective through Tennessee Life photography. We welcome back Soul Fire, TSU’s poetry and spoken word organization, whose performance “Voting, Love, and Black History” is sure to evoke inspiration. Author and journalist Betsy Phillips will examine the events and injustices surrounding the bombing of civil rights attorney Z. Alexander Looby’s home. Vanderbilt professor and distinguished author Dr. Dennis Dickerson will detail the architecture of the Civil Rights Movement. Our second performance, presented by Elliott Robinson with the Nashville Public Library’s Special Collections Division, will highlight the Nashville Student Movement and leadership in the Selma campaign. Our final presentation from Dr. Learotha Williams, Jr., TSU professor and founder of the North Nashville Heritage Project, will shine a light on Nashville’s marginalized voices. Additional remarks will be provided by conference co-chairs Linda T. Wynn and Dr. Lea Williams, Jr., MHC Executive Director Tim Walker, and TSU’s College of Liberal Arts Dean, Dr. Samantha Morgan-Curtis.

Call for Nominations--49th Annual Preservation Awards

The Metropolitan Historical Commission is now accepting nominations for the 49th Annual Preservation Awards program, honoring Nashville's best preservation projects. Anyone may nominate buildings or structures that have been restored, rehabilitated, or carefully maintained over time. The awards also recognize well-designed new construction that harmonizes with a historic environment. To be considered, nominated properties must be in Davidson County and have an original construction date of 1975 or earlier (50 years of age). Infill projects should be no older than 2022. All projects must have been completed within the past three years. Previous winners may be eligible if the work is significantly different.

Nominations are due Monday, March 3, 2025.

The awards ceremony will take place in May 2025 in recognition of National Preservation Month. For more program details and submission instructions, please visit our Preservation Awards page!

More Than A Name--February 8

More Than A Name

On February 8, 2025 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm the Nashville City Cemetery Association will host a free event celebrating Black History Month with speaker Dr. Marisa Richmond. This event will honor the 6,000 African American people--both enslaved and free--buried at the City Cemetery. This year they are highlighting the unnamed: nearly 3,000 of those burials, the majority of which are children, were completed without a name in the formal record.

"More Than A Name" recognizes the time, trials, and triumphs of early Nashville's Black residents. Whether they were buried with or without a recorded name, their lives mattered and had meaning.

Starting February 1, the public is invited to pay tribute. Bring a flower, wreath, bouquet or live plant to place in a designated area of the cemetery, located at 1001 4th Ave. S. Free parking is available in the Cemetery and on Oak Street. The City Cemetery is open dawn to dusk and is handicap accessible. 

Nashville Music History Lecture Series

The Nashville Music Lecture Series with Dr. Don Cusic is coming back for spring 2025! These entertaining, informal talks feature interesting stories and plenty of great music. Several music industry insiders often attend, sparking fascinating conversation among the group. Whether you’re new to Nashville’s music history or you’re well-versed in all the hits, you’re certain to hear something new. Toe-tapping is highly encouraged!

All sessions meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM at Historic RCA Studio B, 1611 Roy Acuff Place, with free parking on site:

February 12: Nashville Music Timeline

February 26: The Hank Williams Years

March 12: Elvis and Nashville

March 26: The Nashville Sound

April 16: Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan

April 23: The Beatles and Country Music

The $10 per session registration fee supports the Nashville Historical Foundation (formerly the MHC Foundation) and its work to support historic preservation projects and community education through Nashville Sites and other programs. Register for one or all sessions today! Email Scarlett Miles with any questions or for more information.

Peace Summit--February 26-28, 2025

Peace Summit: A Reflection on the Past, A Call to Action is a celebration that unites the power of civil rights, storytelling, history, music, scholarship, and community. This event shines a spotlight on the shared struggles and triumphs of two cities—Nashville, Tennessee, and Belfast, Northern Ireland—both of which have been deeply shaped by their histories of conflict and resilience.

The Peace Summit invites us to reflect on the lessons of the past, acknowledging the victories and sacrifices made in the fight for justice and equality. From the Civil Rights Movement in Nashville to the peace-building efforts in Belfast, the event provides a platform for dialogue and education. In learning from the past, current generations of leaders will be informed and inspired in the ongoing journey for justice and equality.
Please register by February 14, 2025.

Peace Summit logo

What's Happening in Metro Parks?

Centennial Park and the Parthenon:

Stop by the Middle Tennessee Regional Student Art Exhibition all month long at the Parthenon. 

You can also join this month's book club for a Parthenon Symposium: Book Talk with Glynnis Fawkes- Illustrator and Author of 1177 B.C. A Graphic History of the Year Civilization Collapsed on February 3.

