The OWLS Club consists of adults over the age of 50 in Rock Hill and surrounding areas. OWLS stands for Older, Wiser, Loving Seniors and is sponsored by the City of Rock Hill Parks, Recreation & Tourism Department. Read More
The upcoming OWLS Club meetings will take place at the Boyd Hill Recreation Center (1165 Constitution Blvd.) at 1 PM. The following meeting dates are: August 6, 2020 September 3, 2020 October 1, 2020 November 5, 2020 December 3, 2020
COVID-19 Guidelines: Masks are required.
Seating will be spaced according to the 6 feet social distancing guidelines.
Hand sanitizing stations are located throughout the facility.
The Rock Hill Printing & Finishing Company, also known as the Bleachery, was one of many textile mills that made Rock Hill a popular place to live. At its peak, in 1965, the mill employed 4,800 people. Located on West White Street the complex consisted of six buildings and 2 structures: The Power House, Reservoir, 2 Brick Chimneys, Water Treatment Plant, Warehouse, Springs Distribution Center, and the Lowenstein Building. Opening in 1929, the mill was sold to Springs Industries in 1985 and later closed in 1998.
What are some of your memories of the Rock Hill Printing and Finishing Company? Share them with us at Rock Hill - O.W.L.S.
By participating in this community survey for the Comprehensive Plan Update, you are letting us know what matters most to you and what you want to see for Rock Hill's future. Your feedback is vital to planning for a city of significance. Take Survey |
City of Rock Hill Guidelines
Per City Ordinance, face coverings are required. With some exceptions, wear face coverings inside City facilities, when using public or commercial transportation, and inside any retail, service or food service establishment in Rock Hill City limits.
Local heath care organizations are offering COVID-19 testing near you. Check the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Care website for details. South Carolina DHEC