Throughout the summer, we have highlighted the background and the experiences of some of the interns that have come through the district attorneys’ offices throughout the state on our socials and our website. This process has been a lot of fun – getting to know what motivates each intern, what interests him or her, or even what his or her taste in music is like. We have no doubt that — whatever path they choose — the future of the legal field is promising.
During the interview process for the series, it was apparent there was a common denominator for why this program was so successful: countless district staff members go above and beyond to mentor and befriend each intern.
As part of National Intern Day, we want to thank everyone who took the time to make the internship a great experience. Below are a few words of gratitude to staff from some of this summer's interns!
Andy Cofer, 8th Judicial District
"My supervisor Lindsey Cadle has been fantastic. She's gone above and beyond to make sure that I am learning."
Bryce Moore, 16th Judicial District
"Trevor Lynch - He has been a role model and tried to expose us to every possible thing he could during my time at the office. From rural court in Cannon County to any meeting he could get us into, he is a role model for any aspiring attorney."
Bryson Hensley, 8th Judical District
"Sandy Hurley has helped me tremendously while I have been interning. From the very first day she was so kind and helpful. Whether it be times I couldn’t show up or letting me know extra opportunities available for me, she has always been super helpful and patient. Sandy is a tremendous worker and inspires me to work harder for the goals I want to accomplish."
Carolina Hughes, 6th Judicial District
"Danielle Jones has been an absolutely amazing mentor throughout my time at Knox County's DA's office. She had thoughtfully given me projects that push my boundaries allowing me to use this summer to grow as a lawyer. She also takes time to guide me through the life of being an Assistant District Attorney. Her advice and guidance have truly been a blessing this summer, and people like her in this office have only strengthened my desire to become a prosecutor after finishing school."
"Cameron Williams has also been a pleasure to work with this summer. He has truly let me see the inside workings of the office. He assigns me projects that sometimes I feel underqualified for but always takes the time to make sure I understand what we are doing. I have gone into his office countless times and yet he never seems to tire of answering the million and one questions I have during each project."
Ciara Lenehan, 19th Judicial District
"I am beyond thankful that General Robert Nash has allowed me to intern in his district and learn directly from him. General Nash has taken his time to sit down and talk with me, teach me, and show me what it truly means to be a great prosecutor."
"Ms. Jemina Clinard has gone above and beyond to make me feel comfortable in our office. Being new to the district, she has helped me make amazing connections and is one of reasons I truly love my internship."
"Both Mr. Allan Thompson and Mr. Max Fagan offered to become my 'supervising attorneys' so that I could have the opportunity to obtain my limited practice license. I am so appreciative that they were willing to take me under their wings and allow me to learn first-hand from them."
Ivie Burns III, 16th Judicial District
"ADAs Andrew Hazley and Brent Pierce - They both have been exceptionally kind to me during my internship, have trusted me to research cases for them, are always open to answering my questions, and value my input in our legal discussions. Because of the way they conduct themselves and interact with me, other ADAs, police, detectives, staff, judges, etc., they have become role models to me as a young law student."
Lydia Kline, 8th Judicial District
"April Bradshaw - She has taken me under her wing and allowed me to help on cases that I would never get the experience until I'm doing those cases as an attorney myself. She’s let me help in prep for trials and hearings. I really couldn't thank her enough."
"Sarah Davis gave me the idea for the internship. She has been awesome to me, and, to even get that experience before I am even ready for college, is amazing."
Zach Lambert, 21st Judicial District
“Working with the Ada's — my direct supervisor General Dale Evans, General Cooper Byers, and General Jennifer Mason — and hearing their stories about how they've helped people, truly, it's been something remarkable.”
Our Mission
The Tennessee District Attorneys General Conference, created in 1961 by the General Assembly, comprises the 32 District Attorneys General and the office of the Executive Director. Its primary role is to provide support, advocacy, and resources to the District Attorneys General in their administration of justice and service to their communities.