Celebrate the Lunar New Year at the Chinese Arts Alliance of Nashville's Year of the s~Snake Celebration on February 8.

Enjoy the great outdoors at Centennial Park with the Kidsville Family Walk on February 15.

Enjoy Muses Educational Series: The Transformative Power of Masks on February 16 for a theatrical performance with actors wearing masks in the style of the original Greek performers. A workshop on masked performance will follow.

As always, Museum Tours and Architecture Tours are available all month long.

Fort Negley:

Fossil volunteers are needed at the park on February 1 and can attend Fossil Finders on February 8! Fort Negley staff will also host a guided walking tour of the park on February 1. Self-guided tours of the park through Nashville Sites are always available, in person or virtually. The Nashville Civil War Roundtable will host author Ross Massey on February 11 to discuss "Aspects of the Battle of Murfreesboro/ Stones River."

Shelby Bottoms Park and Nature Center:

Enjoy a nature themed Puppet Show on February 12. Join Metro Parks Music and Creative Parks Nashville for their Sweet Heart Big Band Dance at Shelby Community Center on February 15 with live music and free dance lessons.

Warner Park:

Learn about the cemeteries of Warner Parks with Rachel Carter on February 1. Join author Soraya Cates Parr and Parnassus Books on February 22 for a discussion about Nashville's native orchid species.

Nashville Public Library events

The Nashville Banner exhibit, "Eyewitness: Chronicling Nashville and Beyond," is on display in the Main Library 2nd floor gallery through March 31.

The Then and Now Series continues on February 19 with Nashville's Communities from North Africa Join community leaders including moderator Dr. André L. Churchwell, for this important and thought-provoking discussion!

Explore the exhibit "Black & Banned: An Exploration of Censored Voices" honoring Black authors whose works have faced censorship at the Inglewood Branch on February 20.

Join Denise McBride at the Bordeaux Branch on February 22 as she talks about her mother and the other members of The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion.

Around Town

Belle Meade Historic Site--Shadows of Freedom exhibit--February 1-28

Cheekwood Estate & Gardens--2025 Middle Tennessee Scholastic Art Exhibition--opens February 1

Belcourt Theatre--Seminar: Nashville's Brutalist Architecture led by Kem Hinton, FAIA--February 1

Cheekwood Estate & Gardens--Antiques & Garden Show of Nashville--ends February 2

Frist Art Museum--Woven Nashville: An evening of Music, Art and Conversation--February 6

Nashville Zoo at Grassmere--Souper Bowl Food Drive--February 7-9

Belle Meade Historic Site--Discovering Descendant History: Uncovering the Carter Legacy--February 8

Nashville Zoo at Grassmere--Zoolumination--ends February 9

Bellevue Harpeth Historic Association--Rails to Roads to Interstates--February 10

Andrew Jackson's Hermitage--History Uncorked: Andrew & Rachel's Frontier Love Story--February 11

TN Historical Society--Tennessee 101: Arts and Crafts Session 5: Black Bodies Making Form: One Hundred Years of Tennessee African American Artists--February 12

Frist Art Museum--Panel Discussion: "Food for Thought: The Diaspora of Food"--February 13

National Museum of African American Music--SLY LIVES! screening and discussion--February 13

Frist Art Museum with the Civic Design Center--PechaKucha 48: The Impact of Black Creatives--February 13

TN State Museum--Nashville Opera: When Marian Sang--February 15

Belmont Mansion--The Washingtons of Wessyngton Plantation: Stories of My Family's Journey to Freedom--February 16

TN State Museum--Homeschool Day: Black History Month--February 18

TN State Museum--Lunch and Learn: We Are North Nashville--February 20

Vanderbilt University--Malcolm X @ 100: Sight, Sound & Conversation--February 21

Andrew Jackson's Hermitage--Enslaved Memorial Service--February 22

Cheekwood Estate & Gardens--In Conversation: Becky Suss, Ann Patchett & Noah Saterstrom Discuss The Dutch House--February 22

Belle Meade Historic Site--The Art of Belle Meade: after hours tour & reception--February 25

Andrew Jackson's Hermitage--Homeschool Days: Winter Play Date--February 27

National Museum of African American Music--Nissan Free Wednesday--free admission on the first Wednesday of each month courtesy of Nissan

Tennessee State Museum--Museum Highlight Tours--each Friday and Saturday at 2:00 pm

Frist Art Museum--Architecture Tours--each Saturday and Sunday at 3:30 pm

Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum--From Where I Stand: The Black Experience in Country Music-online exhibit

Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum--Music Row: Nashville's Creative Crossroads--online exhibit

Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum--Night Train to Nashville: Music City Rhythm & Blues--online exhibit

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Have a preservation-related event that you want us to include? Send a message to Jessica.Reeves@nashville.gov