Weekly Update
Memphis sent this bulletin at 06/30/2023 02:24 PM CDTFriends,
After another destructive severe weather event this past weekend, it reiterates the importance of building a stronger and smarter power grid which is the top priority for MLGW, and that work is underway right now.
Through a fully funded $1.2B Way Forward plan, MLGW and their contracted partners are focusing on tree trimming (the number 1 cause of outages is falling trees and limbs), replacing aging equipment throughout the system, and using automation and other technology to quickly detect and resolve problems. The outcome from these investments is a projected 50% reduction in customer minutes interrupted.
Key among the technology investments is Distribution Automation (DA). DA allows for remotely controlled and/or automatic isolation and reconfiguration of electric circuits using sensors, controls, switches, and communication systems. The installation of these switches will make the power system more resilient for our customers. It has been shown that outage durations can be reduced by approximately 40% or more as reported in a U.S. Department of Energy report on DA.
And to make even more improvements throughout the system, MLGW has applied for a $100M Grid Modernization Plan from the Department of Energy, through its Grid Resilience Grants program. If awarded, work will begin in 2024 and conclude in 2028, delivering the reliable system that our customers deserve.
From a city government standpoint, over the past week
- MFD has been knocking on doors of residences without power to advise them of cooling and food options.
- Libraries and senior centers are open for daytime cooling and charging devices. Specific charging stations at libraries: Raleigh, Parkway Village, Cordova
- AT&T and Verizon have provided a list of charging stations throughout the city.
- The Hospitality Hub is open until further notice for those experiencing homelessness with free MATA service.
- Frayser Raleigh Senior Center is operating as a 24-hr cooling center until further notice. MATA created a route that will lead to the center. Our shower trailers are on site as well.
- 901RideChoice is supporting those with disabilities.
- Community centers are continuing to run camps with the usual food service
- Food Insecure or transportation needs: Call 211 (several partners are providing opportunities for food and shelter)
Another Gold: The What Works Cities Certification program, launched in 2017 by Bloomberg Philanthropies and led by Results for America, is the international standard of data excellence in city governance. The program is open to any city in North, Central or South America with a population of 30,000 or more. To date, 62 cities have achieved this distinction.
For the second year in a row, your City of Memphis government received Gold Certification—one of only 11 other cities in the country to receive this distinction.
Thanks to all our divisions of city government for your hard work to help us earn this certification and congratulations!
A helping hand: Tomorrow from 10am-2pm a restoration of rights community clinic will be held in Frayser hosted by the Access to Justice Committee and the Young Lawyers’ Division of the Memphis Bar Association, Councilmember Michaelyn Easter-Thomas and Commissioner Charlie Caswell. Check out the flyer below for more details.
Liberty for all!: If you’re looking for a good time and a great fireworks show, join City of Memphis Parks—in collaboration with the Downtown Memphis Commission and Oakview Group 360 at Simmons Bank Liberty Stadium—for an Independence Day festival and the official City fireworks show in Liberty Park on Monday, July 3rd, from 5-9 p.m. Follow the image below for more details.
Enjoy your weekend!